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-   -   Tige RZ2 price ? (http://www.wakeworld.com/forum/showthread.php?t=399703)

benzzie 12-30-2006 7:02 AM

does anyone know the Tige RZ2 price?

poser007 12-30-2006 8:00 AM

I thought I read areound 63ish

tparider 12-30-2006 10:59 AM

I thought they were more like $70-75k.

zacky 12-30-2006 12:24 PM

There are many factors that set the price of the boat. Some of which are where you are located, what options you want on the boat, and how good of a negotiator you are. This is Tige's new flagship, so I would expect the negotiations to be a little tighter. I would imagine they are going from mid to high 50's to low 60's, depending on how it is equipped...

ponyh8r 12-30-2006 11:09 PM

pretty much loaded out: PP/Ballast (which is an option on Tige's), upgraded stereo, spinning board racks, etc will run around $68K

soapywater 01-03-2007 4:56 PM


soapywater 01-03-2007 4:57 PM


lcky275 01-03-2007 5:24 PM

I have been quoted 65K, b4 any real negotiations: <BR>RZ2 <BR>Extended Bimini <BR>Stereo (2 amps, remote, sub, tower speakers) <BR>Travel Cover <BR>Custom Ballast <BR>Z tower <BR>Dual Batteries w/ Electronic isolator <BR>Stainless <BR>340HP <BR>Heater <BR> <BR> <BR>Price includes the $6000 Dorsey trailer. FYI, the Z tower is $2000 more than the standard E-tower. <BR> <BR> <BR>Eric, thanks for yelling.

soapywater 01-03-2007 5:53 PM


intotheflats 01-03-2007 6:08 PM

or maybe i could just buy a mc

jeff359 01-03-2007 6:26 PM

Buy an MC because Eric said so, "IT"S THE SHIZ". <BR> <BR>Good enough reason for me. <BR> <BR>And Eric, learn to lie better. From this post "FOR ONE I AM NOT A DEALER", but wait a second.... Earlier today in the X15 thread you said, "I SELL MC" <BR> <BR>And don't pull the I'm not a dealer, I just work there. Do tell us where you sell MCs so we can avoid that business <BR> <BR>(Message edited by jeff359 on January 03, 2007)

lcky275 01-03-2007 7:08 PM

Not because it's the shiz, but because it's used and takes 3000lbs of addl ballast to get a decent wake out of it.

bigshow 01-04-2007 8:51 AM

Eric, try not to yell, THIS IS YELLING, try to just present information – the facts, if you're going to state opinion then please prefix with IMO “MC is (your words here)”, if you are a dealer or affiliated with a dealer it's just better to not mention other brands otherwise you lose all credibility, if your 13 then follow KJ's advice.

magellan 01-04-2007 9:24 AM

Eric, you are exactly the reason why many people no longer buy MC. A majority of their dealers are arrogant and could care less about the customer....it's all about the $. <BR>MC boats are nice but for the extra $, good luck. Malibu has surpassed MC in sales not because of a far better boat, but far better dealers. <BR> <BR>I had to go back and read where you called us all idiots a few times and think to myself.. Wow, this kid is a salesman??

wakereviews 01-04-2007 9:28 AM

I think the Tige RZ2 looks like a sweet boat personally. One of the best looking new boats on the market IMO. Never ridden behind one but I'm sure that it's a nice boat.

wakeboardad 01-04-2007 9:35 AM

Way out of hand....

brd4fun 01-04-2007 9:38 AM

I have to say I also think Tige is being a follower in this case but so is MB Sports and if I am correct did Mastercraft not copy Cobalt? (maybe that is why the boat needs 3,000 plus pounds to have an average wake) <BR>I wakeboard so the main reason I buy a boat is the wake is that not the point? <BR>Also it is funny that Soapywater has 06 models to close out when almost every dealer in our area except Mastercraft was sold out of 06 models by June or July? <BR>I am not a big fan of the pickelfork or the R2D2 and I no longer have a Tige, but I did not change brands because the floors sqeeked.

joe1975 01-04-2007 9:42 AM

Wakeworld should have some sort of licensing requirement/iq test before you get a user name and access to the forums! What a great disservice eric nash does to newbies or anyone looking for information about boats.

soapywater 01-04-2007 9:43 AM


c640947 01-04-2007 10:04 AM

if tige and mb copied mastercraft on the bow, then everyone copied nautique on the tower. It is just a concept that works. <BR> <BR>eric nash - surely you are not old enough to be in the workforce. you would do yourself a great service (sell more boats) by treating people and other companies with respect. please dont be the "used car salesman." no one wants to deal with someone like that. Mastercrafts are good boats - you dont need to bash other boats. i hated it when my dealer did that. That attitude surely drives customers away. <BR> <BR>I would imagine the RZ2 will be a great boat and I for one would like to ride behind one. That doesn't mean i will like it more than my X2 or an xstar though. I always like trying new things and it is a nice looking boat.

dlamont 01-04-2007 10:38 AM

Andrew, I agree the picklefork bow is a concept that is working. I am glad tige has copied mastercraft, although I think mb took their picklefork a little too far. Has anyone been behind one of these RZ2s? From the pictures it doesn't look like the hull will make that X-Star wake. It looks like the RZ2 compares to the X-2 more.

stephan 01-04-2007 10:43 AM

So eric why are you selling? I'm actually interested in a 62k Star. But if the boat is barely used then why are you getting rid of it? Sounds like a dealer move to me, but you aren't a dealer, right? Lastly if you really want to sell the boat try not calling people out, I'm a little offended as I am not a waterskier, have been riding a wakeboard for over 12 years and ride it like the board that it is. Do provide some intel on the boat though, I'd like to see your wake pic if you have one, preferably with a rider next to it or boosting off it. <BR> <BR>As for the Tige, I must say it looks pretty bad ass, they pulled it off well. Tige pulls our clubs tournaments &amp; I'm usually the boat driver for the events. I can't wait for them to bring the RZ2 this year, hope fully the thing turns better than the 24ve.

pierce_bronkite 01-04-2007 10:54 AM

<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1><b>quote:</b></font><p>Has anyone been behind one of these RZ2s? From the pictures it doesn't look like the hull will make that X-Star wake. It looks like the RZ2 compares to the X-2 more.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote> <BR> <BR>I own one. The Hull is not the same as the X-Star and I haven't been behind a new X-2 so I cant compare. From what I am told the running surface of the RZ2 is almost the same as the Ve series, but with a few slight modifications. I will say that I really like the wake. Its got the right amount of transition and lip for me and it just gets better with more weight. <BR> <BR>lee, for price I would <i>guess</i> and say that 63-65 k would be safe. It all depends on dealer and options. <BR> <BR>(Message edited by Pierce Bronkite on January 04, 2007)

Ben Kerran 01-04-2007 11:32 AM

Eric Nash-Please delete this site from your browser and do not return.

greenpinky 01-04-2007 11:36 AM

Answer us one question, Josh. Where do you work?

wake4fun 01-04-2007 11:52 AM

I think that some people go on here deliberately trying to fuel the "this boat/board etc. is better fire" just to see the reaction. Also, just a thought ...they might not really be dealers of that particular product but dealers of another that want the obvious reaction they get.

soapywater 01-04-2007 12:21 PM

THANK YOU CHRISTY WELL SAID.....<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" border=0>

deuce 01-04-2007 12:43 PM

Christy, <BR> <BR> Though eric could be an adult and throwing fuel to the fire. I would be willing to bet, related to his writing and comments, that he is a juvenile or just an adult, but juvenile in nature. Who cares, members like him come in and out all the time....but never stand the test of time. <BR> <BR> Then again, anyone coming on here just to fuel the fire could be described the same way.....regardless of their age. <BR> <BR> For the record, I cannot ride as well as Jason and my toe side edge can throw me into a great surface raley at times. <BR> <BR> I also don't have a Tige or Mastercraft.....but just like my dingy, I consider them nominally better than your average Bass Tracker.

intotheflats 01-04-2007 2:58 PM

wow this escalated quickly

mctc 01-04-2007 2:58 PM

MC can't build enough pickle forks, it was probably smart of Tige to do the same.

soapywater 01-04-2007 3:14 PM

throwing fuel, i am a juvenile, yeah ok..i was describing the fact that tige knocked off the x-star. the hull designs may not be the same, and possibly and i re-peat possibly someone could have maybe left mastercraft to work for tige, and took a little knowledge with them. in any case if you are going to go spend 60-65k on a 07 tige you are way better off buying a boat that has credibility to the industry, what competitions that are sactioned by the awsa or wwa that are pulled by a tige? or how about world records, sponsorships, shoot look through the alliance mag at the rider biography, look at who's who and what company they represent. i know a lot of pro riders )that are sponsored by other boat manufacturers but train behind the x-star(fact). because why you ask, oh well maybe cause thats what pulls the tournaments, not the little ones which mc and cc show a huge part in but the pro tours. so you ladies on here can say what ever you want, that i am a a-hole or what ever have you cause to be honest you are noone to me. but i am definately someone to you. like a a-hole for example. but i do not care see i am not YELLING! but like i said if you are going to go out and spend the amount of money that you are and if mc or cc is out of your reach check dealers that have c/o you will definately benifit in the long run. up here in redding i have seen tige dealers come and go 4 different times in a 3 year period. so that says a little something. It could possibly be different in other states but I am not knocking that. overall the schematic of a mastercraft vs. a tige is far more advanced. the ride is definately better as well. So if you little girls want to trash talk some more then have at it cause you are the immature ones. late! but i ain't gone for good

wakereviews 01-04-2007 3:31 PM

remember that russian guy with the banana hammock pulling his guy behind the boat underwater? good times... good times...

deuce 01-04-2007 3:35 PM

Exactly.....<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/rofl.gif" border=0> <BR> <BR>I'm not coming down on you Eric....I am not talking trash. I did not call you names, nor did I personally attack you in any way. I just stated something that I still believe.... You are very young and have a limited ability to express yourself in a rational way to adults. <BR> <BR>If you take offense to that, I apologize in advance. My intent was not to offend....it was to point out that an argument is being carried out with a juvenile. I do not get into arguments with my 10 year old.....there is no winner. <BR> <BR>I just think you are digging yourself and hole. If you are cool with that, great....so am I. No worries, enjoy your evening.

zeda 01-04-2007 5:13 PM

Eric, <BR> <BR>I apologize for my intended humor. Sorry it got blown out of proportion. Hopefully you can forgive us all and join us for some meaningful discussions when you've matured a bit. Enjoy Shasta and shout out a big shaka for all of us. Peace.

oaf 01-04-2007 6:12 PM

Eric you have a huge bias and shouldn't have even posted to this thread. This is about about what a Tige RZ2 costs. Not how it is a rip off or anything to do with a MC. If you want to talk about how good of a rider you are or how great MC's are vs. every other boat on the market do it in the correct forum and create a new thread. <BR> <BR>I am an owner of a Tige RZ2. It cost me about $59K without a stereo. I did the stereo myself. <BR> <BR>Just so you know Eric I have two neighbors with MC's and have been in each of their boats many times. The reason I bought a Tige is the way it rode and handled. MC makes a better wake boarding boat when you take about the X-1 or X-Star but they both ride like crap. You have some give and take in what you are buying. I bought a Tige because I am not that good and my kids are young. It is a better family boat for me and where we ride we need a boat that can handle chop. I found a good medium with the Tige. Even the best price on a X-30 2006 loaded was going to be more than the Tige and did not meet my needs. <BR> <BR>Eric it is time you stop trolling the boards looking to start a fight. MC makes a nice boat, but so do many other makers. Let me guess you also show up on car web sites talking about Chevy and Ford.

zeda 01-04-2007 6:40 PM

Spoken like the true coach. How are you enjoying that RZ2?

oaf 01-04-2007 7:07 PM

Jason- <BR> I love my RZ2. It rides great and puts up a nice wake. I have had many of my buddies who all own power/hot boats (Ultra, Magic, etc..) see it this last weekend and they were all very impressed with the boat and the fit and finish.

evil0ne 01-04-2007 9:35 PM

Maybe MC is pulling all those events because they're investing that much more money into sponsorships and promotions while others are spending money on R&amp;D. <BR> <BR>Not trying to say they're not building a great boat, but maybe there's a few other reasons they cost more then the economy brands. <BR> <BR>Your experience with fly by night Tigé dealerships can be reciprocated with Mastercraft dealerships in plenty of other communities. The reason I went with a Tigé is because of things like this <a href="http://www.wakeworld.com/getarticle.asp?articleid=877" target="_blank">this</a>. Let's just say our local Mastercraft dealer is not in the top 10 for Mastercraft.

26lacefield 01-04-2007 11:00 PM

just getting into this a little late but wow eric wow haha soooo much anger. to get to the RZ2 price its safe to say around 59 to 64 depending on options and where you live for the taxes and if its a boat show price or not. For eric from what i've learned in the boating industry if you talk trash on another boat brand it usually means theres something about that boat that your afraid is better than yours. i'm not saying that tiges better, not saying that mc is better. it all just depends on whats best for you. i once did what you have done on this thread, post something really stupid and get everyone all mad at you and i wish i would of never posted that. it made me look really stupid and immature. being that you had said that the RZ2 is a stollen idea of the x-star then i guess you could also say that mc stoll the idea of the pickle fork from the old hydro racing boats. look them up you'll see what i mean. just thought i'd put my input in. later

stephan 01-05-2007 10:29 AM

Zapped!! Anyone have a RZ2 in Central California that they wanna take for a winter ride? I'm amped to try the wake, the boat looks dope! <BR> <BR>(Also I apologize to the responders of this thread for any BS I may have instigated with "that guy".)

26lacefield 01-05-2007 11:24 AM

Big Heavy I just got my RZ2 in last saturday but no trailer yet. the trailer company has to make a new patern for the RZ2 trailer so when the trailers ready i'll definatly be heading up to the lake. I'm up in fresno so not to far from you. If your willing to drive up here when i'm taking it up your welcome to come. talk to the local tige dealer down there too, Valley Speed &amp; Marine one of there guys might be taking one up for a test run sometime.

oaf 01-05-2007 11:29 AM

Ryan- <BR> What trailer are you getting? I have an Extreme that is very nice.

26lacefield 01-05-2007 2:23 PM

My trailer is being made my V&amp;M Trailers. its a local company right outside of were i live. They make great trailers and give us a really good price on them. We've been using them on all of our boats at your dealership for around 15 years or more.

trx1noob 01-05-2007 3:37 PM

isn't the x-star decked out in the 80 range plus??

26lacefield 01-05-2007 4:20 PM

i've always thought that it was around 75 to 80 with it totally decked out. in the 06 buys guide it says that the base price is 68,520. usually base price is just with the smallest engine, tower, and single color gelcoat. 07 should be about the same.

K.B.C. 01-05-2007 4:39 PM

The RZ2 is a nice looking boat, but doesn't $60+k for a Tige seem a bit ridicuous. Not to bash Tige, I have been in a few and they are nice boats and definitely not to agree with Eric, but for over $60k you can get one of the boats from the big 3. <BR> <BR>I also read earlier it has the same running surface as the 22 VE, what is the price on that? Are people really willing to pay a bunch more for the same boat with a pickleforked front hull?

bigshow 01-05-2007 5:19 PM

There's a singular advantage of any pickle fork, more bow riding space, right? The Pickle fork gives you the bow space of a tri-hull, but without the harsh ride. <BR> <BR>I suppose it adds storage and provides more room for ballast. Other than that is there any other PF advantages? <BR> <BR>I doubt the pickle fork its self would enhance wake performance, the in the water part of the hull is the only thing that matters there.

26lacefield 01-05-2007 6:12 PM

the only thing that i could possible see where it helps the performance of the boat is that where the pickle fork is molded into the rest of the boat, it could help in handling in the turns. when i drove one it was in a 5 foot private lake which the turns were about 3 1/2 feet deep and with 10 people in it. it did handle better in the turns than my 06 22ve does in private lake with 10 people and a 3 1/2 deep turn. i'm not saying that where the pf is molded in does for sure help in handling but i could see that it would grab into that water and help a bit.

truebeachbum 01-05-2007 6:31 PM

All I know that I ride at Brownwwod lake and its 45 min. away from the tige's main place in abeline and all they are doing is copying other boats they called my friend and asked if they could come and test drive his 06 malibu so all they are doing is copying other boats and im pretty tired of seeing them all we have at my lake is 2 malibus 2 supras 1 nautuiqe and about 500 tiges and about 500 bass boats so yea there preaty common

mike_gilbert 01-05-2007 6:37 PM

Chase, speaking of Brownwood,Tx if you havent gotten a chance yet hit up Underwoods in town, best BBQ ive had. I have family in Commanche, so Ive been out of brownwood quite a few times, small world.

truebeachbum 01-05-2007 6:43 PM

yea i got a lake house there i actually live in odessa you know permian high school friday night lights yea i live down there all summer yea we eat there all the time they have a good mexican food place called wimpy's thats right by our house

26lacefield 01-05-2007 7:53 PM

not trying to start an arrgument but just because they drive other boats doesn't mean they are copying other boats. tige tries to drive every boat out there i would imagine. and all the other boat brands do the same. if you were trying to make the best boat you could possible make you would definatly drive and try to understand everything about the competion inorder to make yours better than the rest.

lcky275 01-05-2007 8:06 PM

Chase, <BR> <BR>That's what most, if not all, mfg companies do. Except I'd assume that they would purchase the competitive product. I've sold products to competitors (via resellers) knowing that they were going to rip it apart and see how it works. <BR> <BR>A few years ago a Malibu dealer, here, accidentally put their competitive sales guide online for everyone to see. They apparently had gone thru other mfg's boats and picked it apart and then sent the guide to all the dealers. I'm sure they all do it, I just happened to see the Malibu guide first hand. I cannot comment on whether they borrowed ideas from other boat companies or not, although they do have a tower on theirs <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0>

ponyh8r 01-06-2007 12:14 AM

I can speak from experience, a X-star that is well weighted to throw a wake will dig a front fork in a heartbeat. I never have liked how much weight the X-star takes to make a nice sized wake. With that said, I love riding behind a weighted X-star. Tige's are made down the road from my home town. You can't swing a dead cat without hitting a Tige in west texas, as a matter of fact our local dealer got the first ever RZ2. This boat is solid and is well built. I have seen it weighted heavily and it never once dipped a fork on a sharp turn. Now let me tell you my past so there is no bias. <BR> <BR>I sold a 2005 Tige 21I that was purchased new after only 10 months. It was returned to the factory several times to be fixed and never really ran right. I traded it in on a 06' SANTE 210. <BR> <BR>Anyone who is looking at a Tige should not have a problem. Tige has moved to a brand new factory and thier quality control there is very good. Their team has come a long way in even the last two years with fit and finish. <BR> <BR>I personally would own another Tige, even given my past with them, simply due to the vast improvement in their recent products. With that said, I personally would rather have the X-star, loaded that thing is a MONSTER!

stephan 01-06-2007 10:09 PM

Ryan, I appreciate the offer. Let me know. I am tight with the VS Marine guys, they pull our tournaments for our club &amp; I drove one of their boats all day at the last event. Super cool guys for sure. i should hit them up and see of they are taking any boats out for a demo.

lionel 01-06-2007 10:29 PM

$61k at the boat show.......

ssteele013 02-01-2007 9:06 AM

eric you need to chill out...someone asked for a price on a boat you just decide to start <font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font>

insuranceman 02-01-2007 9:11 AM

they had one at the tulsa boat show. 63K pretty loaded with ballast.

xaggie 02-01-2007 9:39 AM

And your not starting <font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font><font color="ff0000">•</font> by bringing back almost a month old Flame Fest?

ssteele013 02-01-2007 9:55 AM

nope ha

roughrivermike 02-01-2007 10:49 AM

The base price for the xstar in 06 was $68,000. Now it is over $74,000. That doesn't include any options. I found out recently while shopping for my 07. I'm still going to get one.

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