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eubanks01 10-01-2008 11:14 AM

I was thinking this would be an interesting debate. What do you think are the most dangerous tricks...or have the most potential for serious injury? There are some tricks I've shyed away from for this very fact. I know this may differ depending on what tricks you may or may not be good at, but I was just curious as a whole. I think it goes without saying that you can break your leg or tear your ACL doing a w2w, but obviosly some tricks have a higher probability of injury than others. <BR> <BR>IMO: <BR>HS Fronts <BR>Scarecrows <BR>Raleys <BR>Tantrums

johnm_ttu 10-01-2008 11:19 AM

I would say HS Fronts because of the difficulty of spotting the landing.

andy_nintzel 10-01-2008 11:25 AM

A blasted Backside 180 into the flats can own you purdy good. <BR> <BR>I have gotten bust off right good on ts bs 3's and 5's too off the dub.

eas 10-01-2008 11:25 AM

interesting question.....and even more interesting that the tricks you listed could be considered basic inverts. i think there are a lot of injuries related to these tricks moreso because these are the first ones people are trying (sometimes prematurely), not necessarily because they are inherantly more dangerous. <BR> <BR>for me, the hardest hits i've taken are hs3 (back edge) and raleys (stargaze to neck plant)....again, fairly basic tricks but the learning curve seems to be a lot steeper for beginners just starting down the long rode of inverts/spins. <BR> <BR>of course, at our age......well....enough said!

andy_nintzel 10-01-2008 11:27 AM

I agree with HS Fronts and HS Fronts to Switch, I have done a few HS fronts to reg and switch that have ended up with some nice knee to chin connection, and cracked teeth.

tuneman 10-01-2008 11:35 AM

Double backroll. Hurt like hell. Not gonna try that again.

eubanks01 10-01-2008 11:36 AM

I think you're right Eric. There are more people trying those tricks because they are the first inverts, but to me the correlation seems to be things that are flipping over. things that are flipping "under" seem to be less dangerous. Stuff like backrolls, TS backrolls, etc. <BR> <BR>And my listings are for tricks most likely to INJURY you. I understand BS 1's can ring your bell more than anything, but you don't hear of many broken limbs, dislocations, torn ligaments, etc. with that trick.

knarbar 10-01-2008 11:43 AM


sidekicknicholas 10-01-2008 12:02 PM

before i had Ts5's consistant i took a few diggers <BR> <BR>Crowmobe - either back edge or out the front hurts pretty bad <BR> <BR>BS 180/540 yikes <BR> <BR>Rail gaps <BR> <BR>learning of raleys

eyekahn 10-01-2008 12:14 PM

big worm.

unclejessie 10-01-2008 12:33 PM

Good thread... <BR> <BR>I think it is different for everyone. I landed heel front on my 5th attempt. It still freaks me out doing it, but I have crashed way harder going early BS1 attempts and Crow Mobes. <BR> <BR>Any trick can go bad and produce a sore neck, concussion, or knee injury. <BR> <BR>I have not even attempted one, but I think S-bends gotta be high on the list. Getting lost in the middle of that trick can't end well... <BR> <BR>uj

damned04 10-01-2008 12:40 PM

I've seen people go down hard on hs 3's simply cus they didn't know what they were doing and what looked like a hard crash from the boat on bs 180s. FS edge catch sucks. Backside, not so bad. Some of the worst are ballslapping backrolls.

10-01-2008 1:12 PM

ts fronts are the worst ballslappers ever

maliburider456 10-01-2008 1:41 PM

i would have to say that late roll to blinds are really scary and hurt when you dont make it, but also batwngs can be very painful when i was first learning them

fredlap 10-01-2008 1:51 PM

For me, all the moves in the raley family because of the speed you need to doing it. Since I saw one of my friend crashed on a raley attemps and losing is mind for 3 hours... I'm a little shy to try it!!! Biggest edge catch EVER!!! OUCH!!!

downfortheride 10-01-2008 2:01 PM

Double Up! <BR> <BR>Hit 5 out of 6 Sunday and got amped up to throw a tantrum off one. Well I went right through the 1st and 2nd roller and threw the tantrum. Well no pop and half rotation I ended up head catch to belly flop. Good bell/ball ringer! <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/biggrin.gif" border=0>

mrboston187 10-01-2008 2:19 PM

Agree with josh, if you biff anything on a double up, its pain, one time i hit one and i cut too hard at it, landed on my heelside edge, ripped my binding in half, and i had a bruised ankle for a good while

andy_nintzel 10-01-2008 2:24 PM

BATWINGS, oh man I forgot about how painful those were to learn. Then once you learn them you start to try and take them to blind and its pain city all over again!

romes 10-01-2008 2:28 PM

any railey based trick with a spin, s-bend, vulcan, 313, batwing to blind or bs3, any of that family of tricks could result in a beating....

jarrod 10-01-2008 2:40 PM

I guess I got lucky. I had my first legit attempt at a batwing last night, couldn't for the life of me get the board back under me. I ended up okay. <BR> <BR>I agree on Vulcans, S-bends, etc.... Those tricks deliver an ace whooping.

knarbar 10-01-2008 4:36 PM

Fashion Air! hahaha<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/uhoh.gif" border=0>

tp83 10-01-2008 5:25 PM

caught a heal edge on a BS180 and felt like i pulled something in both of them bad. kinda like the pulled apart and when i came out of the bindings they snaped back. and my knees still hurt and that was 3 weeks ago. <BR> <BR>(Message edited by tp83 on October 01, 2008)

westsiderippa 10-01-2008 5:48 PM

anything off axis........splat!!!!!!!!!thats my experience with those based tricks

lfxstar 10-01-2008 5:57 PM

I agree with Nick on RAIL GAPS. Looks really easy but when you screw up there is nothing that is about to feel good. Front board to back lip transfers=body on rail or face to rail. <BR> <BR>I've taken a couple diggers on 911s and know exactly where the name comes from.

ntkamper 10-01-2008 6:33 PM

big WHIRLYS where you spin too much and almost do a whirly 5 by accident

wakedad33 10-01-2008 9:02 PM

I've seen some pretty ugly stuff when your olly is short hopping on a rail.

klp_what 10-01-2008 10:59 PM

i got worked on a ts bs 1 for the first time today catching the lip on the top of the wake with my back edge. I still hurt.

maliburider456 10-02-2008 4:19 AM

yah whirly's when over rotated suck and also whirly 5's are bad when you dont get the full last blind 180. i have gotten worked on melon t/s b/s 3's! that front edge catches the water

kylek306 10-02-2008 7:45 AM

agreed with kyle cramon ts fronts are the WORST nut slaps <BR> <BR>not personally for me, but have a few friends that have come up a little short on pete roses and ended up with concussions.

powercorps 10-02-2008 9:44 AM

I have hyperexteded a knee on big tantrums more than once. It was minor both times.... only hurt for a few weeks but I can see potential there for something a lot more serious. I also second the nut slapping rolls.

knarbar 10-02-2008 9:47 AM

Agreed whirly 5's suck! Always been solid at whirly's and tried a few to 5 this summer. The back of my brain still hasnt forgiven me

hawaiianstiln 10-02-2008 5:01 PM

911's have hurt me the most by not getting them back in. Then again, I tried a ts railey about 4 years ago and that should explain itself right there. It ended up in a big huge laid out TS backroll with a nice dismount on the belly flop when I came all the way around. Knocked me out and started a panic attack because I didn't know where I was and how I got in the water.

steve_jones 10-02-2008 8:27 PM

Wow. This is a cool thread. I would have to agree with earlier comments on the basic inverts. Many get hurt on these because they are the first ones learned and many do them prematurely. <BR> <BR>For me, the whirly has been the only one to put me in the hospital...twice. But that said, the S-Bend was simply the scariest with an absolute pounding. Also respect big backside tricks or HS Fronts. Relax on 1 and you'll get worked.

lfxstar 10-02-2008 8:38 PM

Any man who tries an Sbend behind the boat has larger balls than a person with elephantiasis

hawkeye7708 10-02-2008 11:20 PM

wow.... thats <font size="+2">MASSIVE BALLS</font>!!!!! A guy who I've been out with a few times tried an S-Bend... right as he hit the wake his foot came out of his binding, i thought he was gonna break his leg! <BR> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/uhoh.gif" border=0>

huevo 10-03-2008 4:38 PM

Did somebody say a VULCAN?? Which I would consider takes more balls to throw than an S-Bend... <BR> <BR>If any of you all out there are throwing Vulcans or even attempting them, MAD PROPS... send me a video

romes 10-03-2008 4:42 PM

although i HATE CIE &amp; XSTARS....CIE Al throws a mean Vulcan behind his xstar. HUGE<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/rofl.gif" border=0>

hawk7 10-03-2008 5:58 PM

Backside 180 to flats almost no question

connerthurston 10-03-2008 8:59 PM

i ride mostly cable so im gonna go with the corner air tricks will get you when you dont get the release right and you get paid back with and end over end its not pretty i saw at least 5 kids break noses on their boards doing corner air

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