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-   -   You can't fix stupid...... (http://www.wakeworld.com/forum/showthread.php?t=352959)

uppledup17 08-02-2006 7:46 AM

Yesterday we went out for a quick ride. Now we live on the Fox River which to say the least is one of the busiest waterways in the country. Heading down river to get to the bay, we almost hit a guy trying to swim across the river in full boat traffic. We turn around to ask him what the hell he is doing. He completely ingnores us not saying a word. Then as we take off he almost gets clipped by a speedboat doing 60. Craziest thing I have ever seen on the water and if you are from the area, I am sure you would have said the same. The gene pool needs to be cleansed immediately.

showtime 08-02-2006 8:39 AM

yeah, same here --we ride on a pretty small lake nearby,, a few weeks ago, mid-day, seen a swimmer out in the middle -- go figure, boats buzzing all around.. Stupidity should hurt! <BR> <BR>(Message edited by showtime on August 02, 2006)

poser007 08-02-2006 9:50 AM

Isn't that crazy? a few weeks ago I am pulling a friend Im watching him and looking forward etc.. then all of the sudden I see this thing right in front of me about 100 feet out...Im like WTF? I start to slow down and its a guys head bopping up and down in the middle of the lake. Im beeping my horn the guy is oblivious and the lake was prety busy to......I have no idea what these guys are thinking

byrd 08-02-2006 10:20 AM

They think that they should be considered like pedestrians and that because they are not motorized, they have the "Right of Way". Here in Florida we dont see too much of that, too many gators.....

deltawakerider 08-02-2006 10:22 AM

how did the red neck get to the other side of the lake...(haha)

byrd 08-02-2006 10:57 AM

He floated in.....piece by piece...

stepintoliquid 08-02-2006 11:01 AM

Gotta love the Fox River, it definitly has a diverse crowd!

rodmcinnis 08-02-2006 11:05 AM

Daniel wrote: <BR>" Im beeping my horn the guy is oblivious " <BR> <BR>Uh, what do you expect a swimmer to do when you beep your horn at them? Swim out of your way? Dive down?

wakeboardnchica 08-02-2006 12:12 PM

"He floated in.....piece by piece..." <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/rofl.gif" border=0> Nice one Byrd

scottyb 08-02-2006 2:39 PM

Madison, WI has the stupidiest people on the planet. Swimmers training for iron man taking laps in the SKI AREA right by the SKI frickin bouy. We told them they should stay closer to shore and they flicked us off. And we are like 20 years younger...

ktmwakeboarder 08-02-2006 2:43 PM

Thankfully I haven't seen too much/any of that.

mjmurphy53711 08-02-2006 2:49 PM

haha scot you beat me too it...... <BR> <BR>I was going to say that people all over the country are training for the ironman and thats probably why you are encountering people swimming long distances. <BR> <BR><a href="http://www.midwestwakeboarder.com" target="_blank">www.midwestwakeboarder.com</a>

zo1 08-02-2006 4:26 PM

last time out this is what I saw heading back to the ramp... <BR> <BR>To go back to the ramp on Falls you have to go through two 90 degree blind turns maybe 75-100' shore to shore, with maybe only 100-200 yards between them. Not a problem for most on the lake as they will slow and proceed with caution. Not this day! First as we were approach the first turn we see a boat pulling a boarder towards us. Of course the rider dumps right in the middle of the channel. We stop along with three other boats to let these idiots pick up the idiot in the water. <BR> <BR>No sooner do we get under way again and we get passed in the channel between the blind turns by some idiots pulling a slalom skier. So there he goes at 35 or so into a narrow blind turn. We cut it again so we don't make the turn to fast and kill this guy. Sure enough he dumped right on the other side of the turn. <BR> <BR>Amazing the stupidity on the lakes I tell ya... <BR> <BR>(Message edited by zo1 on August 02, 2006)

fullspeed 08-02-2006 5:18 PM

Jet skiers are the worst. I was pulling a wakeboarder and this guy on his jet ski hauls a$$ past me. He starts to slow down and I caught up to him. I am in the middle and he is closer to the shore. All of a sudden he turns without looking right in front of me. I laid off the throttle and dropped the boarder almost hit him with the bow of the boat. Then he circles the boat and tells me to go to the shore, he wants to kick my a$$. For what I say, saving his life. It was real great especially with my wife, two girls in the boat with me. I picked up my boarder in the water and he finally left me alone. What nerve. That really pissed me off.

deltawakerider 08-02-2006 5:22 PM

thats when u go to the ice chest and use full sodas for ammo...

wakeboardnchica 08-03-2006 9:17 AM

I hate it when you're riding and someone on a jet ski follows you. Just close enough that if you fell suddenly and they weren't paying attention they'd run you over.<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/angry.gif" border=0> <BR> <BR>that really makes me mad.

stephan 08-03-2006 10:20 AM

My dad came across someone who was trying to swim across the Colorado River at Parker. The problem was he started swimming two days earlier and finally floated up off the bottom. Strange because I guess below the water line the river actually moves upstream, he came up all mudy and twice his normal size upriver from where he went under.

gobigorgohome 08-03-2006 7:41 PM

Rod said: <BR>Uh, what do you expect a swimmer to do when you beep your horn at them? Swim out of your way? Dive down? <BR> <BR>By people beeping their horns at him it may give him the idea that he's not being very sensible. Couple this with a few advisory words (along the lines of 'you may be allowed to swim here but you may well get chopped up') and he should get the message. <BR> <BR>We saw somebody swimming at Lake Saguaro last weekend and it wasn't safe. I'm sure if there was an accident and investigation the swimmer would probably be in the right but by then he/she could be seriously injured.

wakesurfer54 08-03-2006 8:26 PM

ya jet skiers are the worst last year a guy on a rental hit someone while the guys was riding on the lake i go to.And 2 weeks ago we are in a cove on our houseboat and some idiot comes like 10 feet away from the back of the house boatgoing like 60 we yell at him he gets mad and comes and sprays us on the houseboat we called the sherrif and he got a ticket.

mjmurphy53711 08-03-2006 8:29 PM

^ as he should have.... <BR> <BR>Personally, I would have given taken a couple teeth off his hands too, you know, lighten him up a bit.

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