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-   -   Norcal Wakeworlders I need your help(stolen boards (http://www.wakeworld.com/forum/showthread.php?t=709141)

brodie_chaboya 06-22-2009 1:03 AM

Hey everyone please help me out here. This past friday while I was out on the river someone came to my house and took my stuff. Here is what was stolen 2009 Byerly Monarch 54", Byerly Assault 55", 2009 Roam 144, 2008 Syn 132 and med. syn boots, 09 White Murrays size 10, Audios size 10. I have customized the Assault and the boots so I will know that those items are mine in an instant. What I ask of you fellow riders is that if you see these items for sale in or around this area please let me know. I have been checking craigslist and will continue too but any help would be great. I figure the more people looking the better my chances are to ever see this stuff again. The Assault has the molded fins shaved way down and has bondo repair on the nose, so this one is unmistakable. I have modified the bottom of my footbeds on the murrays and audios also. The other boards all have characteristics that I know so please help me out in anyway possible. The Monarch has a blem and will be easy to spot. There is a bubble on the top sheet and I know exactly where and what it looks like.

dakid 06-22-2009 1:07 AM

thieves suck ass!!! <BR> <BR>sorry to hear brodie. i hope the thieves get what's comin' to them...a good ass beating!!!

vin 06-22-2009 6:36 AM

man brodie that sucks, we will keep an eye open .good luck hope you find your gear.

jarrod 06-22-2009 7:11 AM

All they took was the wake stuff Brodie?

brodie_chaboya 06-22-2009 7:18 AM

Yeah, so I know it is someone that I either know or that has been over my place and seen this stuff. <BR> <BR>(Message edited by brodie_chaboya on June 22, 2009)

steezyshots 06-22-2009 8:18 AM

I really hope we find these people! I will love delivering a pistol whip!

tommyc 06-22-2009 8:51 AM

Sorry to hear about that. Everyone needs to watch craigslist &amp; ebay for those items coming out of this area. Hopefully they will make a mistake trying to get rid of the stuff. <BR> <BR>Brodie, come down this week and ride with Derek. I will buy the gas.

fatsac 06-22-2009 9:13 AM

Nothing pisses me off more than stealing! Good luck and I'll keep an eye out.

kellen 06-22-2009 9:20 AM

Brodie. I don't do anyting but sit on the internet. I will keep my eyes open and dig around. Good luck man.. You may wanna talk to The local board shops as well just incase they ride tose hyperlite's and they break and they try and warrenty them

guido 06-22-2009 10:23 AM

I'll keep my eyes open.

duffy 06-22-2009 10:30 AM

That Sucks! But what your doing is good, we had a similar situation where some items were stolen from a boat at an event. We posted on here and talked to locals and ended up getting everything back. I hope your situation has the same results. Good Luck!

wackbag 06-22-2009 10:34 AM

Check local pawn shops too. My shop was broken into a few years back and my stuff was spotted at a pawn shop on the other side of town.

walt 06-22-2009 2:35 PM

Sorry to hear that Brodie. I hope you get it all back !

brodie_chaboya 06-22-2009 3:02 PM

Thanks guys, this is why I post on here cause I know you all got my back. I can identify all these boards except the Syn 100% so I will be checking everyone I see from here on out. Tom, I will be gone all week but will def. call Derek next week when Im back. I called the local play it again sports and just gonna keep fishing till I find all my gear.

K.B.C. 06-22-2009 3:15 PM

lame, good luck. I'll be keeping an eye out as well

brodie_chaboya 06-22-2009 3:34 PM

I have not stopped thinking who would have done this and have come up with a few ideas of where it could have gone. I don't want to say any more but I have a strong feeling these boards are either in Davis or Oroville so anyone in these locations keep an extra eye out please. I hate to blame wrong people but this is my gut feeling and I'm going with it.

migitty 06-22-2009 3:37 PM

Brodie that bites! Good luck in the hunt!

gina_h 06-22-2009 9:27 PM

We'll watch for them up here Brodie, though we aren't on the Bidwell side of Lake Oroville much. Shawna can call the Play-it-Again Sports in Chico too. Really hope you get them back!! Are you going to Nationals again this year?

dakid 06-22-2009 9:28 PM

[hijack] <BR> <BR>hi gina! please tell the family i said hi! i miss you guys! <BR> <BR>[/hijack]

extremeisaac 06-22-2009 10:45 PM

Wow.. this really blows.. You would think that with such a small community and "one love" for the sport people would think twice about doing this.. <BR> <BR>Really sorry to hear about this Brodie.. Hope you get everything back.. its such a small community, Im sure it will pop up here soon

kickflip_mj 06-23-2009 10:43 PM

so this worked for a friend of mine when his wallet and stuff got stolen from some people he knew that were at his home.. <BR> <BR>he called up the suspected people who stole his wallet from his house and said " im just calling everyone and letting them know my stuff was stolen and did get them on camera filling up at a gas station so i just want my stuff back and i wont say anything just have it at my house by so and so date and i wont have them arrested." what do you know his stuff came back.. <BR> <BR>its worth a shot but except tell them a neighbor gave a description and so on. people get paranoid and they should return the stuff

dcervenka 06-24-2009 12:04 AM

Bordie that sucks BIG time! I hope you get your gear back and the offenders are punished accordingly!

brodie_chaboya 06-24-2009 6:48 AM

Gina, no I am not gonna do nationals can't afford this year and thanks for keeping an eye out. Michael that is a good idea unfortunatly I don't have the 2 suspects numbers or know what they drive. The funny thing is that my landlord has a big sign when you drive behind his house down my private driveway to my totally secluded and hidden cottage and it reads "smile for the hidden camera" So I know it is someone that has been there before. The day before everything was stolen a friend brought another friend who ive never met over to my house. I mentioned I was going riding all day on the river the next day. What do you know all my stuff is jacked while im out riding the following day. They are from Davis so this is why I have such a bad feeling about this guy. The only other people that came over were from Oroville and three guys came over to buy a pair of old bindings I had on craigslist. Who knows I may be so far off track and thats the part that burns me so bad. I don't wanna go confront the wrong person so I guess I will have to wait until I find it out on the water? Remember everyone 2 rail boards assault 55" and roam 144 both beat up pretty good, Monarch 54" and Audios this is the set up I care most about and it has a bubble on the top sheet right next to the outside of the front binding if set up reg. stance. 08 Syn package is brand new and has no distinguishable marks.

fatsac 06-24-2009 7:05 AM

I'll be on a houseboat with a grip of people I don't know this weekend. You bet I'll keep my eye out. From what I know, they're on their way from all over Norcal and Oregon.

steezyshots 06-24-2009 8:22 AM

I would say if you see someone with these boards don't confront them and scare them off. Try and get them to ride with Brodie. The boards have marks that only Brodie will know.

brodie_chaboya 06-24-2009 8:43 AM

Yeah just contact me asap and let me deal with it. 916 802 5189 <a href="mailto:bchaboya@gmail.com">bchaboya@gmail.co m</a> <BR>If ya see this stuff call me and I can describe in great detail what to look for. I doubt I will ride with whoever it is but if they sell to another unknowing rider then maybe?

coreym 06-24-2009 8:55 AM

I cant do much investigating from WA, but I can do some work for you. You need some new boards to get you back out on the water? I will send some emails today and see what we can come up with. I will keep an eye out from my side to see if anyone tries to warranty these boards. I will just a bomb back to them instead of a replacement, or maybe I will mail Riley back to them in a box so he can pistol whip them? Sound good Riley? <BR> <BR>Corey M @ Hyperlite

dcervenka 06-24-2009 10:08 AM

I hope the perpetrators don't check this forum....

linz 06-24-2009 10:13 AM

That is terrible Brodie. Sorry to hear about that. I'll keep my eye out too and let Nate know to do the same. These people will get what's coming to them one way or another. <BR>Good luck!

steezyshots 06-24-2009 10:20 AM

I am down Corey! I thought you fell off the face of the earth! You never reply to my emails! Thanks for hookin up the outer ring for me!

supraride 06-24-2009 5:28 PM

Brodie, I will be at shasta next week so I will keep an eye out for them up there for you. Good luck on finding them. That really sucks. I hope you get them back soon.

coreym 06-24-2009 10:58 PM

Didn't fall off the face of the earth Riley, feels like the face of the earth fell on me! Too much work not enough time. I am running atleast 2 days behind on everything. I have only been on the water one time this summer so far. The deeper I get into the industry the worse my riding gets!

coreym 06-24-2009 11:05 PM

BTW, Kung Fu Wake, I hope the perpetrators are reading this! And if you are, for your own sake, sneak back into Brodie's house and put his boards back! I would hate to be you when one of Brodie's buddies find you on the lake. If I find out who you are you better check to make sure you have a plug in your boat every time you launch and there is no sugar in your gas tank! Brodie is way too nice of a guy to be taken advantage of! <BR> <BR>(Message edited by coreym on June 24, 2009)

wakedad33 06-24-2009 11:09 PM

Corey if Riley gets a hold of them, sugar in their gas tank will be the least of their worries <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/uhoh.gif" border=0>

showmedonttellme 06-25-2009 2:52 PM

Bump!!! <BR> <BR>There is no way that one of us will not hear about, or see this gear in our travels. To many Homies and WWers out on the waterways!!

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