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joeshmoe 03-23-2014 11:50 AM

Russia Sucks!
Is everybody over all the russia propaganda in Soshi? Putin is a child Abuser!!!

"It is estimated that across Russia there are about one million un-parented children living in poorly managed foster care homes, and many living in overcrowded orphanages. The abuse of these kids is legendary. According to a Human Rights report, the children are force to stay still and not move, be tied to furniture, lie in urine soaked sheets, stand en masse in wooden pens even in winter, be beaten, starved and ignored. When the children reach 15 or 16, they leave the system. A UNICEF report estimates that a third of them then live on the streets, twenty percent become criminals, and ten percent commit suicide."

Here is one of "those kids" that was adopted by an American Family, because the russian family could not take care of her.

and if you were following the winter olympics you might have saw this swimmers documentary on her trip to russia to go visit her family who lived in a shack in Siberia! Her russian family seemed to have Nothing and going Nowhere, yet, Jessica, who's family knew would hold them back and be a burden on them, can do anything in this world and is not limited by her handicap!
This is why America is such a great country! And this is why russia is still a third world county(yes. they kinda suck!)

wakeboardern1 03-24-2014 11:42 AM

What's with the spontaneous series of anti-Russia posts by Joe Shmoe here?

To be fair, Russia never fully recovered from the 20 million people killed in WWII, followed by Stalin's much larger genocide. As a country, that set them so far behind everyone, it's impressive that they are where they are now. And so what if her family lived in a shack. Have you ever visited a depressed city in America and done work on rental houses in the area? It's nightmarish. I wouldn't wish for my worst enemies to live in the conditions these people live in. And this is AMERICA.

There are thousands of families in America that could not provide for Jessica had she been born to them.

Before you declare me some sort of Russian apologist, have you ever been to Russia? Because I have and it is a steaming pile of crap, I'm well aware of that. The food was horrible, my teacher wound up with some kind of horrible food poisoning or something, and the infrastructure was, in short, decayed and broken.

As for the child abuse thing, look at how we frequently treat the elderly and mentally ill in "homes". Hell, they just recently found a family who had their kids chained up and starved.

I'm not saying we're not better than that. Our (still seriously screwed up foster system) is light years beyond theirs, just like everything else in our country. How that is Putin's fault is beyond me. That's a systemic failure that goes far beyond him.

When I was in Russia, I saw some pretty bad stuff. For instance, we were out standing on our balcony when a woman screamed, ran down the sidewalk in front of our hotel and then hid in the bushes. Two guys in suits were following her and then went into the bushes after her. Your imagination can finish the rest cause we ran inside terrified. Pretty much none of the toilets in the hotels we had worked. 10 years ago you couldn't drink the water in MOSCOW (much less Sochi, seriously, it's Russia, what did people expect).

This all being said, the people were downtrodden for so long that their infrastructure is still decades behind everyone else's. Placing the blame on Putin or any one specific leader is about as ignorant as it gets. Their entire system is broken and needs help recovering.

America is also not the godsend of countries. I love my country yes, but I can also admit that it is immensely flawed.

grant_west 03-24-2014 1:35 PM

Check out this CBS 60 min's episode about American business man Bill Browder he trying to expose Russia's corrupt way's. This story is pretty crazy


all this in the light of the Olympics I thought why is Russia getting a Olympics? These guys are straight gangsters

wakeboardern1 03-24-2014 4:15 PM

The amount of corruption that lingers in the wake of the both communism and it's collapse is staggering. That isn't even a remotely surprising story.

Like I said, the issues are systemic, not really about one man or another at this point.

joeshmoe 03-24-2014 8:21 PM

"What's with the spontaneous series of anti-Russia posts by Joe Shmoe here?"
Probably because one man took over part of a sovereign nation, probably will take over more and we should blow the idiot back to kingdom come where he belongs. russia has gone back 23years because of putin, the people of Crimea did not vote to succeed from Ukraine, russia(putin the idiot) made a land grab! My point was Anybody in America CAN make it, you do not get that opportunity in any other country! That girl Jessica has such a positive view on life now and it is incredible! That's what's it all about! She didn't have a chance in russia and just because she grew up in America, nothing can stop her in becoming or doing anything she wants to do. Only in America.

This video shows her trip back to russia to visit her family
I think her russian family is jealous of her.

alexair 03-24-2014 11:49 PM

And right now this guy Putin declares that he "care about people" in my country - Ukraine.
We get out from dependence of russia after Yanukovych's fall and we not want this "big bro" decided when and where we will going in our future


psudy 03-25-2014 8:20 AM

He violated the Monroe Doctrine and if it was any other country(see Iraq in the 90s) our troops would be on the ground. However, its a tough call going to war with Russia.

alexair 03-26-2014 9:09 AM

All of people around the world can help to destroy this monster - just do not buy these and others products. It so easy but very good works. During last 2 weeks russians lost 40% of trades in Ukraine already. You can share this among your friends and it will be a little help for our victory from usual people.

psudy 03-26-2014 12:51 PM

Well. After reading that list, I guess I am doing my part!

steezyshots 03-26-2014 2:45 PM

^^^ I was thinking the same thing! HAHAHAHA

alexair 03-27-2014 12:38 AM

I glad that you still able laugh

alexair 03-31-2014 10:14 AM

Good news for wake community, my guess. See Barron's cover.

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