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ord27 03-16-2018 7:46 AM

illegal immigrant appointed
how is this even possible?
Presidential run next?


denverd1 03-16-2018 9:36 AM


psudy 03-16-2018 11:36 AM

She should be easy for ICE to find!!!

95sn 03-16-2018 12:55 PM

True that^^ Sessions could come back and slap the cuffs on her personally.

Stazi 03-16-2018 3:16 PM

**** those mental midgets in CA

grant_west 03-16-2018 7:07 PM

Yes we have some dumb A$$ mother Truckers out here. What do you expect! We have The Mayor of Oakland tipping off illegal’s that include Drunk Drivers and child molesters that ICE is coming. LOL I feel the tie will turn soon. These Dong tard Globalist, are gonna get their ass handed to them soon and we will start to see the tide turn the other way.

denverd1 03-16-2018 8:00 PM


Originally Posted by grant_west (Post 1976838)
Yes we have some dumb A$$ mother Truckers out here. What do you expect! We have The Mayor of Oakland tipping off illegal’s that include Drunk Drivers and child molesters that ICE is coming. LOL I feel the tie will turn soon. These Dong tard Globalist, are gonna get their ass handed to them soon and we will start to see the tide turn the other way.

Man if it hasn't started moving that direction by now, not sure what will be the catalyst. Seems past a point of no return from the outside

grant_west 03-17-2018 9:32 AM

This is Just my 2c the political correctness that the last administration brought us created the political climate we have today. It woke a lot of people up. Things like (my hope) electing a Illegal Immagrant to a US office, and pushing this Sanctuary city policies and thumbing your nose at the federal governmentis like kicking the sleeping giant. We will see how that go’s

fly135 03-17-2018 10:05 AM

Maybe they just think like Grant and are doing it to piss off the knuckledraggers. What could possibly piss off a knuckledragger more than a person brought here illegally at the age of 14, then getting an education and becoming a productive member of society, then getting a govt post. Oh the horrors. It's the end of civilized society. If we could only just elect an idiot as President to save us! Oh yeah, we did that too.

grant_west 03-17-2018 2:44 PM

Q: what could possibly piss a knuckledragger off more then a person brought here illegally

A: Jose Inez Garcia Zarate

Look it up F tard!

grant_west 03-17-2018 3:29 PM

Q: What could possibly piss off a knuckle dragger more than a person brought here illegally:

Hummm let’s think about this.
A Illegal that sneaks into the United States four times and was slated to be deported for a fifth time.
But while this illegal was here In a sanctuary city “San Francisco” sucking off of the public *** & using up entitlements they have no right to, He decides to use a stolen gun to Randomly shoot and kill a US citizen and totally innocent person Kate Steinle. His tax payer paid trial and public defender, along with a Jury finds this guy Not Guilty he gets off with Time served! Ya what a great environment we’ve created. I’m sure you don’t want to talk about the hundreds or thousands of people that have been killed by illegal’s and MS-13 gang members & drunk drivers and other crimes committed against US citizens by illegals here.

ord27 03-18-2018 10:08 AM

this entire situation seems fairly simple.
Make it easier to become legal....grant amnesty or create a fast track that would legalize ...blah blah blah


for the time being....if your illegal, you don't qualify....for anything

seems pretty obvious and simple

grant_west 03-18-2018 11:30 AM

Fast track!????
Why have borders then? If you can sneak over the border illegally and then suddenly be on the fast track to become a legal citizen why enforce your border.

“A nation without Borders is not a nation “

Ronald Reagan

Stazi 03-18-2018 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by grant_west (Post 1976870)
Fast track!????

Why have borders then? If you can sneak over the border illegally and then suddenly be on the fast track to become a legal citizen why enforce your border.

“A nation without Borders is not a nation “

Ronald Reagan


Fast track my ass. It took me years to become a legal immigrant and US citizen. **** the line jumpers that feel entitled and think we should just bend over and let them do whatever the hell they want.

grant_west 03-18-2018 1:48 PM

It’s been proven that “granting amnesty” increases people to rush the border.

ord27 03-19-2018 9:02 AM

an extreme hard line won't work. It will forever be talking and no real action.

secure the border....lock it down

do away with anchor baby law

grant citizenship to productive illegals (a standard will need to be set)

make the national language english. stop printing government documents in multiple languages...

remove EVERYONE that's illegal and doesn't fit the requirements

start over from square one. enforce, prevent, stay vigilant

just some thoughts

wake77 03-19-2018 4:15 PM


Originally Posted by grant_west (Post 1976870)
Fast track!????
Why have borders then? If you can sneak over the border illegally and then suddenly be on the fast track to become a legal citizen why enforce your border.

“A nation without Borders is not a nation “

Ronald Reagan

Did you just quote the guy that granted amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants?

95sn 03-19-2018 4:28 PM

When one says fast track,,,,that means 10-20 years right?

grant_west 03-19-2018 9:58 PM

Adopt Israel’s illegal policy

psudy 03-20-2018 6:42 AM


Originally Posted by fly135 (Post 1976852)
Maybe they just think like Grant and are doing it to piss off the knuckledraggers. What could possibly piss off a knuckledragger more than a person brought here illegally at the age of 14, then getting an education and becoming a productive member of society, then getting a govt post. Oh the horrors.

because it AGAINST THE LAW! The only reason CA did it was to say F U to the Feds. I have no problem with people like her getting US citizenship, but they need to get it before being allowed to take positions like that.

fly135 03-20-2018 7:29 AM


Originally Posted by psudy (Post 1976949)
I have no problem with people like her getting US citizenship, but they need to get it before being allowed to take positions like that.

If you have no problem with people like her getting citizenship then why do you vote for people denying her that, and playing political football with their lives? Maybe saying FU to the idiots you vote for is the point. Why should there be more reasons?

psudy 03-20-2018 8:41 AM

First, don't assume you know who I voted for. You would be wrong. Second, for a state to defy Federal law is wrong. It is the law of the land and has been since the get go. The Rule of Law is important to keep order. That should be agreed on both sides of the fence. Setting that precedent is a dangerous road. Once allowed, it will happen more and more with Red and Blue states(depending on who is in office).

racer808 03-20-2018 9:03 AM

So laws are now what feels right? Good to know, half the nation feels all righties should be killed the other half feels the left should be killed. Guess we are going to get a pardon cause it feels good...

ord27 03-20-2018 9:12 AM

i disagree that politicians on the right want to deny every immigrant citizenship. That sounds like more MSNBC b.s.

The talking points that limiting immigrants is racist or that the right hates Mexicans, is crap.

The politicians that I vote for, just don't want open, porous borders. They want some sort of limit

seems reasonable to me

denverd1 03-20-2018 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by ord27 (Post 1976894)
an extreme hard line won't work. It will forever be talking and no real action.

secure the border....lock it down

do away with anchor baby law

grant citizenship to productive illegals (a standard will need to be set)

make the national language english. stop printing government documents in multiple languages...

remove EVERYONE that's illegal and doesn't fit the requirements

start over from square one. enforce, prevent, stay vigilant

just some thoughts

It's that simple.

wake77 03-20-2018 3:01 PM


Originally Posted by psudy (Post 1976953)
First, don't assume you know who I voted for. You would be wrong. Second, for a state to defy Federal law is wrong. It is the law of the land and has been since the get go. The Rule of Law is important to keep order. That should be agreed on both sides of the fence. Setting that precedent is a dangerous road. Once allowed, it will happen more and more with Red and Blue states(depending on who is in office).

What if it's a BS federal law? Do you expect your state to abide by it? Politics, in general, is about earning the most support from the people that can get you reelected, not serving the good of the country. I have no problem with states giving Sessions and the Fed the middle finger when it comes to laws on marijuana. The people voted for what they wanted in CO, WA, CA, etc. There's an opioid crisis in this country and our top law enforcement official in this country is worried about weed.

95sn 03-20-2018 3:47 PM

"Good people do not smoke marijuana" Jeff Session
"There were good people on both sides. Trump describing the "Alt-right" rally in Charlottesville.
"I like the top-side of this one" Trump describing Stormy Daniels.

ok, yes. i just completely made that up.

fly135 03-20-2018 4:11 PM


Originally Posted by psudy (Post 1976953)
First, don't assume you know who I voted for. You would be wrong.

It's really not about you. People on both sides of the aisle demonstrate not caring about laws they don't like.

xstarrider 03-20-2018 4:45 PM


Originally Posted by wake77 (Post 1977005)
What if it's a BS federal law? Do you expect your state to abide by it? Politics, in general, is about earning the most support from the people that can get you reelected, not serving the good of the country. I have no problem with states giving Sessions and the Fed the middle finger when it comes to laws on marijuana. The people voted for what they wanted in CO, WA, CA, etc. There's an opioid crisis in this country and our top law enforcement official in this country is worried about weed.

If you refuse to follow federal law , you shouldn’t be eligible for federal programs and the money that goes with it . Simple as that.

psudy 03-21-2018 7:06 AM


Originally Posted by wake77 (Post 1977005)
What if it's a BS federal law? Do you expect your state to abide by it?.

Yes. Its the FUC&*&G LAW.

psudy 03-21-2018 7:08 AM


Originally Posted by fly135 (Post 1977012)
It's really not about you. People on both sides of the aisle demonstrate not caring about laws they don't like.

If we ignore laws we don't care about we end up in jail. CA should be no different.

racer808 03-21-2018 7:13 AM

Silly wakeworld righties, laws don't apply to lefties & their feelings.

95sn 03-21-2018 1:05 PM

...especially trump.


Congress passed sanctions on russia into LAW. Trump refuses to institute the sanctions. That is breaking the LAW with extreme prejudice.. Guess he just "feels" like putin is an honest guy.

wake77 03-22-2018 2:59 AM


Originally Posted by psudy (Post 1977036)
Yes. Its the FUC&*&G LAW.

You simply say that because the GOP controls DC.

psudy 03-26-2018 7:45 AM

^No I don't. If Hillary would have won I would expect states to follow federal law just the same. Especially laws that have been on the books for a very long time.

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