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-   -   Weight of stock X2,X1 belly sac? (http://www.wakeworld.com/forum/showthread.php?t=497273)

stevev210 09-04-2007 6:32 PM

Does anyone know how much weight the stock belly sac weighs? Can you go bigger?

wakeslife 09-04-2007 9:06 PM

Its around 300 pounds, and I don't think theres much room to go bigger, but I could be mistaken.

rake 09-04-2007 9:44 PM

Supposed to be 400 lbs with the stock bag Steve.

xstarrider 09-05-2007 7:12 PM

300 is what I have also been told. Can't go bigger really. Just tried doing that as my opriginal lockersac busted a seam. (7yrs old) Tried everything. Most of the bigger sacs got nasty airpockets in them and forced my locker open very annoying. I like just flipping the switch and having it fill til it ejects out the overfill. Nice and simple. The factory one fills the space the best I think. Just costed me some $$ for a new one though. Gotta love MC. Fly high wouldn't sell me a custom sac with the MC dimensions even though they make em and are the supplier for the MC systems. Thought that was kind of bogus, but hey guess they want top $$ too.

bwood 09-06-2007 2:59 AM

Does anybody know what the stock hard tanks really weigh? I just pulled them out and replaced them with sac's and they dont look like they hold 250lbs. I may fill one up with water and put it on a scale.

1boarder_kevin 09-06-2007 7:23 AM

Out of curiosity, I just measured my hard tanks that are out of the boat. I broke them down into two shapes (where it cuts up for the floor) One dimension was 17.5 tall x 26.75 length x 10 width1 and 5.5 width 2 (7.75 avg) = 2.1 cubic feet. The second part is 15.75 tall x 11.75 length x 10 width1 and 6 width 2 (8 avg) = 0.86 cubic feet. The combined cubic feet for one side is 2.96 or ~ 3 cubic feet. There are 7.5 gal per cubic feet and water weighs 8.3 lb/gal so each one comes in at 187 pounds.

big_ed_x2 09-06-2007 8:05 AM

I definitely think it is more on the 400 side as well.The bag goes all the way up to the bow cupholders and from how round it is,I would say 400 maybe even a little bit more. <BR>but who really cares,just make sure it's full.<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/wink.gif" border=0>

stevev210 09-06-2007 4:42 PM

Kevin that sounds about right, I emailed MC tech support and they said the rear tanks are 184lbs each. <BR> <BR>(Message edited by stevev210 on September 06, 2007)

bocephus 09-06-2007 5:27 PM

Steve, <BR>What are you doing for a boat these days? What are you buying, anything? <BR> <BR>Ryan

stevev210 09-06-2007 8:43 PM

Ryan, Ill have an 05 X2 in a couple weeks. Wanted to stay with the smaller boat but with a higher freeboard.

xstarrider 09-07-2007 7:41 PM

What i don't understand is why MC doesn't up their ballast. Guess they just want you to buy the upgraded, uppriced extra MC bags

gti2lo 09-08-2007 7:25 AM

only reason why factory bag aren't upped is because then you have to make the capacity sticker less in the boat... <BR> <BR>Big ballast and you could only legally put 8 people in a 22' boat? haha that's a good one. <BR> <BR>Plus people have so many opinions on ballast setups I think it's best left to the individual to setup themselves.

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