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-   -   DUDE GRAB YOUR ELEPHANT!!! (http://www.wakeworld.com/forum/showthread.php?t=716388)

showmedonttellme 07-14-2009 1:15 PM

So, we go riding a couple weeks ago, and I do an Elephant. <BR> <BR>Riley: Dude, you should grab your Elephant!! Your hand's right there! Grab that puppy on the way down! <BR> <BR>Me: Oh really. <BR> <BR>Riley: Yeah! It looks sick when grabs are done on the way down!! I'll take a pic next time to show you where your hand is! (Riley always yells) <BR> <BR>Tuesday - I waste a bunch of falls working on getting back my missing Toe 3, so much for balling out and trying a 5. Irritated, I just start taking big cuts and blasting(for me anyways) for funsies. Then I think....I'm going to grab my elephant. <BR> <BR>Uh-huh! I leave the wake and reach down like my thousands of attempts at grabbing a front roll (all unsuccessful mutes). Oh....MY. It whipped me around so fast I almost slapped my face. The look on Riley's face said it all as I drop the handle like a sissy. <BR> <BR>Riley: Stall it out at the top so you don't whip so fast!!! <BR> <BR>Me: Ok dude. So ALL you want me to do is take the biggest cut I can, stomp on my back foot, and stall the trick halfway through while I grab? <BR> <BR>Riley: YEAH!! <BR> <BR>Me: OK arshole. <BR> <BR>I'll post the video later. lol

wakedad33 07-14-2009 1:23 PM

Corby I was a little scared to open this post at first <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/uhoh.gif" border=0> Riley's full of good advice like that <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/biggrin.gif" border=0> Missed you at the Spanky.

showmedonttellme 07-14-2009 1:39 PM

You are to right. "Dude, you can TOTALLY jump that 60ft gap!!" lol. Sorry I missed Spanky, family stuff going on. I'll be at the next one hopefully, Randy!! Nice pics in the thread by the way. Hopefully the next one will be hotter!

steezyshots 07-14-2009 1:55 PM

Dude you could totally grab it! If you whip around to fast just make it an Elephant to front flip!

steezyshots 07-14-2009 2:08 PM

And remember!!! If you don't grab it... It doesn't count!

romes 07-14-2009 4:47 PM

if you dont grab it it doesnt count...+1 for that

showmedonttellme 07-14-2009 6:53 PM

Both of u can suck it! lol

wakeboard_pittsburgh 07-15-2009 7:28 AM

I need more people like you guys! All of the people that I ride with just want to see raleys all day.

steezyshots 07-15-2009 8:31 AM

HAHAHA! Well there sometimes is a price you pay for listening to people like me! Ask Bobby and his bum knee!

andy_nintzel 07-15-2009 8:36 AM

Corby! <BR> <BR>DUDE GRAB THAT ELEPHANT ITS SO FUN!!!! I Grab mine on the Nose or Indy. Nose is a bit harder cause you have to switch hands quick to take it back to rego. <BR> <BR>Here is the trick. This will help! Okay on TS Front Rolls as you prolly know you can just trip the edge and pop a wake to wake front roll, simple. The trick on the grab is to trip the edge crazy hard, I almost think about it like I am cutting back wakeslaysh style. This will make you go straight up, instead of out. I take my hand off the handle before I am even in the air (kinda the same ts indy backroll). As soon as I am breaking off the wake I tuck my knees up hard like I am trying to tuck into a ball, Reach and grab (Indy) and spot your landing. <BR> <BR>This is where it starts to get fun, once you have that down, as you come over the top of the roll pull the handle with your lead hand across your body to your rear hip and you have a Front Roll Indy to Revert, (see the thread with Colin Ryan Riding, he does on in there, I suppose you could call it a indy scarecrow). After you get that Dialed Start trying to take it as big as you can. Once your comfortable you do the exact same motion but put it back down regular, so know your rocking a Indy Elepahnt. Its crazy fun and it blows people minds a bit, like wtf just happened there? <BR> <BR>Go Get em' man!

bbsxkills 07-15-2009 9:26 AM

or just don't do elephants?? just a suggestion :D

steezyshots 07-15-2009 10:26 AM

His hand is sooo close to the board when he is coming down! It's like right there! AHHHHHH Grab that SHIZZZ!

showmedonttellme 07-15-2009 1:07 PM

I've tried Andy!!! Its so hard. The only invert I've ever been able to grab(and rarely) was my RTR (nose). There is just so much centrifugal force when I leave the wake. Plus I don't ride knees bent enough. I'll try a few today and get the vid up for ya'll to bash on an old guy lol

andy_nintzel 07-15-2009 1:14 PM

Jarrod, <BR> <BR>No bashing from Me just good solid advice.

showmedonttellme 07-15-2009 1:19 PM

I prefer the bashing! I respond better. WE have thick skin in our crew. If you aren't getting hazed, you aren't loved. lol. "Let's go Fatso! You should be able to grab the board, your legs are so short you're right there!" on and on. All love! <BR> <BR>Have I told you I'm leaving work in 30 minutes to go ride? hahahaha 3 buddies, 3000lbs of ballast, flat water, and 105 degree temps. HEAVEN!

steezyshots 07-15-2009 1:58 PM

Damn I wish I didn't have my meeting!!!! Make sure you grab it that Elephant!!!!!! Oh and Hit your toe 5!

showmedonttellme 07-15-2009 11:04 PM

<a href="http://vimeo.com/5619527" target="_blank">http://vimeo.com/5619527</a> <BR> <BR>I only gave it one effort. lol Andy, I tried to grab my 2nd(i think) FR in this video. I just dumped my whole set to vid without editing. You can see by my 1st FR at 1:02 that i am just soooo open at takeoff (and landings, jeesh what a wild left arm waving at the birds)on my trips. After watching guys like Brodie with style who ride much more bent-knee, I think I need to learn to be lower on my approach and my hands in tighter or I'll never get the grab. I tried to grab a cupple of the Crows too(melan). <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/sad.gif" ALT=":-(" BORDER=0> <BR> <BR>Oh well, we had a super fun nite!! I'm just having fun jumping into the flats a bit more and actually linked a couple of spins together, which has been rare for me lately. Everyone rode well, and we were all smiles and talking trash. Can't ask for much more!! I LOVE WAKEBOARDING!!! Thanks to UJ, Brodie, Kaben, and my Son JJ! You were missed Riley! <BR> <BR>Boat: 2003 X-2 <BR>Speed: 25.2 <BR>Ballast: 1950 + Stock at 900 = 2850 and 3 bodies <BR>Rope: 80 Ft <BR> <BR>Peace!!

brodie_chaboya 07-15-2009 11:31 PM

Oh how we love the river. Good times guys, already can't wait till we get back out again next week.

adambarry 07-16-2009 2:34 AM

you have a really floaty and calm style, its looks like you don't even try cutting into the wake just looks effortless.good stuff. I've been riding for three years and still haven't gone down to the river but I'm supposed to be going in two weeks it looks nice a buttery<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" border=0>

andy_nintzel 07-16-2009 10:01 AM

JARROD!!! <BR> <BR>STOP BEING SUCH A SISSY AND GRAB THAT THING!!!!! <BR> <BR>Okay furreal tho - your issue is 100% body position, Bend those knees and stick that big butt out like you gotta poop! that will get you in the reight position to grab that FR. Seriously this is how I see a lot of people suffer. Really its all body position, you have sort of a rigid leg approach, which makes tripping the TS edge super easy, because you just have to push the board into the wake and up you go. Its going to feel super odd, but seriously get lower, bend those knees and stick your butt out. I can warn you that the first ten you do you will jump early and case the wake, but as it becomes natural you will be able to blast that thing up and out. <BR> <BR>Nice Riding over all by the way, I mean for an old fat guy! <BR> <BR>Oh yeah on your TS 3 that you went down on, STOP TURNING YOUR HIP BEFORE THE BOARD LEAVES THE WAKE and you money!

showmedonttellme 07-16-2009 10:10 AM

Now thats the kind of coaching I need. LMAO I TRY to get lower, its tough bending these tree trunks I have for legs!! lol <BR> <BR>I tend to leave early on the Toe 3. Bad habits all around!! <BR> <BR>Ok, I'll try harder. It doesnt count if you don't grab it, right Riles? Jerks.

wakemikey 07-16-2009 10:17 AM

Awesome wake and impressive set list

lfrider92 07-16-2009 10:20 AM

you have a really good riding style, i enjoyed watching that, everything is really smooth. it looks like your putting no effort into it. i wish i could make it look that easy. haha.

andy_nintzel 07-16-2009 10:21 AM

Jarrod!! <BR> <BR>Go for the Boot Grab!

showmedonttellme 07-16-2009 2:36 PM

Oh, I can grab the boot. The board seems to be YARDS further though. <BR> <BR>So, are you saying to stay knees bent through the top of the wake when you wnat to grab, snowboard style off a kicker? Go against everything we always say about standing tall and tripping

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