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-   -   Supra ballast manifold!!! (http://www.wakeworld.com/forum/showthread.php?t=344997)

bbr 07-12-2006 5:11 PM

Ok, I have a 06 21V and upgraded the rear lockers to 750's. The problem is, that their is only one pump to fill three bags. <BR> <BR>Has anyone added more pumps to handle the extra load? How did you do it? I would like to see just how it was done, so I can do it as well. Thanks a bunch.

cyclonecj 07-12-2006 7:38 PM

Just put another 2000gph in parallel with it, the manifold is made of PVC. Go nuts at Home Depot. It's good to have more pressure on the sprinkler valves to open them up further, that's the restriction.

ripr 07-13-2006 5:49 AM

BBR-I think Psyclone is correct. <BR> <BR>BTW-let's see a pic of your wake loaded up!

bbr 07-13-2006 7:27 AM

So if I just add another 2000, or a Tsunami and pipe it directly into the current setup, it'll go much faster?? <BR>That would be really easy to do. <BR> <BR>I'll see if I can get some pics up. I'll have to find a couple. Its much bigger than my 22SSV.

acurtis_ttu 07-13-2006 8:11 AM

the tsunami will take some customization do to the size diff (pipe diameter). I've got a similar setup in my 22SSV, I've learned to deal with the fact they pump slow, adding anymore pumps IMO is not worth the time and expense. you cna only pump so fast. Be lucky that wer're one of the few boats you can get a great wake w/o filling up any extra bags by hand IMO.

ripr 07-13-2006 8:21 AM

Adam-Great point! I'd rather have the opportunity to fill 2000 plus lbs automatically and have it take a bit of time than fill 3 extra sacks by hand and have them laying all over the place or trailering a crap load of lead. <BR> <BR>Yet people still ask when is Supra gonna go to hard tanks.

bbr 07-13-2006 8:32 AM

This is my second Supra, and I don't think that I would want to own any other boat out there. I just wish that they would put a fill pump on each bag. I have a friend that has a new VLX, and his system is sooo fast. <BR> <BR>Now Supra does put a drain pump on each bag though. They just need to add two more pumps for the fill.

mjmurphy53711 07-13-2006 9:10 AM

I never understand why people go so obsessed about how fast sacs fill? <BR> <BR>Kick the pumps on right away while you are still getting ready, driving to your spot, whatever......maybe even put the beginner out there and fill on the fly. I cant understand why saving ten minutes is worth the fuss, but thats just me.

billthom 07-13-2006 10:13 AM

BadBoY - Did you upgrade to the Fly High Pro X Series Fat Sac? Dimensions: 20" x 20" x 50" ? <BR> <BR>Did they fit pretty well? I assume they had to fit thru the slot and go under the corner seat? <BR> <BR>I need to get some more weight in my 21v as well. If you didn't go with that sack above, what did you go with? And, did you change the front sac at all? <BR> <BR>Thanks!

bbr 07-13-2006 2:51 PM

Bill-- yes I have the Fly High Fat Sack in each of the rear lockers. They don't go under each corner, but they fit very snug when filled. I don't have any problems what so ever. I didn't change the front out at all. Right now I put another 500 on the seats in the bow, plus 4 80lb lead bars under the sets(two on each side). Under the rear corners I have another 4 80lb lead bars and 4 40lb lead bags(also two on each side). <BR>I'm gonna put a couple more lead bars on each side in the bow, so then I can get rid of the bag. The wake is huge and when I get the other lead I won't have any other bags to fill. <BR> <BR>Mike-- I am obsessed with speed because I don't like sitting around waiting to ride. As soon as I put the boat in the water I only have to go about 15 yards to where we start riding. Faster the better. Plus its usually just a buddy and me anyway.

mujibur 07-13-2006 4:33 PM

bbr - i put a 2nd 2000 GPH pump in line with the Rule that is already in my ssv and the thing fills 3 times faster than before. I think those valves need a lot of pressure to open all the way. It was pretty easy with a few pieces of pipe from home depot and a hack saw it all went well. Just put a new fuse in the fill fuse as the new pump will pull more current than just the single pump.

bbr 07-13-2006 5:48 PM

Muji-- can you take a pic for me? I would love to see just how you did it. Thanks.

mujibur 07-13-2006 9:50 PM

Will be up there Sunday and i will see what i can do.

acurtis_ttu 07-14-2006 6:33 AM

I'm curious to see how you mounted the extra pump in there as well. There doesn't seem to be much room for such a large pump.

tyler97217 07-14-2006 7:01 AM

Yeah I would love to see the pics and a mockup of how you did it all too!! <BR>Badboyripper - lets see that wake

toesideturtle 07-14-2006 1:15 PM

Brandon's wake is awesome--so is the new boat. I like it better than his SSV from last year. With the larger sacks in the rear lockers, it seems like forever for everything to fill! One pump to fill 3 huge sacks is terrible! Thanks for the tips muji--that picture would help as well.

bbr 07-14-2006 3:37 PM

Diggs, I'm working on it. Today we went out in Chuck's boat, and the weekends in Cali suck, so the boat won't be out till next week at least. My buddy does have some pics that he put on disk and is sending to me. Not to mention I fugged up my knee again today. I'll get a couple up soon.

wiz 07-14-2006 6:35 PM

badboyripper &amp; chuck, wazzup roomies? i'm glad to see you're diggin' the 21v. i love mine. i hope you guys are doing well &amp; hitting the lake as much as possible. good luck with the knee.

tyler97217 07-14-2006 10:00 PM

badboyripper, <BR>you know those sacs fill up quick when you are on plane right? I know your spot is right by the launch and you don't want to tear it up, but they do fill up about 3-4 times faster when you get the boat up on plane and then flip the switch.... does it look like this?<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65921/345923.jpg" alt="Upload"> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65921/345924.jpg" alt="Upload">

bbr 07-15-2006 9:32 AM

YEAH man, very close. Mine is a bit steeper only because our lake is about 5-6 feet deep. What a beautiful site!!! <BR> <BR>Chuck J-- what up homey?! We are doing well, riding all the time. Loving my new boat, even more than my last boat. I think I just sprained it pretty good yesterday, gonna check with the doc just to be sure, since its my surgery knee from two years ago. Hope things are well with you. Talk with you soon. I would put a pic of my boat up but I would have to crop it, then you wouldn't be able to see it. I'll see what I can do.

cyclonecj 07-15-2006 9:44 AM

It's not the pump it's the valves that make it slow. Push more water through them (second pump) and it will fill faster. How much faster? dunno. I'd use a Rule as it will look stock if you do it right and no "engineering" is necessary.

bbr 07-17-2006 5:23 PM

Bump..... Muji-- Did you happen to get that pic of your manifold??

mujibur 07-18-2006 7:00 AM

bbr <BR>sorry - no, it will be another week - got up there and the boat had taken on water (almost sunk) through the shaft seal (when will they make these things not leak!) so i had to deal with that all day. A little more important than taking pics ;-) I will try to get a shot the weekend after next and post it to this thread.

07-19-2006 2:58 PM

I'm loving my 21v 2006 too but am thinking about adding the bigger sacks in the rear. If you all figure out how to do this I may take the plunge.

acurtis_ttu 07-19-2006 3:23 PM

adding bigger sacs in the rear is just a matter of calling and orderign larger bags, they will plug directly into yoru stock fittings.

buttskimmer 07-20-2006 3:01 PM

Be advised that the 21V wake grows more and is firmer( like Diggs pic) when extra weight is added to the front. I would upgrade the front sac before doing anything to the rear.

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