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hfpesko 02-04-2007 7:57 PM

Sup yall? I wanted to know what yalls favorite high end skimskate is? Thanx

caskimmer 02-05-2007 7:20 AM

Does it count if I helped design the boards? Because my answer is obvious (and biased) <BR> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/559019/410846.jpg" alt="Upload"> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/559019/410847.jpg" alt="Upload">

bigshow 02-05-2007 9:46 AM

How's this, designed it myself! <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/559019/410887.jpg" alt="Upload"> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/559019/410888.jpg" alt="Upload">

02-05-2007 3:24 PM

Ed, I like the flex technology built into the skim that. <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> <BR> <BR>Seriously, is it possible to define "high-end" for wakes'ing purposes? In cars, a Lambroghini would be high-end. I would presume there are high end camera's and stereo equipment that would meet some specific and rather strict definitions. <BR> <BR>We have no such definitions, is it strictly subjective? Or like Sean and Ed because they made them? <BR> <BR>Without fear of reprisal, toss out what you feel would qualify a board as high-end. <BR> <BR>I'll start, I think that a high-end board must be able to be ridden at speeds in excess of 14 mph+ That is to say, whatever wake your "ballasted" boat tosses at 14 mph+ a high-end board should allow you to ride that wake, not just hang in the pocket, but actually carve it, top and bottom turns and charge the lip. <BR> <BR>Anyone else have a criterion?

bigshow 02-05-2007 5:05 PM

Jeff, that’s high end if you’re Ricky Bobby, I don't think down the line speed is it. You could make a specialized down the line racer that's good for nothing else. <BR> <BR>A high end board doesn't necessarily need to be a good beginner board. I think a high end board should help enable you to do what you haven’t been able to accomplish or help you improve your performance.

02-05-2007 5:54 PM

LOL - so you didn't offer anything Ed, other than you don't like my criteria. <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> So if I can't do a bottom-turn, and a board allows me to do that - it's high-end?

bigshow 02-05-2007 6:22 PM

Criticism is much easier. <BR> <BR>Your board that let's you advance from straight down the line surfing to carving might be higher end that what you were riding, or you may simply have been riding the wrong door, oh, I meant board. You're probably jealous that Recycle This!! is going to be a wake carving machine, much more maneuverable than the surf door<IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> <BR> <BR>Lighter better, right, if not Recycle This!! is the bomb. Can you make a board too light, I don't know, but there a limit on too heavy I bet stone make a lousy wakesurf board. A lot of board manufacturers are working very hard to make light boards with the idea they will air more easily, right? Do you need a little mass to do a shov-it, I think so but that trick isn't in my bag of tricks. Can any one kick flip a wakesurfer, too light might be a problem for kick flips? <BR> <BR>Is a strong board better? Yes if you're objective is to by one board that lasts forever. Are you willing to give up strength for reduced weight. An ultra light board might only be good for a single event, would it be worth it, maybe if the board puts you on top. <BR> <BR>I still feel like a relative newbe (I am), I know there are differences in skim and surf style riding and boards. Which is best, that's depends on who you are I suppose. <BR> <BR>Jeff, is that enough to start a little more dialog? <BR> <BR>(Message edited by Bigshow on February 05, 2007)

nickypoo 02-06-2007 8:09 AM

I would consider a high end board as one that is hand built by someone other than the big manufactures like HL, LF, CWB, ect. that all build wakeboards and wakeskates as well. Companies like IS, SS, TB and P5 would be, to me, high end boards. Most board shops carry the major manufactures and they usually have at least one demo of each. Once you have ridden all of those and have come up short on what your expectations are for a board, it's time to jump off the deep end and use your knowledge of what you like and dislike about all of them in order to come to an informed decision on a new high end board. <BR> <BR>That being said, I'm hoping Walzer will be my favorite high end board as I have one being built right now.<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/proud.gif" border=0> <BR> <BR>(Message edited by nickypoo on February 06, 2007)

bigshow 02-06-2007 9:40 AM

To me it seems that, cost and how the board is fabricated may not effect performance. One of my regular crew still prefers my Broadcast 5.6 over the many boards that we've had to ride over this last season. For the records I totally disagree with him. <BR> <BR>I think when your talking about high end boards you have to be talking about performance. Otherwise you’re talking about trim differences between a Cady and a Chevy, I'm more of a Chevy guy. <BR> <BR>Does a high end board have custom airbrush art work, well it could, it would add personal value, does art make a board high end?

02-06-2007 9:54 AM

When I think about a high end car, it does cater to asthetics. Leather seats...bazillion dollar stereo, 27 coats of paint. <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> Personally, I don't think of a sprint car as a high end car. Certainly it's got the performance part down. <BR> <BR>I think the ULTIMATE high end board would be custom made to your riding style and wake, your choice of grip, kick pad, etc. It would also have custom graphics - or at least your choice of colors. <BR> <BR>I personally think that it should be more than simply performance...or maybe it's performance in terms of asthetics, also.

nickypoo 02-06-2007 9:56 AM

Seeing as how Hayden started this thread, maybe his definition of "high end" is needed. Or maybe you should just answer the question to your own definition. <BR> <BR>GMC all the way. The real meat and potatoes. Even less bling than a Chevy. Just tried and true performance.<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/wink.gif" border=0> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR>(Message edited by nickypoo on February 06, 2007)

02-06-2007 12:57 PM

I think that Hayden was looking for some guidance. <BR> <BR>Well, let me see if I can create a list of high-end products, then we can add and subtract from that? <BR> <BR>Wakes'er's : ) Just those that are KNOWN to be available - Jerry at Shred Stixx had Chase on a diamond nose that I'll bet we see and we know that Alan's new AREA53 will have some high-end boards when he reaches production. <BR> <BR>Inland Yellow <BR>Shred Stixx Stixxtreme <BR>Calibrated Piscus <BR>Walker Project F-18 <BR>Walker Project Team <BR>Walker Project Bullet <BR>Trick Boardz Surf Skate <BR>Liquid Force Custom <BR>Walzer Pintail <BR>Walzer Fish <BR>XBC Grom <BR>Shoreline 5'0" Squash <BR>Placebo Sleigh Model <BR>New Wave Outlaw <BR> <BR>Skimstyle: <BR> <BR>Calibrated Telum <BR>Calibrated Lovett Pro <BR>Phase 5 - all <BR>Inland 4skim <BR> <BR>Which ones did I miss? Is that a fairly good classification of boards?

nickypoo 02-06-2007 1:27 PM

I'm curious as to why you didn't list the Walzers in the skimstyle section.

02-06-2007 2:43 PM

When we did the rules for the INT, we made it a simple cutoff to signify the two classes - 2 inch fin. The Walzer's come with 2 and 3/8. Really nothing more elaborate than that. <BR> <BR>I'm open to shifting them to the other category.

nickypoo 02-06-2007 2:53 PM

Ohhh, I see. Yes, I think the Walzer should be switched. But that is just my oh so humble opinion.

02-06-2007 6:24 PM

Actually, Mark Sher pointed out the error of my ways - no S'style and Skimstyle, they're all wakes'ers. <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> <BR> <BR>Inland Yellow <BR>Shred Stixx Stixxtreme <BR>Calibrated Piscus <BR>Walker Project F-18 <BR>Walker Project Team <BR>Walker Project Bullet <BR>Trick Boardz Surf Skate <BR>Liquid Force Custom <BR>Walzer Pintail <BR>Walzer Fish <BR>XBC Grom <BR>Shoreline 5'0" Squash <BR>Placebo Sleigh Model <BR>New Wave Outlaw <BR>Calibrated Telum <BR>Calibrated Lovett Pro <BR>Phase 5 - all <BR>Inland 4skim

nickypoo 02-07-2007 7:28 AM

Ah yes, that's much better.<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" border=0> <BR> <BR>So...favorite?

02-07-2007 9:59 AM

I think that we are still working on the list. <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> In reviewing the existing offerings by Shred Stixx I really need to expand and change that list to reflect the Thresher, Ja Mako and Piranha models. And delete the LF Custom because you can't buy one. So does that mean that we do the same thing with Calibrated? If you can't buy one, even if select people have one, I think that means you have to remove them from the list. The WP renamed the team and I think the Black Widow is a rather specialized piece of equipment, so...it's omitted. On Phase 5, you can't buy the new Danielo pro model on their website, so I expanded it to just their 3 offerings and Vic has a wake skim too. So, as revised: <BR> <BR> <BR>Inland Yellow <BR>Shred Stixx Thresher <BR>Shred Stixx Ja Mako <BR>Shred Stixx Piranha <BR>Walker Project F-18 <BR>Walker Project Fast50 <BR>Walker Project Bullet <BR>Trick Boardz Surf Skate <BR>Walzer Pintail <BR>Walzer Fish <BR>XBC Grom <BR>Shoreline 5'0" Squash <BR>Placebo Sleigh Model <BR>New Wave Outlaw <BR>Phase 5 Icon <BR>Phase 5 Prop <BR>Phase 5 Oogle <BR>Inland 4skim <BR>Victoria Wake Skim

nickypoo 02-07-2007 10:49 AM

No, you're still working on list.<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/wink.gif" border=0> <BR> <BR>You can order a Danielo pro model from P5 directly. I was quoted at $495.

02-07-2007 10:52 AM

I've seen the advert's so the webiste just isn't updated, but they have the product available?

nickypoo 02-07-2007 10:55 AM

That's what I was told. Your choice of four different colors.

02-07-2007 7:29 PM

Ok, back to the list and fav's. I haven't ridden the Placebo or New Waveor the Danielo pro model. The Icon and Thresher are too small for me and the Oogle is more board than I need. <BR> <BR>At last count, we have 31 boards!!!!!! Buddy can you spare $495?! I need a new board! <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> <BR> <BR>A small sample: <BR> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/559019/411652.jpg" alt="Upload">

02-07-2007 7:45 PM

I'm 50, 175 pounds and 5'4". I am not a fan of single fin boards, so all the Phase5 boards come off. I prefer faster, twicthy almost skate-like riding. <BR> <BR>For small gutless waves, or for situations where the wake will be fast - in excess of 13+ mph, my hands down favorite is the Ja Mako. It's got enough surface area to allow me to stay with a small mushy wake. <BR> <BR>For medium wakes, that are a bit faster than I normally ride - say 11.5 to 13.5 mph, I like my Walker Project Fast50 4'9" length 2.25" nose rocker and I think a 20.5" width with 3.25" SB1's. It's a smaller board than the Ja Mako, not quite as fast, but is more responsive than the Ja Mako in an "OK" wake. <BR> <BR>For a good sized wake with average speed - 10 to 12 mph, I love the Walzer. <BR> <BR>I can ride all three of those boards backside switch, not great, but I can ride them and so they allow me to expand my trick list. <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> <BR> <BR>My picks. <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0>

poser007 02-07-2007 7:52 PM

Ok I really enjoy wakesurfing but am not great at it. I have a hyperlite broadcast atleast I think I do, havent looked at it in a while its the gree one. My question is, would I be better off purchaing a regular surfboard but a smaller one? It seems like a regular surfboard would float better and stay in the pocket better. I have not learned any tricks other then being able to let go of the rope for a minute of 2 and pretend like I am really sufing. The part I hate though, is that I really have to concentrate when I let go off the rope becasue the minute I stop concentrating on where I am in the sweet spot I lose it. Any oppinions?

bigshow 02-07-2007 8:19 PM

I've got a Broadcast 5.6, the green one. The Inland Surfer Blue is a very good surf style board that should help you free ride. Might help to know your weight and surf boat set up is like. <BR> <BR>I’m 210 to 220 and have tweaked my surfwake for two years. I have no trouble riding the Broadcast. If someone has trouble staying in the pocket we step Perfect Pass down a notch or two. I’ve slowed my boat down to the point where I can surf a postage stamp, well almost but that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

nickypoo 02-08-2007 8:42 AM

I want to see all 31 boards layed out and in one picture. That's would be awesome. <BR> <BR>That is probably the most thought out and researched reply I have ever heard. Gold Star for you Jeff. I'm happy to see the Walzer on your list. How is your Walzer set up anyways (i.e. shape, thickness, rails, ect.)? <BR> <BR>Daniel- Depending on your weight of coarse, you can get a lot of good work done on that Broadcast. From your description of your situation, I don't know that a different board will cure your ills. I've got 5 solid seasons on one and I can ride it with my eyes closed at this point (yes I've tried). I'm 185#s and run a very conservative wake set up.

poser007 02-09-2007 4:28 PM

Im 5"8 193 or so. But Im hoping to be down to 180 by summer<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/uhoh.gif" border=0>I am running 1000 lbs balst left side 500 in front and having 2 guys sittin gon the back of the left side of the boat. and if anyone else is with us they also sit on the left side. The wake is nice at around 10 1/2 - 11 but it seems like we ride so close to the teak platform that if you dont concentrate you will ride right up the thing.

bigshow 02-09-2007 5:10 PM

If you’re too close to the teak and transom, you probably have a tall short wake. Normally I'd suggest putting more weight in the bow but you already have 500 up there. Given your set up and the fact that you’re too close to the transom I'd try putting LESS weight in the back.

bigshow 02-09-2007 5:11 PM

At your weight the Broadcast should be a decent starter board. I think you just need to ride a little more and play with the your set up.

02-09-2007 5:54 PM

Go faster. <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> Really! If you can stay with the wake and it feels like you're riding too close, I'd try bumping the speed up. The 10.5 - 11mph may not be all that accurate. I'd bump the speed until you get a decent length pocket and it starts becoming hard to stay in the pocket. <BR> <BR>So many variables to play with on a boat, huh?

bigshow 02-09-2007 6:05 PM

Ya, that makes more sense, that will stretch the pocket, always a good thing, and put you further away from the transom. If he's surfing behind a B52 V23, I expect that's a pretty good wakemachine. I thought he said that he was having trouble staying in the pocket, hitting the transom is a different problem.

02-10-2007 7:48 AM

Is this high enough sleighs quad double bump shovel nose in flight<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/559019/412397.jpg" alt="Upload">

02-10-2007 9:03 AM

Josh is amazing. Has everyone seen the picture of Josh from the world's published in this month's wakeboarding magazine? He looks to be boosting 2 feet of air behind the boat.

poser007 02-10-2007 5:48 PM

WOw is that guy behind a boat?

radrider 02-19-2007 12:02 PM

Nope, he's being pulled by the winch up on the rocks. Sick video btw. It was posted in another thread a few days ago by J.L. and Mobster Productions... follow me <a href="http://www.surfline.com/video/video_player/video_player.cfm?id=7891" target="_blank">www.surfline.com/video/video_player/video_player.cfm?id=7891</a> <BR> <BR> <BR>As for the high-end boards, i would define high-end as "custom made" vs mainstream but not necessarily expensive. Plus you're leaving one really quality board off the list here. The Stealth model from AWakesurf.com, soon to be Area53.com. Pic below. <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/559019/415794.jpg" alt="Upload"> <BR> <BR>Now this is a Skim-style board and is good for riders under 200 lbs in my opinion, but the company also has surf style boards for a little more stability and tricks like a 'hang 10' that you just can't do on a skim style. <BR> <BR>I got a sneak peek at a new A53 model and future planned products that should be out Summer '07 and they're SICK!! The new designs will be easier for newer riders to learn on and experienced riders to up their shred-factor. The boost (for aerial trix) will be nice and the rear fins are just enough to keep you in the pocket but not anchor your board from spins. <BR> <BR>KEEP AN EYE out for the Area53 boards coming out, you won't be disappointed.

radrider 02-19-2007 12:05 PM

Plus A53 boards are one of the most popular boards awarded at wakesurf competitions so the company really is all about supporting and advancing the sport for the riders and everybody involved.

02-19-2007 1:09 PM

Jon, <BR> <BR>Just to be clear. Alan Bogdanoff is stellar at supporting the sport, I have relied upon him for his generosity to the AWSA. However, Awakesurf and A53 are different entities. Alan, in separate posts, has indicated that he has sold the Awakesurf name. My understanding, is that A53 has yet to finalize production, but as you point out will be available this summer. As such, A53, I would conclude, hasn't made any donations for prizes in the past. <BR> <BR>Awakesurf, while under Alan's ownership, was most generous in donating boards for prizes. Hopefully, A53, under Alan's ownership will be just as generous. The sport and various organizers across the country owe him their gratitude.

radrider 02-19-2007 2:38 PM

Jeff, next time i'll be more picky in my words i guess. I didn't realize there was that much of a need for distinction but whatever floats your boat. All i was saying is that the list provided still has a few names that can be added. <BR> <BR>Thanks for your thoroughness and excellent contributions for everybody on the msg board.

02-19-2007 4:56 PM

Not to bust your chops, the reason we excluded several boards was because they aren't available at retail - Calibrated, the Liquid Force Custom, etc. A53 isn't currently available, so based upon the "not available" criteria, is excluded. <BR> <BR>Alan has made a significant point of differentiation of his product line, I would think that if the new owners of Awakesurf do not adhere to Alan's dedication to quality, that Alan may not want to be associated with a production he does not control. <BR> <BR>I'm sure that A53 boards will be killer, but until they are available at retail - as discussed above, I would, and did, exclude them.

alan_bogdanoff 02-19-2007 5:16 PM

Hey Guys, <BR>Just logged on; again I have NOT read all the posts, just the last coupple of them. <BR> <BR>I do have proptotyopes in hand and am working on fin placement on the last one. I have a long road ahead of me, but It will happen. Hopefully I will have product by summer and be in full production soon after. It's hard to start up. I am no longer Awakesurf, but many of my bords are still out there. But I am ahead of schedule because I was planning on launching in '08, but things went faster than I planned, due to the people I met and helped me out in my journey. I did send out a couple of my proto's out to Florida, and San Diego, and one to Texas I'm stoked on the reaction. <BR> <BR>Thanks for the kind words Jon and Jeff. <BR> <BR>And as far as Jeff goes - your still the man, and I will continue to contribute (even if my boards are not ready for this next season). There are more ways to contribute to this sport of love than a donation of a board or 2. I want to see this sport grow big time. <BR> <BR>there are so many great boards out there at the moment; Jeff's 4-skim (inland surfer), walker, phase 5, Calibrated (one of my favorite, go out and buy one now), but the one that sticks out in my head the most is Walzer (i think that's the correct name) CA Skimmer rides them. I know nothing about sean, or walzer, but from what I hear, from some heavy weights in San Diego is this guy is in it for the love (as well as all of us) and he is producing some sick skimmers. <BR> <BR>Like I think Jeff Walker said in an old post "this will be the year of the skimmers" (not in those exact words, but something like that). <BR> <BR>Kool - I'm glad we are heading in the right direction.

alan_bogdanoff 02-19-2007 5:22 PM

Oh yea, <BR> <BR>How could I forget the god father of wake surfing: Jerry of Shred Stixx. Sorry Bro. <BR> <BR>I just found I pic of me wakesurfing holding on the rope from 1988. I'll try to get it on the post if I can figure out how to make a jpeg out of a photo. Any suggestions how to do this?

02-19-2007 5:59 PM

Hey Alan, you have an old photo? Sick - if someone has a scanner they can convert it to a jpeg - OR virtually every Kinko's can do it for you.

closedtoe 02-19-2007 6:01 PM

You can By the LF custom: <a href="http://www.wakeside.com/page/w/CTGY/liquid_force_wake_surfboards" target="_blank">http://www.wakeside.com/page/w/CTGY/liquid_force_wake_surfboards</a>

closedtoe 02-19-2007 6:07 PM

oops i meant "buy". Well, maybe you can't buy it, but you can pre order.

02-19-2007 6:14 PM

Right - not available at retail. <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0>

alan_bogdanoff 02-19-2007 7:42 PM

Kool, <BR>I'll try 2 scan the photo 2marrow and post it. <BR>It was back in my competition days of surfing. the boat was a 32 foot sea ray. my parentals used 2 love it to cruise the delta, so I always brought along my board.

radrider 02-22-2007 7:53 PM

thats great... can't wait to see that photo Alan.

alan_bogdanoff 02-22-2007 8:29 PM

I'm too embarrassed to send it.

nickypoo 02-23-2007 8:11 AM

Whaaaaaaaat? Booooooooooooooooooo! Come on Dude, we're all friends here.

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