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grant_west 07-26-2017 10:43 AM

Sorry Transgender people
What NO He/She's in the Military any more! This is a Outrage. LOL LOL LOL

This is gonna be great. The fake outrage from Hollywood should be comming soon along with all the the other fake outrage from Libral left wing bats should be right behind Hollywood.

ralph 07-26-2017 1:44 PM

Too right! Next they will be letting darkies and women serve the country too!

actiondcpd 07-26-2017 3:52 PM

I for one am grateful for anyone willing to sacrifice their lives to defend our freedom.

wake77 07-26-2017 4:34 PM


Originally Posted by actiondcpd (Post 1963867)
I for one am grateful for anyone willing to sacrifice their lives to defend our freedom.

I feel the same. But you have pansies like Grant that simply sit back and criticize the people defending his freedom.

pesos 07-26-2017 4:50 PM

Republican senators McCain, Sullivan, Shelby, Ernst, and Hatch have already publicly disagreed with this announcement including some other republicans in the house. Most of them actually served in the military like wake77 did, and unlike Trump and grant.

“Any American who meets current medical and readiness standards should be allowed to continue serving. There is no reason to force service members who are able to fight, train, and deploy to leave the military — regardless of their gender identity,” McCain said. “We should all be guided by the principle that any American who wants to serve our country and is able to meet the standards should have the opportunity to do so — and should be treated as the patriots they are.”

07-26-2017 5:04 PM


Originally Posted by pesos (Post 1963878)
Republican senators McCain, Sullivan, Shelby, Ernst, and Hatch have already publicly disagreed with this announcement including some other republicans in the house. Most of them actually served in the military like wake77 did, and unlike Trump and grant.

“Any American who meets current medical and readiness standards should be allowed to continue serving. There is no reason to force service members who are able to fight, train, and deploy to leave the military — regardless of their gender identity,” McCain said. “We should all be guided by the principle that any American who wants to serve our country and is able to meet the standards should have the opportunity to do so — and should be treated as the patriots they are.”

Wake as not in the military. He was in the navy.

fly135 07-26-2017 5:17 PM

More Trump showboating for his pathetic supporters. One would think that a ban would follow documenting specific problems. But when you are trying as hard as Trump to win the popularity contest, then other motives apply. Trump is even too stupid to realize that most of his showboating just creates more people who don't like him.

07-26-2017 5:23 PM

Mostly what I see are people who dislike him, still dislike him. Not changing anything one way or the other.

I don't know what to think about the ban, though it historically is the way and I have seen arguments in both fashions.

Couple points I have read is the people who go in and expect to transition are expecting the military to pay for the surgery(s) and the the medicine to stay trans. Once the surgery takes place, the military person is off duty for at least 250 days. I don't think this is the military's position to be nurse maid and financial bankroll. One article I say says the surgery's alone cost over $130,000.

fly135 07-26-2017 5:34 PM

Why would someone who dislikes a boorish liar in the executive office change their opinion as long as the current occupant is a boorish liar? Logic dictates they won't change their opinion. This shouldn't be unexpected.

If what you is true about the costs and time off duty, then Trump once again has demonstrated his lack of concern or ability to convey the American people the importance of his actions. The real power of the President is to shape the views of the public. Seems all that Trump can do is convince people that everything he does is wrong or leave them questioning why.

pesos 07-26-2017 5:35 PM


Originally Posted by deltahoosier (Post 1963881)
Wake as not in the military. He was in the navy.

Is this some lame joke/dig at the navy?

07-26-2017 5:36 PM

Lame joke? absolutely not. Dig at the navy? absolutely

07-26-2017 5:46 PM


Originally Posted by deltahoosier (Post 1963884)
Mostly what I see are people who dislike him, still dislike him. Not changing anything one way or the other.

I don't know what to think about the ban, though it historically is the way and I have seen arguments in both fashions.

Couple points I have read is the people who go in and expect to transition are expecting the military to pay for the surgery(s) and the the medicine to stay trans. Once the surgery takes place, the military person is off duty for at least 250 days. I don't think this is the military's position to be nurse maid and financial bankroll. One article I say says the surgery's alone cost over $130,000.

Woah, $100k for surgery? I love how you're a penny pincher now on this topic as Trump continues to bankroll Trump jrs business trips. How much did the Florida White House cost? You don't have a ****ing leg to stand on for such small prices in this argument.

07-26-2017 5:50 PM


Originally Posted by fly135 (Post 1963886)
Why would someone who dislikes a boorish liar in the executive office change their opinion as long as the current occupant is a boorish liar? Logic dictates they won't change their opinion. This shouldn't be unexpected.

If what you is true about the costs and time off duty, then Trump once again has demonstrated his lack of concern or ability to convey the American people the importance of his actions. The real power of the President is to shape the views of the public. Seems all that Trump can do is convince people that everything he does is wrong or leave them questioning why.

I think that Trump could walk out and put Obama's speech on and everyone would still say they don't like him. Nothing to see different here.

While I would say that he neglected to "sell" the public on it, would it matter if he gave a great speech with facts about it? Why waste the time. Are people that fragile now that they can not deal with a decision? The press and even the people on this board are only about sensationalism. Trump put out a policy decision. Grant his supporter, loves the idea. You as a Trump hater, hate the idea. What would Trump gain by making a federal case every time he makes a decision? He is not changing anyone's mind on it.

If the facts as I heard them are true, what does it matter? Absolute Trump haters will not change. If it is a valid lock down point, the haters will simply move to the next topic. rinse and repeat.

I found out my info on a two minute google search. Most people will not even look up the issue and move straight to hate just like the people on this thread. "OH... Trump did something. I am automatically against it and he must have made the decision because he is all about Trump and all that other BS."

07-26-2017 5:53 PM


Originally Posted by TheWakeIsReal (Post 1963890)
Woah, $100k for surgery? I love how you're a penny pincher now on this topic as Trump continues to bankroll Trump jrs business trips. How much did the Florida White House cost? You don't have a ****ing leg to stand on for such small prices in this argument.

Well. The military has a certain budget and so does the white house. The president gets protected where ever he goes so it does not matter. You want your soldiers out for almost a year from their service? Basically going in to bankroll their mixed up sense of self? Talk to the Generals. They made the recommendation it sounds like. How is this fair to the other service members who do not have a get out of my job for nearly a year card while doing their job or out in the field a couple times a day.

ralph 07-26-2017 7:10 PM

The military having to pay for gender reassignment surgery is ridiculous, if that's the case it should be stopped. Throwing them out of the military is not the solution tho.

fly135 07-26-2017 7:38 PM


Originally Posted by deltahoosier (Post 1963891)
I think that Trump could walk out and put Obama's speech on and everyone would still say they don't like him. Nothing to see different here.

No, everyone would be shocked.

grant_west 07-26-2017 8:30 PM

I love how the social Justice warriors flock to these threads like moths to a light, even though my spelling is 3rd grade!!!! well I guess that dosent matter untill you LibraTards start loosing the argument!!! LOL what a bunch of Dong Tards.

Hey dumb ass Libra Tards how much do you think It cost us Tax payers to convert "Bradley manning to CHELSY Manning" while he sat in prision.

Post your guess?


ralph 07-26-2017 11:32 PM

I don't see how it is legal to be honest. I think we can chalk this up to trump mouthing off some retarded policy which has zero chance off getting of the ground. More as a way of distracting the hehaw hicks that his efforts of repealing obamacare have been as about as successful as his muslim ban. Mission accomplished.

wake77 07-27-2017 4:46 AM


Originally Posted by deltahoosier (Post 1963888)
Lame joke? absolutely not. Dig at the navy? absolutely

Without the Navy, the US is no longer a superpower. Keep that in mind.

tweeder 07-27-2017 6:34 AM

Don't be so sensitive about the navy jokes, you knew they would come in when you enlisted/commissioned. I knew I was going to get my fair share of **** for joining the Chair Force. I have a feeling the military/veteran community might be more split on this subject than one would think like posted above. I haven't read any articles about it because I just don't care but this is a lot more complex than just some social equality issue regardless of Trumps position and I've heard great points coming from multiple perspectives on the subject.

markj 07-27-2017 6:57 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by deltahoosier (Post 1963888)
Lame joke? absolutely not. Dig at the navy? absolutely


deneng 07-27-2017 7:35 AM

Semen Wake 77 report to the quarterdeck

psudy 07-27-2017 7:41 AM

I find it very odd that people on a boating forum don't like the Navy.

deneng 07-27-2017 7:59 AM

<iframe width="854" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/nmGuy0jievs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

deneng 07-27-2017 8:54 AM

I can see it now... Going to the VA 10 years after discharge for monthly or weekly hormone therapy. Seriously only the government would pay 100k for cutting off someone's penis . Guess what they just create a cavity. It is not a real vagina. What in the hell are you gonna do with that libs?

07-27-2017 9:07 AM


Originally Posted by wake77 (Post 1963918)
Without the Navy, the US is no longer a superpower. Keep that in mind.

Slow down slap chop. I'm just teasing. I can throw a stick and hit 3 navy nukes with one toss at about any time of the day. Great guys and extremely smart. BTW, it is a Marine that is their boss.......

07-27-2017 9:09 AM


Originally Posted by ralph (Post 1963907)
The military having to pay for gender reassignment surgery is ridiculous, if that's the case it should be stopped. Throwing them out of the military is not the solution tho.

I agree. They are in. Let them finish at this point.

deneng 07-27-2017 9:12 AM

I feel least sorry for the people in the swamp. Contractors were lining up to convert missle tubes on the submarines into bathrooms because thats what swamp people do.

07-27-2017 9:13 AM


Originally Posted by fly135 (Post 1963911)
No, everyone would be shocked.

Considering his stance as being for Gay rights coming into office and his work with the black community in New York, his inviting minorities to the White House for meetings on how to improve the minority situations as one of his first actions of being president, I would say that he has been more like Obama than Obama has been early in his presidency.

deneng 07-27-2017 9:15 AM


Originally Posted by deltahoosier (Post 1963941)
Slow down slap chop. I'm just teasing. I can throw a stick and hit 3 navy nukes with one toss at about any time of the day. Great guys and extremely smart. BTW, it is a Marine that is their boss.......

I did my time in the Navy. Best branch of the military. We will manage fine without the transgenders though.

fouroheight68 07-27-2017 10:23 AM

Maybe we should be celebrating, since Donnie just made it easier than ever to avoid a draft. #unintendedconsequences

deneng 07-27-2017 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by fouroheight68 (Post 1963953)
Maybe we should be celebrating, since Donnie just made it easier than ever to avoid a draft. #unintendedconsequences

Maybe Boarding 85 should attend a Wes spelling class.. Drrr...

fouroheight68 07-27-2017 11:33 AM


psudy 07-27-2017 11:50 AM

From a quick search it appears the house turned down a bill to ban reassignment surgery for military personal in early July so Trump just banned them. It all started with that guy that got surgery a few years ago it appears. I am not one that cares what you do with your life, but I don't think tax payers should be footing the bill for it.


07-27-2017 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by deneng (Post 1963959)
Maybe Boarding 85 should attend a Wes spelling class.. Drrr...

What the **** are you talking about?

07-27-2017 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by deltahoosier (Post 1963892)
Well. The military has a certain budget and so does the white house. The president gets protected where ever he goes so it does not matter. You want your soldiers out for almost a year from their service? Basically going in to bankroll their mixed up sense of self? Talk to the Generals. They made the recommendation it sounds like. How is this fair to the other service members who do not have a get out of my job for nearly a year card while doing their job or out in the field a couple times a day.

The White House doesn't have a budget. I'm not sure where you got that from, it should be rather clear by now when the guy is just burning money.

You're talking about a select few and this could have easily been handled with a "we're not paying for your surgery", not a ban.

07-27-2017 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by deltahoosier (Post 1963944)
Considering his stance as being for Gay rights coming into office and his work with the black community in New York, his inviting minorities to the White House for meetings on how to improve the minority situations as one of his first actions of being president, I would say that he has been more like Obama than Obama has been early in his presidency.

How about when he denied any black/Browns from renting his real estate? Considering that I would say he is a racist no?

fouroheight68 07-27-2017 12:20 PM

It appears the real story is conservative republicans didn't want to pass a spending bill that included costs for gender resassignment treatments. House Republicans put pressure on Trump directly to remove these spending entitlements in order to pass the larger spending bill.


Trump’s sudden decision was, in part, a last-ditch attempt to save a House proposal full of his campaign promises that was on the verge of defeat, numerous congressional and White House sources said.
Rather than removing the spending entitlements for trans medical care, Trump just outright banned all trans soldiers


“This is like someone told the White House to light a candle on the table and the WH set the whole table on fire,” a senior House Republican aide said in an email. The source said that although GOP leaders asked the White House for help on the taxpayer matter specifically, they weren’t expecting — and got no heads up on — Trump’s far-reaching directive.
Source http://www.politico.com/story/2017/0...-scenes-240990

fouroheight68 07-27-2017 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by TheWakeIsReal (Post 1963967)
What the **** are you talking about?

My only guess is he doesn't understand what a hashtag is. :banghead:

ralph 07-27-2017 1:19 PM


Originally Posted by fouroheight68 (Post 1963970)
It appears the real story is conservative republicans didn't want to pass a spending bill that included costs for gender resassignment treatments. House Republicans put pressure on Trump directly to remove these spending entitlements in order to pass the larger spending bill.

Rather than removing the spending entitlements for trans medical care, Trump just outright banned all trans soldiers

Source http://www.politico.com/story/2017/0...-scenes-240990

So just another example of incompetent leadership. Like another was needed.

07-27-2017 2:03 PM


Originally Posted by ralph (Post 1963975)
So just another example of incompetent leadership. Like another was needed.

That is your opinion. It should have never been in there in the first place. That is not his fault.

07-27-2017 2:07 PM


Originally Posted by TheWakeIsReal (Post 1963969)
How about when he denied any black/Browns from renting his real estate? Considering that I would say he is a racist no?

Fake news. Fred Trump was the person who had policies in place in the 1960's. In the 70's when Donald was young and coming up in the business, he was named in the suit because he was now part of the company. To say Donald Trump set the policy was very thin at best. Do your research.

07-27-2017 2:11 PM


Originally Posted by TheWakeIsReal (Post 1963968)
The White House doesn't have a budget. I'm not sure where you got that from, it should be rather clear by now when the guy is just burning money.

You're talking about a select few and this could have easily been handled with a "we're not paying for your surgery", not a ban.

You never answered the question. If it fair to allow a person to join the military so they can have paid gender reassignment? Is it fair that they get R&R while the others have to work their crappy jobs in many cases?

Why are people who are diabetic excluded from the military? It does not matter what medicine they have to take and their mental state of mind does it? Are the cronically depressed excluded?

ralph 07-27-2017 3:11 PM


Originally Posted by deltahoosier (Post 1963979)
That is your opinion. It should have never been in there in the first place. That is not his fault.

Correct on all counts, yes my opinion, yes shouldn't be in there, yes not his fault. What however is is fault is proposing a solution which is unconstitutional by nature and has no hope of fixing the problem.

95sn 07-27-2017 3:13 PM

after googling this I read that the Military spends more on Viagra than gender reassignment surgeries. Thanks Rod. :)If it was to save $$, cut out the limp guy drugs.
It really seems like trump just comes out with outrageous statements just to create havoc and mis direct. BTW it is NOT a policy decision or executive order, it was a trump tweet. Those two words together add up to a nothing burger. :D And as he does, he lied. He did not discuss with his generals. They were all sucker punched by it. Its all just a distraction to take heat off his being investigated, which is really pissing the orange guy off. This reality tv guy doesnt need any other motivation, he seeks media like a kardsashian. I dont think the military should be paying for sex change surgeries or Viagra. Soo...i guess i agree with trump.

fouroheight68 07-27-2017 3:17 PM


Originally Posted by 95sn (Post 1963990)
after googling this I read that the Military spends more on Viagra than gender reassignment surgeries. Thanks Rod. :)If it was to save $$, cut out the limp guy drugs.
It really seems like trump just comes out with outrageous statements just to create havoc and mis direct. BTW it is NOT a policy decision or executive order, it was a trump tweet. Those two words together add up to a nothing burger. :D And as he does, he lied. He did not discuss with his generals. They were all sucker punched by it. Its all just a distraction to take heat off his being investigated, which is really pissing the orange guy off. This reality tv guy doesnt need any other motivation, he seeks media like a kardsashian. I dont think the military should be paying for sex change surgeries or Viagra. Soo...i guess i agree with trump.

Nailed it.

I think its interesting the same people who are up in arms about the "enormous cost" of medical care for trans soldiers, have no problem spending $10,000,000,000 on a giant wall with Mexico which will have no affect on illegal immigration.

07-27-2017 4:15 PM


Originally Posted by 95sn (Post 1963990)
after googling this I read that the Military spends more on Viagra than gender reassignment surgeries. Thanks Rod. :)If it was to save $$, cut out the limp guy drugs.
It really seems like trump just comes out with outrageous statements just to create havoc and mis direct. BTW it is NOT a policy decision or executive order, it was a trump tweet. Those two words together add up to a nothing burger. :D And as he does, he lied. He did not discuss with his generals. They were all sucker punched by it. Its all just a distraction to take heat off his being investigated, which is really pissing the orange guy off. This reality tv guy doesnt need any other motivation, he seeks media like a kardsashian. I dont think the military should be paying for sex change surgeries or Viagra. Soo...i guess i agree with trump.

Good for you looking it up. We should all at least try to get educated first on a topic.

I agree. Why pay for limp dudes. However you have to be careful with the stats. That is lifetime of viagra vs lifetime of transgender surgery/ meds. Now do that for a case by case basis. IF you want to tell the stat that way, I am sure the military spends more on antibiotic than they do sex change surgeries.

Not sure anyone can say absolutely who he spoke with or not. He said he did, I have to leave it at that.

Also, you are correct. It is just a tweet and has not been decreed. Everyone is talking about it and looking up the subject so there is that.

07-27-2017 4:17 PM


Originally Posted by ralph (Post 1963989)
Correct on all counts, yes my opinion, yes shouldn't be in there, yes not his fault. What however is is fault is proposing a solution which is unconstitutional by nature and has no hope of fixing the problem.

Not sure how it is unconstitutional? The president can declare many things if he chooses.

07-27-2017 4:28 PM


Originally Posted by fouroheight68 (Post 1963991)
Nailed it.

I think its interesting the same people who are up in arms about the "enormous cost" of medical care for trans soldiers, have no problem spending $10,000,000,000 on a giant wall with Mexico which will have no affect on illegal immigration.

Not nailed at all. Life time expenditures is a different argument.

Why do sex change personnel get time off while other soldiers have to work? What if they are deployed and can not get their change meds? There are also many emotional issues with gender dysphoria. Are the fit for duty in those cases?

I think those are all valid issues. Diabetics are not allowed in the military are they? Isn't that because of the need for treatment that may not be available in the field?

Interesting find from military.com


Medical Conditions That May Prevent You From Joining the Military

b. Male genitalia.

(1) Absence of both testicles, either congenital, or acquired, or unexplained absence of a testicle.

(2) Epispadias or Hypospadias, when accompanied by evidence of infection of the urinary tract, or if clothing is soiled when voiding.

(3) Undiagnosed enlargement or mass of testicle or epididymis.

(4) Undescended testicle(s).

(5) Orchitis, acute or chronic epididymitis.

(6) Penis, amputation of, if the resulting stump is insufficient to permit normal micturition.

(7) Penile infectious lesions, including herpes genitalis and condyloma acuminata, acute or chronic, not amenable to treatment. Such treatment must be given and demonstrated effective prior to accession.

(8) Prostatitis, acute or chronic.

(9) Hydrocele. Left varicocele, if painful, or any right varicocele.

c. Major abnormalities and defects of the genitalia, such as a change of sex, a history thereof, or dysfunctional residuals from surgical correction of these conditions.

ralph 07-27-2017 5:13 PM


Originally Posted by deltahoosier (Post 1963996)
Not sure how it is unconstitutional? The president can declare many things if he chooses.

Can you discriminate on the basis of someone's gender?

07-27-2017 5:22 PM

Gender dysphoria is considered a disorder, it is not a particular sex. It is not saying only males or only females who change are disqualified. It is saying people with this disorder are disqualified. If you read the list from military.com, sex change is already one of the issue that can disqualify you from service without a waiver.

wake77 07-27-2017 5:34 PM


Originally Posted by deltahoosier (Post 1963997)
Not nailed at all. Life time expenditures is a different argument.

Why do sex change personnel get time off while other soldiers have to work? What if they are deployed and can not get their change meds? There are also many emotional issues with gender dysphoria. Are the fit for duty in those cases?

I think those are all valid issues. Diabetics are not allowed in the military are they? Isn't that because of the need for treatment that may not be available in the field?

Interesting find from military.com


Medical Conditions That May Prevent You From Joining the Military

b. Male genitalia.

(1) Absence of both testicles, either congenital, or acquired, or unexplained absence of a testicle.

(2) Epispadias or Hypospadias, when accompanied by evidence of infection of the urinary tract, or if clothing is soiled when voiding.

(3) Undiagnosed enlargement or mass of testicle or epididymis.

(4) Undescended testicle(s).

(5) Orchitis, acute or chronic epididymitis.

(6) Penis, amputation of, if the resulting stump is insufficient to permit normal micturition.

(7) Penile infectious lesions, including herpes genitalis and condyloma acuminata, acute or chronic, not amenable to treatment. Such treatment must be given and demonstrated effective prior to accession.

(8) Prostatitis, acute or chronic.

(9) Hydrocele. Left varicocele, if painful, or any right varicocele.

c. Major abnormalities and defects of the genitalia, such as a change of sex, a history thereof, or dysfunctional residuals from surgical correction of these conditions.

What about female soldiers that have babies? What about soldiers that have some sort of surgery?

95sn 07-27-2017 5:58 PM


I agree. Why pay for limp dudes. However you have to be careful with the stats. That is lifetime of viagra vs lifetime of transgender surgery/ meds. Now do that for a case by case basis. IF you want to tell the stat that way, I am sure the military spends more on antibiotic than they do sex change surgeries.

Not sure anyone can say absolutely who he spoke with or not. He said he did, I have to leave it at that.

Also, you are correct. It is just a tweet and has not been decreed. Everyone is talking about it and looking up the subject so there is that.
This may be as close as we come to seeing eye to eye Rod :). I dont think we should be paying for sex change surgery in the military, in jails or ever out of tax money. Or Viagra.

We do know that the Generals, or as trump put it "My Generals" , did not discuss this topic with trump. They were interviewed, they had no idea. He lied. Again.

pesos 07-27-2017 7:24 PM

1 Attachment(s)
defer defer defer defer defer

wake77 07-28-2017 5:56 AM


Originally Posted by 95sn (Post 1964010)
This may be as close as we come to seeing eye to eye Rod :). I dont think we should be paying for sex change surgery in the military, in jails or ever out of tax money. Or Viagra.

We do know that the Generals, or as trump put it "My Generals" , did not discuss this topic with trump. They were interviewed, they had no idea. He lied. Again.

The Joint Chief of Staff found out about this from his Tweets.

07-28-2017 9:21 AM


Originally Posted by wake77 (Post 1964004)
What about female soldiers that have babies? What about soldiers that have some sort of surgery?

What about it. Women get 6 weeks in civilian life. Not sure in military. That is not 250 days. Surgeries in the military can have you discharged if you are not fit for duty. Can they discharge at trans person for not being fit for duty.

Ever look up the suicide attempt rate for trans people?


“Overall, the most striking finding of our analysis was the
exceptionally high prevalence of lifetime suicide attempts reported
by NTDS respondents across all demographics and experiences.”

Suicide attempts among trans men
(46%) and trans women (42%) were
slightly higher than the full sample (41%).
Cross-dressers assigned male at birth
have the lowest reported prevalence of
suicide attempts among gender identity
groups (21%).

Analysis of other demographic variables
found prevalence of suicide attempts
was highest among those who are younger (18 to
24: 45%), multiracial (54%) and American Indian or
Alaska Native (56%), have lower levels of educational
attainment (high school or less: 48-49%), and have
lower annual household income (less than $10,000:

• Prevalence of suicide attempts is elevated among
those who disclose to everyone that they are
transgender or gender-non-conforming (50%) and
among those that report others can tell always (42%)
or most of the time (45%) that they are transgender
or gender non-conforming even if they don’t tell them.

Now lets look at military suicide rate of those deployed:


The Army's suicide rate for active-duty soldiers averaged nearly 11-per-100-000 from Sept. 11, 2001, until shortly after the Iraq invasion in 2004. It more than doubled over the next five years, and, with the exception of a spike in 2012, has remained largely constant at 24-to-25-per-100,000, roughly 20% to 25% higher than a civilian population of the same age and gender makeup as the military.

Basically the rate was 1/4 more compared to those not in the military. So lets put a person who already has near a 50% chance to commit suicide into a job that will increase their chance of suicide? Seems like the thing to do. Can other statistically unsettled disorders be allowed to join the military?

07-28-2017 9:24 AM


Originally Posted by 95sn (Post 1964010)
This may be as close as we come to seeing eye to eye Rod :). I dont think we should be paying for sex change surgery in the military, in jails or ever out of tax money. Or Viagra.

We do know that the Generals, or as trump put it "My Generals" , did not discuss this topic with trump. They were interviewed, they had no idea. He lied. Again.

maybe he did lie. You know when a politician is lying is when their lips are moving. However, all he had to do was have a conversation with a couple of Generals and not be lying. There are more Generals than on the joint chiefs. Joint Chiefs of staff is a very political position.

07-28-2017 9:26 AM


Originally Posted by wake77 (Post 1964004)
What about female soldiers that have babies? What about soldiers that have some sort of surgery?

Also, click on the link if you want those answers. To be honest, I don't see how anyone gets in the military with that list.

grant_west 07-28-2017 11:55 AM

From Dennis

I did my time in the Navy. Best branch of the military. We will manage fine without the transgenders though.
Don't get me wrong. I think transgender folk are great. Have you even been to a place called "Asia SF" it's a place in SF with "Chicks with dick$" it's awesome they dress all up and put on a show for you while you have dinner, show toons. Hell my buddy got so wasted he started making out with a Dude! LOL LOL he was so embarrassed when he found out He was a She, lol lol you wanna suppport the Transgender Cominity go find one and make out with them. That's real support LOL LOL

07-28-2017 1:24 PM


Originally Posted by grant_west (Post 1964064)
From Dennis
Don't get me wrong. I think transgender folk are great. Have you even been to a place called "Asia SF" it's a place in SF with "Chicks with dick$" it's awesome they dress all up and put on a show for you while you have dinner, show toons. Hell my buddy got so wasted he started making out with a Dude! LOL LOL he was so embarrassed when he found out He was a She, lol lol you wanna suppport the Transgender Cominity go find one and make out with them. That's real support LOL LOL

Man first you supported a pedophile and now you're getting lap dances from Trannies. Interesting guy.

grant_west 07-28-2017 8:21 PM

Wow ^^ that's what you got from my post. Please put "Dong Tard" at the end of your user name it will make it easier for the rest of us.

07-29-2017 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by grant_west (Post 1964096)
Wow ^^ that's what you got from my post. Please put "Dong Tard" at the end of your user name it will make it easier for the rest of us.

What was I supposed to get out of your post?

deneng 07-29-2017 2:17 PM


Originally Posted by TheWakeIsReal (Post 1964120)
What was I supposed to get out of your post?

Dong Tard all you gotta remember is that The Truth Will Set You Free. LOL LOL

markj 07-31-2017 8:28 PM

1 Attachment(s)

grant_west 08-01-2017 7:33 AM

1 Attachment(s)

grant_west 08-05-2017 8:02 AM

1 Attachment(s)
LOL The most well know Transgender Caitlyn Jenner still supports TRUMP, it's funny watching the LBGT community turn on itself.

ralph 08-05-2017 5:09 PM

Fake news! Catilyn hates trump! He is such a meanie!

grant_west 08-05-2017 10:33 PM

^^^ Let me Guess the Russians Did it!

ralph 08-05-2017 10:49 PM

He just wrote the hat because it highlights his baby blue eyes

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