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wesley_is_wake 03-15-2008 1:17 PM

Which one's better? I'm not sure what the advantages of either one are, or the disadvantages. I found a liquid force Henshaw 07' non cga for $40 and I wasn't sure what to do about it since it's not CGA. Any help at all here?

ty540 03-15-2008 1:48 PM

Non CGA advantages: cheaper, lighter, less cumbersome <BR>Non CGA disadvantages: you're more likely to die (this strikes me as a rather important consideration). <BR> <BR>For CGA vests, just negate all of the above.

02ssv 03-15-2008 1:52 PM

The CGA vest will float you on your back with your face out of the water so you can continue to breath and not die.

wesley_is_wake 03-15-2008 4:15 PM

Okay great, other than that, are they still as buoyant and floaty?

greatdane 03-15-2008 4:33 PM

Coast Guard Approved vests are designed to a standard which evaluates buoyancy and float posture. <BR> <BR>I don't think Non Coast Guard Approved vests have a standard. <BR> <BR>If you use a NCGA vest you run a greater risk of 1) floating face down when you get knocked out or 2) sinking when your lungs fill up with water.

hawk7 03-15-2008 5:00 PM

<b>NCGA Vests Do Not Pass PFD Type III Standards</b>, that is all, but for most people, that is the diference between taking another set and dying. <BR> <BR>Read the panphlet thing that comes on CGA vests, it will explain quite well what the standards are for a CGA vest. I wear a NCGA Helium SWAT and it floats me just as a CGA veast used to, only I do not resurface as quickly, though the differents is only a few seconds; mabye its cause I'm extra fluffy [yes; fluffy] Muscle will make you sink faster, I have heard. For most people the extra insurance is worth it to have an "expensive heavy combersome" vest. <BR> <BR>(Message edited by hawk7 on March 15, 2008)

bird_dog0347 03-15-2008 6:59 PM

I don't think a CGA vest will turn you face up if you are still in your bindings. At least, mine does not. <BR> <BR>I also have a NCGA Flak Jacket vest that floats much better than I expected it to, and fits perfect. I don't notice a buoyancy difference with it or my hyperlite agent vest.

proho 03-15-2008 9:52 PM

A cga vest is not guaranteed to float you face up. It is however guaranteed to have three closures ( two buckles and a zipper usually) and a minimum buoyant force (15 lbs I believe). A NCGA may or may not meet either of these standards. It's up to the rider how important the guaranteed standards of a cga vest is to them. <BR> <BR>[/thread]

bmartin 03-17-2008 8:11 AM

Not all NCGA vests are equal. I wish they would be required to at least tell you how many pounds of flotation they provide so you can make an informed decision in how much of a risk you are taking by wearing one. If the jacket is close to 15.5lbs of flotation, probably not much of a risk, but there are some that I do not think provide 5lbs of flotation. <BR> <BR>There have been some pretty impassioned posts in the recent past by family members and friends of victims that have drowned when wearing their NCGA vest.

jason_ssr 03-17-2008 8:53 AM

CGA has a set standard, and NCGA does not. If you choose a NCGA vest, It doe not mean you wont float. Lots of factors determine if you will surface or not. It does not mean its gonna blow open on a bad spill. All it means is that it doesnt meet the minimum standards for buckles and boyancy. <BR> <BR>A CGA vest doesnt mean you wont drown. CGA does not guarantee it wont blow open on a bad spill. All it means is that there are a minimum number of fasteners and a minimum amount of floatation that they deem sufficient for a lifesaving device in the event of a water crisis. <BR> <BR>CGA has a standard. NCGA you have to test for yourself. IM 210lbs and my NCGA doesnt float me worth a darn. However, my wife who is 115lbs wears a ncga and floats like a cork. <BR> <BR>We have both and I wear CGA mostly behind the boat, and NCGA when kiteboarding in the waves. She wears either behind the boat and NCGA in the waves.

sacmule 03-17-2008 8:57 AM

If you want to float face up, I think all that will do it is the orange "horseshoe" style with the strap around the back. The main goal is to be on the surface when the boat circles around to get you, this allows plenty of time for a rescue if needed. I have worn both and actually prefer the thicker CGA jackets because of the extra padding to absorb the blows during falls, however arm mobility is very important to me as well and several CGA PFDs are poor in this regard. I ride and love my approved Helium (Nevin) SWAT CGA; it has a lot of padding along the back and fits me very well without restricting.

sailing216 03-17-2008 6:10 PM

anyone been sited for NCGA vests when pulled over and a safety check and only NCGA vests in the boat?

johnny_defacto 03-17-2008 6:12 PM

for cable parks, specifically TSR, can I rock my NCGA vest, or do i have to use my CGA vest?

whitie 03-17-2008 6:35 PM

CGA vest for TSR

shredhead 03-18-2008 8:18 AM

I've gotten a ticket for a NCGA vest behind a jet ski. No CGA in the boat?

bmartin 03-18-2008 9:03 AM

I got a ticket for wearing a NCGA vest a couple years ago in a wakeboat.<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/angry.gif" border=0> Set me back about $125. We wear CGA more times than not now, but always have them on for weekends when we suspect there will be patrols on the lake.

waketx05 03-18-2008 2:41 PM

i rock a helium swat ncga... it floats me about to the top of my chest wen i just sit... as far as crashing and coming back up... better use the arms... cga vests are soo much safer..

kana12 03-18-2008 2:52 PM

i thought you only had to have enough cga vest on board for the people on board. its not illegal to wear a ncga vest for boarding is it?

stephan 03-18-2008 3:24 PM

Certain states it is, California being one of them. Its not really enforced (I've never owned a CGA vest), but occasionally you hear about someone getting a ticket. They will pull you over and make sure you have enough on board if you are acting like an idiot. We just keep a block of the orange things under a seat.

hawk7 03-18-2008 4:36 PM

Someone told me if you get pulled over for wearing an NCGA you can say youre practicing for a competition. Im not sure if I believe him or not because the same guy told me brian grubb died, on the other hand he said RH is the greatest wakeboarder who ever lived, so...

longhornfan 03-18-2008 5:43 PM

In Kansas you don't just have to have enough for everybody on board. They also have to be out (not stowed away in storage) and they can't be buckled to anything like your tower.

fletch_tx 03-18-2008 6:04 PM

Kenneth....that sucks!

markj 03-19-2008 11:10 PM

Non CGA vests are natures little way of culling the herd.

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