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mcmillanman5 04-07-2006 7:39 PM

Hello everyone, I am new to this site and hoped I could get some help. I have an 06 centurion enzo and am wanting to add size to the wake for surfing and wakeboarding/skating. <BR> <BR>1.I have seen some of the pictures of the fly high custom sacs that inland surfer uses. Would one of these sacs on each side (replacing the factory ballast) work better than adding an additional sack in each rear locker and keeping the factory ballast? <BR> <BR>2. If the fly high enzo sacs aren't filled all the way say for wakeboarding and are only half full on both sides, will the water slosh back and forth when you start and stop the boat? <BR> <BR>3. Would ballast be better than the new switchblade centurion has? <BR> <BR>4. Can you have too much weight? Can the boat get too low in the water? <BR> <BR>Thanks for the help I really enjoy the site and like hearing everyones input.

04-08-2006 6:21 AM

Hey BKS, <BR> <BR>The person you REALLY want input from is Mark Sher of Inland. He was the one that came up with the idea of the bag that Fly High sells. Just for the record, Fly High can make a custom sac to fit any dimensions. They made one for my Tige <BR> <BR>I'll give you my 2 cents. <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> <BR> <BR>The custom sac is a rectangular sac that fills up the rear locker with an extension or finger that fills up every square inch under the bench seat. I am doubtful you have the same available "real estate" on the drivers side. You'd end up having to balance the ballast to get a decent wakeboarding wake that wasn't mushy on one side. Plus...that would be a ton of ballast, close to 2500 pounds if you filled both sides. Did you need that much for wakboarding? <BR> <BR>Because of the way the sac's are designed, if they aren't filled, the water does slosh. Even when filled there is some sloshing, but it's not really noticeable. Once the boat reaches a constant speed, the water stabalizes in the sac. When there is room in the sac, because it's not filled all the way, that sloshing is very pronounced. <BR> <BR>I am not a big fan of the wakezup/switchblade for wakesurfing. It's functional, really makes a big wake, but I have found in the three instances I've been behind an Enzo with the switchblade deployed it threw up a spray close to the boat, making it hard for me to see - water in my eyes. Now, Marc (not Mark) has actually taked with Rick Lee the owner of Centurion and was assured that what I was describing was an isolated isntance - or maybe three of them <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> I would recommend demoing it before plunking down your money - they may have corrected that isolated instance(s) <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0>, or it was in fact, just that. I've never wakeboarded behind the Enzo so can't speak to the use of the switchblade for that purpose. <BR> <BR>Too much weight? Sure just ask your patrol next time you're out. <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> For wakesurfing, there is a balance. Too much weight in th rear of the boat creates a very steep wake and no amount of height makes trying to ride a vertical wave fun. <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> The Enzo, when weighted appropriately, is probably one of the best surf wakes out there.

norcal72 04-08-2006 9:05 AM

I just ordered my Enzo 3 weeks ago and take delivery of it next week. After much deliberation I ended up getting the switchblade. I also talked to the guys down at Centurion and they assured my what Jeff decribed was probably due to it not being adjusted properly because that has not been an issue in their testing. I guess I will see next week. I also plan on getting the custom sack from fly high asap. I will let you know what I think of the wake as soon as I get it on the water.

mcmillanman5 04-08-2006 11:57 AM

Jeff thanks for the input and the advice. Marc I am really looking forward to hearing your results. These ideas will help me decide what to do. Thanks again for all the help. BKS

mcmillanman5 04-15-2006 11:47 PM

Well I just went out in an enzo with the switchblade. I must say I was pretty impressed with it. It really did make a noticeable difference in wake size when engaged and disengaged. I didn't realize how it worked until we were on the water. When not in use the switchblade remains down in the water (unlike malibus wedge). When the switchblade is engaged it raises just a few degrees and the shape of the foil and pitch in the water forces the back of the boat down. As this happens you really can see and feel a difference in the wake. There is an automatic and manual setting for the blade. The automatic setting is pretty neat. When the boat is coming up on plane the blade does not engage until about the time the perfect pass takes over. This way there is no drag while planing. Also when the throttle is pulled back in the event a boarder falls the blade also disengages if in the auto setting. After seeing the demo I went ahead and decided to have one put on my enzo. While the switchblade did add size to the wake I don't feel this will replace ballast altogether but will be a good supplement to help make a bigger wake without sacrificing boat performance (planing, fuel economy). Also I didn't notice a rooster tail or a spray coming off the blade. I am still looking forward to hearing how marcs boat turns out with the fly high sacks and the blade.

04-16-2006 6:44 AM

BKS you don't work for Taco Metals, do you? <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> <BR> <BR>When I was back at surfexpo in September I got a chance to talk with the guy that manufacturers it and he was telling me, I do believe, that his Z111 (switchblade) was different than the 'BU wedge for various reasons, one of which was because it was designed to redirect the prop wash. You seem to be describing it's functionality as "drag hardware" like 'bu's wedge. Without regard to the automatic convience of the Z111/Switchblade, is it's functionality: drag, redirection or some combo?

04-16-2006 7:49 AM

Before I forget, again - not that ALMOST 50 is old or causes any forgetfulness. <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> If you look at page 118-119 of Wakeboarding Magazine's February 2006 issue you can see the spray eminating from the transom of Enzo with the switchblade that was used in the World Wakesurfing Championship's this past year. In my experince that hit me right in the face as I would go to throw a 3. <BR> <BR>It sounds like from what Marc and BKS are saying, that issue was resolved with just an adjustment of the blade? <BR> <BR>Oh and just one more question BKS, you are going to have the switchblade retrofitted to your Enzo? You've already purchased the '06 and after riding behind one with a blade you decided to go back and add it?

mcmillanman5 04-16-2006 10:14 AM

Jeff, I am not sure what taco metals is, so I am afraid I dont work for them. My guess is they have something to do with the blade. I didn't mean to make my post sound like a plug for the switchblade, but I did think it was pretty neat after seeing it in action. I already have already purchased an 06 enzo that was not equipped with a switchblade. I spoke with the folks at centurion and they said that all of the transoms on the 06's are reinforced to allow a switchblade. My dealer is going to add the switchblade to our boat when he gets the switchblades from centurion. About the spray did the boats you road behind have extra ballast in addition to the factory ballast and blade? I am not sure what would cause the spray, If you have seen it on multiple occasions it must happen some how. One last thought I had, I don't think that there is a perfect answer to getting a big wake. I feel that it just comes through trial and error,and what may work for some does not always work for others. Jeff I have looked at the pictures of the wake that your tige throws and it looks awsome. Thanks for the insights.

04-16-2006 12:06 PM

All the Enzo's that I've ridden behind with the blade were weighted pretty heavily. Additionally, I think they were traveling a bit faster than most folks would opt for. THAT may have more to do with it than anything. <BR> <BR>Thanks for the props on our wake, it's funny, we have a pretty normal routine and crew, we added 2 folks the other week and it shortened the pocket and didn't really increase the size that much. Then yesterday while testing the Xtreme Boards, we had 4 extra people, we intentionally added less ballast, but it still wasn't optimal. So, at least with my Tige, adding an extra 300+ pounds at "random" can adversely affect the size and shape of the wave.

bigshow 04-16-2006 1:59 PM

I've read about the sloshing problem several times now, though probably reported by the same folks. Why does the bag need to be one great big jumbo unit? Granted you guys with the jubmos are on the leading edge. Can't you make one sack that completely fills the rear locker and a separate sack for under the bench? <BR> <BR>I don't know how hard it would be to do, but could FlyHigh install some baffles to reduce sloshing?

04-16-2006 4:53 PM

The ADVANTAGE with the huge sac is filling it and draining. One sac to attach to and drain. What I had before was two in the back, two leading up to the front and then another one lashed to the bench seat. Each requiring separate filling and drain cycles. It was SUCH a pain. The single sac is sort of plug and play, and all of the ballast is hidden. If I'm in a rush we can hook two pumps up to it, but even with just one pump it's easily 30 minutes faster to fill and drain than when I had 5 sac's...and 100% less hassle. <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> <BR> <BR>I'd bet that the folks at Fly High could put some baffle in it, but I didn't ask about it. <BR> <BR>(Message edited by surfdad on April 16, 2006)

norcal72 04-17-2006 3:31 PM

Well, it shouldnt be much longer for me. I received the boat on Wednesday and it is now at the stereo shop. I am supposed to pick it up on Wednesday and I will be on the water on Thursday. I will snap some pics as soon as I am out there. I dont have my custom sac from Fly high yet so my wake should be similar to the one you just demo'ed BKS. I will let you all know what I think.

mcmillanman5 04-17-2006 7:25 PM

Marc it sounds like you and I have similar priorities. We just picked our boat up on Friday and dropped it off the same day at the stereo place. It should be done tommorrow hopefully, but it is not like it matters, as I am typing this it is snowing outside for the second time today.

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