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-   -   calling all photoshop experts please!! (http://www.wakeworld.com/forum/showthread.php?t=614719)

extremeisaac 08-14-2008 2:38 PM

my 5 year old did his first switch surface 180 and was hoping someone could make me a sequence shot of all 4 pics in 1 shot of his getting his spin on... any help would be great.. here are the pics <BR> <BR><a href="http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n315/extremeisaac/anderson%20with%20Code%20n%20Candi/wake072.jpg" target="_blank">http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n315/extremeisaac/anderson%20with%20Code%20n%20Candi/wake072.jpg</a> <BR> <BR><a href="http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n315/extremeisaac/anderson%20with%20Code%20n%20Candi/wake073.jpg" target="_blank">http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n315/extremeisaac/anderson%20with%20Code%20n%20Candi/wake073.jpg</a> <BR> <BR><a href="http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n315/extremeisaac/anderson%20with%20Code%20n%20Candi/wake074.jpg" target="_blank">http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n315/extremeisaac/anderson%20with%20Code%20n%20Candi/wake074.jpg</a> <BR> <BR><a href="http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n315/extremeisaac/anderson%20with%20Code%20n%20Candi/wake075.jpg" target="_blank">http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n315/extremeisaac/anderson%20with%20Code%20n%20Candi/wake075.jpg</a>

wakedad33 08-14-2008 4:26 PM

Can't help you with photoshop, but that's pretty cool, congrats to your son.

westsiderippa 08-14-2008 9:00 PM

yah moose, killing it little bro!!!!

walt 08-14-2008 9:32 PM

That might be a tough one to do.

skatehawk11 08-14-2008 9:43 PM

i got it gimmme a moment....

skatehawk11 08-14-2008 10:00 PM

there ya go, the pictures were not as uniform as they should be but hope ya like it... <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/614899.jpg" alt="Upload">

andy13 08-14-2008 11:00 PM

not hatin, just curious... <BR> <BR>what is on his ears?

extremeisaac 08-14-2008 11:13 PM

he has had 3 surgeries for ear tubes and they put in bigger tubes so we have to be extra cautious that no water gets in his ears as he has been very prone to ear infections... so the band actually hold his earplugs in that are underneath. <BR> <BR>Brian, you d man.. thanks so much.. looks perfect..

tsteeb 08-14-2008 11:15 PM

that handle looks huge on the little man <BR>congrats to him

extremeisaac 08-14-2008 11:32 PM

Tyler, thanks man!! I am super proud of the little man... hes a trip <BR> <BR>Bryan.. Moose doesnt stop talking about you.. we need to get together soon mang...we are in tahoe this weekend... you got the evite for the rager at my house next sat night right?

guido 08-15-2008 8:40 AM

I didn't get an e-vite.... WTF? Ha, ha, ha...

fly135 08-15-2008 8:51 AM

Is that a band that you buy specific for the ears? It looks like wetsuit material. The reason why I ask is that I have a daughter who likes wakeboarding but has damaged her eardrums so many times in various activities that she won't ride anymore. I think she would go with this. <BR> <BR>Any more info would be great.

slob02 08-15-2008 8:59 AM

Those things DO WORK to protect ear drums. Helmets with the ear flaps work too.

extremeisaac 08-15-2008 9:08 AM

yes, they are a neoprene material specialy made for watersports. we got them from his ear doctors office along with custom molded ear plugs just for his ears...those would help as well <BR> <BR>Evan, I sent you and Jarrod Evites.. check your spam folders maybe? Ill resend again

committed 08-15-2008 9:10 AM

Good handle position, and he's only 5? Is that a Chinese 5 or standard American 5?

andy13 08-15-2008 9:17 AM

when i was little i would get like 3 ear infections every summer that was before they did tubes and had all this fancy stuff. i could never get in the water it seemed like

extremeisaac 08-15-2008 1:45 PM

american 5 <BR> <BR>ya, he got like 4 in 2 months and the doc said lets just nip this one and we got his first tubes.. which were great untill they fell out 6 months later and immediatly got another ear infection, then it happened again, and for this last surgury they said they will put in the 5 year tubes, but we had to be extra careful about water since they are bigger... 1.5 years later 1 of the tubes already came out and the other is just barely in, but knock on wood he has not had any ear infections .. hopefully he is growing out of them.. He loves the water so its hard to keep him out

rvh3 08-15-2008 1:49 PM

Damn Brian, <BR> That is sweet! I wish my wife (aspiring photographer), was that adept with PS.

slaysher 08-15-2008 5:01 PM

wish i woulda started that young. . . props little man <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0>

skatehawk11 08-15-2008 5:36 PM

thanks rod, photoshop is a fun program to mess around with and do stuff like that. Me and a couple budddies started a graphic design company called mad clown graphics. We do websites and graphics and all that stuff, but i love putting together composites like that in PS.

wakeboardlasvegas 08-15-2008 6:10 PM

Just curious as to why you would be wakeboarding or doing any type of waterpsorts so close to that many people on shore? Maybe the camera makes it look like they are closer then they are but man, seems kinda close.<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/uhoh.gif" border=0>

the_bum 08-16-2008 11:48 AM

Thats awesome! Gonna have a lil ripper on your hands before long! <BR>Anybody mind putting a sequence together for me?

skatehawk11 08-16-2008 3:32 PM

ill do it <BR>just email me what you want.... <a href="mailto:brian@madclowngraphics.com">brian@mad clowngraphics.com</a> <BR>....just an fyi for any more people who want seuquences it helps if the bckgrounds and pics are more uniform. the come out nicer than. So try taking sequence shots while keeping the camera in the same place!

the_bum 08-17-2008 5:17 PM

Alright, Email sent. Thanks a ton man! I have been tryin to get this sequence made for a year

ponte_06_x2 08-17-2008 5:29 PM

proud papa. nice stuff isaac. tell your little man that hes a stud

extremeisaac 08-18-2008 12:02 AM

Thanks for the props guys... just got back from Tahoe.. where little man was killing it on his KTM dirtbike... proud of the little guy

themxercr85 08-18-2008 10:36 AM

I kinda like the head band, your son looks like a str8 gangsta man haha he should rock it even when his ears are good, keep up the good work with him he looks like hes gonna be dope!

extremeisaac 08-22-2008 9:04 PM

thanks Twitch... hes pretty gangsta... <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/618103.jpg" alt="Upload">

sacmule 08-22-2008 11:35 PM

Isaac- <BR>I came across a link for these ear plugs a while ago on this site. They may be just what your son needs to protect his ears while around the water. <a href="http://www.proplugs.com/" target="_blank">http://www.proplugs.com/</a>

extremeisaac 08-23-2008 9:14 AM

Michael, he has earplugs under the band.. they are actually custom molded.. about 200 bucks the band keeps them in and from coming out. Thanks for the link though <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> He actually had those plugs and they dont keep all the water out..

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