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-   -   What were you doing when you were 7 yrd old? (http://www.wakeworld.com/forum/showthread.php?t=183251)

poon 08-04-2004 7:53 AM

When I was 7 I was still chewing on crayons and watching cartoons all day. <BR> <BR>This 7 yr old has some serious skills. <BR><a href="http://wakeworld.com/riderlink/0408.asp" target="_blank">http://wakeworld.com/riderlink/0408.asp</a>

blabel 08-04-2004 7:55 AM

Definitely not that! <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/blush.gif" border=0>

aircanada 08-04-2004 8:00 AM

Wish my parents put me in wakeboarding instead of soccer.

mango 08-04-2004 8:01 AM

7 years old and he's out wakeboarding, skating &amp; snowboarding. Next he will be bunjee jumping from the worlds tallest building. See on on the PWT in 12 years.

poon 08-04-2004 8:03 AM

He is going to be the next Shawn White.

hymaeringo 08-04-2004 8:06 AM

when I was seven I was bmx biking, skateboarding, rollerblading, skiing, and snowboarding but most of the time i was just getting tied to trees in my backyard and left for hours, or double sent off the trampoline, or duct taped up and put in my closet than when I get out start hopping down the hall and eventually fall on my forehead bc i lost balance, or uh getting rocks thrown at me......what r big brothers for.

noti_dad 08-04-2004 8:06 AM

Forget about the wakeboarding for a minute, read the article, and notice how he's speaking. I don't know any 7y/o's that can speak that intelligently. <BR> <BR>I was skiing at six but would've had to be at 15 off to match him at the same age (which I definitely wasn't).

fly135 08-04-2004 8:09 AM

His Dad brings him out to OWC pretty often. He definitely goes for it.

mango 08-04-2004 8:09 AM

he will probably be the next shaun white but with wakeboarding. Kids that age have no fear.

toolfan 08-04-2004 8:34 AM

I was probably beating pots and pans on my head and playing in dirt piles, but I still do that so oh well......

mmobius2001 08-04-2004 8:37 AM

he's representing the locals around here! im excited for him to be on this site, and starting to get noticed. <BR> <BR>the guys he talks about Brian Snables and Trevor, there Clinic is sponsored by my Boat Dealership, so everytime i go up there for service or just to B.S, im always talking with them and everything. <BR> <BR>they just put out a local video, probably the best video i have ever seen, way better than the pro vids (but maybe its cause i know them personally). they feature Kyle Mack on that video and those pictures do not do justice until you see video footage of him ride. he is pretty awesome on the slider, and he's nailing back/front rolls.

poon 08-04-2004 8:44 AM

Phil is right.... those pics do him no justice. I saw some footage of him and he rips.

chef23 08-04-2004 9:02 AM

I was starting to run a slalom course at 7 but I didn't have his skills.

wakeworld 08-04-2004 9:30 AM

Arun, good to see you've given up the cartoons!

blake_hughes 08-04-2004 9:57 AM

I'd like to see some video. I'm not doubting the kid at all, I'd just like to see someone that young pulling some of the more difficult tricks. Hopefully he'll stick with it. By the time he's 15, he'll have 10 years of experience, and I'm willing to bet that 10 years is the same, if not more, experience than any other top pro rider. <BR> <BR>Just out of curiosity, were any of the current pro riders doing inverts, or spins at 7? <BR> <BR>-Blake

mmobius2001 08-04-2004 10:00 AM

the youngest i know, is someone on the pro tour started when they were 12 or 13 i think........ <BR> <BR>the video that he is featured in is called "Somewhere Inbetween" Michigan Wakeboard, there "crew" is called Midwest Progression.

tkdhav 08-04-2004 10:03 AM

I was in Roller Skating Competitions

tkdhav 08-04-2004 10:05 AM

that Kyle Allen Mack, looks like he can out ride the heck out of me! WOW <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR>(Message edited by Tkdhav on August 04, 2004)

leftcoastpunk 08-04-2004 10:21 AM

When I was seven I was mackin' the ladies. true playa from day one.

norcal_99 08-04-2004 10:28 AM

When I was 7 yrs old I was doing tootsie rolls, but only after I stole them from my sisters Halloween candy. <BR> <BR>

wakescene 08-04-2004 10:29 AM

I wish there had been such a thing as a wakboard when I was 7 years old! <BR>your talking 23 years ago and more for many of us...

mossy44 08-04-2004 11:02 AM

anyone have any video of the kid?

byerly137pro 08-04-2004 11:32 AM

Ringo you said you were snowboarding when you were seven but your profile says your 21, I dont think snowbarding caught 14 years ago so you must an inovator.

toyotafreak 08-04-2004 12:02 PM

Dang. Agree with NotiDad - my boy might know a couple last names, but this boy's reeling them off and even remembered to thank the parents. Sweet. And he JUST turned seven, too.

norcal_99 08-04-2004 12:26 PM

Alex, Snowboarding has been around longer than 14 yrs. I was snowboarding in 1987, and so were a lot of people. It was limited back then to certain resorts, but soon they all learned snowboarding was the future and came around.

jarrod 08-04-2004 12:31 PM

at that age I was just playing doctor with the girl next door.

norcal_99 08-04-2004 12:31 PM

Back to the subject, Keep on riding Kyle. You're an inspiration. <BR> <BR>My son James got up on a wakeboard on his first try a few weeks ago. He turned 6 the next day. He still can't ride for too long, but he's happy just to be able to say he's a wakeboarder.

cocheese 08-04-2004 12:32 PM

I wish that wake boarding was around then. I was on skis at 8 and salom by 8. Anyone remember the Skurfers? That was my first wakeboard!

dococ 08-04-2004 12:36 PM

There was an instructional video that came out several years back called "Thirty Dirty Tricks." It featured a kid about 7 doing a nose grab, a grabbed 180, and then barely (sketchily) landing a tantrum. At that time, it was mind boggling to see a kid that young stick an invert. That kid was Phillip Soven. I believe that JD and Shane also were doing pretty tech tricks at a young age. <BR> <BR>But this kid Kyle is in a whole different ballpark for his age. It will be fun to watch him progress if he stays with it, which is likely but not guaranteed. <BR> <BR>I'll agree with what Notidad pointed out, which is that this kid's ability to communicate verbally in an intelligent, well-organized, and mature manner is amazing and way beyond his years. Unless the interview was heavily edited, which I doubt, then wakeboarding is not the only area in which this kid is very advanced.

lchamaschuk 08-04-2004 12:42 PM

That article is great - gives me something to forward to our sister-in-law. We only finally got our nephews (who are 8 and 6) to come out on the boat tubing a week or two ago, after years of pestering. I can't imagine them going wakeboarding.

wakestar8878 08-04-2004 12:46 PM

I was riding stand up jet ski's, ridding BMX, and Skateboarding. <BR> <BR>But nothing like this kid. It goes to show what good parents can do.

leslisa 08-04-2004 12:48 PM

Teaching myself ballet and gymnastics. I was on point without shoes by the time I was was 8. I could do all types of flips and stuff but I never could do the darn splits. I was a country girl, in the midwest, my bedroom floor was hardwood, I used the railing as a bar. Thanks for the question!! It's amazing where boredom can take you. <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/lol.gif" border=0>. <BR> <BR>That boy is amazing, and I've heard of him before. My 5 yo wakeboards so why not. Sure wish I could find someone his age to go with us, I think it would be more fun for him. <BR> <BR>Lisa

chef23 08-04-2004 12:49 PM

It is more than just parents. The kid has to want to do it. If they aren't ready and you push them they are never going to want to participate in the sport. <BR> <BR>I have a 5 &amp; 6 year old and they don't have the determination to do some of this stuff yet.

jonnyrotten79 08-04-2004 12:52 PM

when i was seven i was snowboarding and dirtbiking <BR> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" border=0>

wakestar8878 08-04-2004 1:06 PM

Mark - I realize that, what I was getting at is the fact that they were able to realize his potential and his determination, then giving him the opportunity to spend all that time taking lessons. I wish I had parents that would have been able to afford to give me the same opportunities. Luckily I had my Uncle to take me out on the weekends, but to have all the professional coaching at that age is priceless.

akman 08-04-2004 2:55 PM

I was playing Little League, Pop Warner and Youth Basketball.....back then in my neighborhood if you didn't play those sports you got beat up.

gw_mark 08-04-2004 3:38 PM

"Wakeboarding is a fun sport. You can do a lot of things, such as tootsie rolls, front rolls, tantrums, a lot of jumps, rails and spins, and it is fun to be on the water." <BR> <BR>Tootsie rolls?!? Are kidding me? I have to look that one up, how exactly is that done? <BR> <BR>Great article Arun, did you get to travel to Michigan for that one or was he in the neighborhood.

jonnyrotten79 08-04-2004 4:10 PM

Hey mark a tootsie roll is a frontside roll to a blindside 180 <BR>i cant believe that kid can do that kind of stuff... definetly the next shaun white<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/blush.gif" border=0>

jnewcom 08-04-2004 5:01 PM

Wish I had started that early. Can you imagine how awesome he is going to be in just a couple of years.

west 08-04-2004 5:19 PM

Yeah, I'm with Gramps..I was playin ball. Well, we know he won't grow up to be a big puss huh?

fly135 08-04-2004 6:52 PM

I think he was commenting on things you can do, not all the things he does. At OWC he was just learning a Tantrum on the kicker. At the last tournament they had swapped it out with a different ramp and he hadn't relearned it yet. <BR> <BR>From what I had heard he knew a few tricks behind the boat, but I'm not sure what. Regardless, he's got plenty of time and obviously the will to learn. <BR> <BR>Funny thing in that OWC tournament he mentioned he got first place. They initially announced him in last. I didn't really watch the runs of all the kids but I knew he didn't come in last. His Dad was fuming. Fortunately they got it fixed, but I felt sorry for the kid that initially was announced as the winner.

boardline23 08-04-2004 6:57 PM

hockey, soccer, baseball, cartoons, G.I. Joe's

mmobius2001 08-05-2004 7:38 AM

yeah, he rides mostly at cable parks, and does stuff off the ramps. i've got video of him doing a tantrum, backroll, he's pimp on sliders, and behind the boat he can ollie really well, go wake to wake, and pull some grabs, i cant remember if he did any 180s or not.

harryhog 08-05-2004 8:21 AM

phil, can u post the video of the kid, it'd be sweet to see him ride

jayc 08-06-2004 2:05 AM

At 7 I was barefooting and getting ready to enter my first comps. <BR>It went pretty down hill from about 14 as I couldn't be bothered any more and I started getting back into skiing when I hit 20 something. <BR>

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