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-   -   Let's show Shaun some wakeworld love!! (http://www.wakeworld.com/forum/showthread.php?t=180733)

teamvaldez 07-22-2004 6:14 PM

As you all know, Shaun is recovering from knee surgery and not feeling too well. Let's show him how much he has all impacted our lives by being the awesome ambassador of the sport that he is. <BR>Those of you wanting to send him a card, please email me for his address. COME ON WAKEWORLD!!!

dakid 07-22-2004 6:16 PM

here are some well wishes. <BR> <BR><a href="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/1/180555.html?1090539516" target="_blank">http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/1/180555.html?1090539516</a>

norcal_99 07-23-2004 5:01 AM

Shaun, You're are my favorite pro rider and the reason I started wakeboarding in the first place(I seen detention at a friends house and decided tubing was over for me hahaha). <BR> <BR>I hope you heal quickly.

shutupandboard 07-23-2004 5:32 AM

Hey Shaun. How's this for inspiration. My wife has this picture on her desk at work....and i don't think she has a pic of ME. But i wonder how many girls around the world cherish pictures of you! <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/180828.jpg" alt=""> <BR> <BR>

guido 07-23-2004 12:56 PM

Shaun....Get well soon, buddy. We want to see some more of that huge shiz ASAP.

wakeguru 07-23-2004 1:05 PM

The guy's a class act. His old man must of raised him right. <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/wink.gif" border=0>

sethenol 07-23-2004 1:15 PM

My first born son will be named Shaun.

mango 07-23-2004 1:30 PM

Jeremy you better do something about that! <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/blush.gif" border=0> <BR>I've got Reef Chicks all over my desk...just kidding. <BR> <BR>Shaun will come back stronger next year, im sure he's keeping positive.

lmtwa 07-23-2004 4:48 PM

I'm happy to say that Shaun left the hospital (for the second time) at 6pm tonight. This afternoon was the first time I've seen him laugh in 2 weeks, so I guess he's over the hill. <BR>Lloyd

color_pros 07-23-2004 5:13 PM

Get well soon.Best wishes from the NC crew...

wakeriderixi 07-23-2004 5:58 PM

Just saw a video where you did a blind judge over someone and it was the biggest thing I think i've ever seen! It was just amazing.... anyways I started wakeboarding on an old Belmont/motive and still use it as a 'great' slider board to this day. You were the first Pro wakeboarder I ever met. I didn't have anything to sign so you went and got a picture to sign for me... it's chillin on my dresser right now. And the last stop of the BYT in Orlando last year there wasn't too many people around so you played some football with me and three of my friends trying to throw the ball into the SAN on top of the OWC sign, haha. Then you invited us all onto the boat where you rode with your dog... you slung Watson 360 around the boat, that was really cool! Anyways your a great person to be in the spotlight for the sport so I hope your back as strong as ever as soon as possible! God Bless you and your wife! <BR>paul bernier

larry6 07-23-2004 6:08 PM

Shaun bummer about the knee bud hope you get well soon.. Perhaps now is a good time for a sequel to unleashed now that u are going to be down for a few… my son digs that game..<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/biggrin.gif" border=0> <BR> Good luck on the recovery man! <BR>

gw_mark 07-23-2004 7:06 PM

Sic riding Shaun, hope you get well soon. <BR>Just saw this for the first time, greatest video I have seen yet. You make it look effortless. <BR> <BR><a href="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/1/179843.html?1090599099" target="_blank">http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/1/179843.html?1090599099</a>

xtremebordgurl 07-24-2004 8:21 AM

Shaun, you rule! You never cease to impress me, how you go out of your way for your fans, and doing anything and everything imaginable to promote the sport. You are defenitly a great asset to the sport. Good luck with the recovery and PT. <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" border=0>

kristian 07-25-2004 12:35 AM

Hope you get well soon Shaun! We need the house of style back on the water to show us how its done.

malibuboarder75 07-25-2004 6:36 AM

Shaun, get well soon. I hope on attending your boarding school next summer. I picked your school because you are the man. Get well soon so you can continue to humble us cocky wakeboarders.

essy 07-26-2004 1:15 AM

Shaun, sorry to hear about the accident. You've been my inspiration to try out wakeboarding and continue to progress. <BR>Get well soon and hope to see you at your Orlando school next Spring!

buzz_grande 07-26-2004 3:50 AM

Shaun,get well soon!! Today I was at the So. Cal. Wakeboard Event and thought about you. Last year you were here, and I had the chance to meet you, and even play football with you. That was my one claim to fame - getting to meet the man! I am no autograph hound, can't stand movie stars (except wakeboard films, of course) and the attitude that goes with it. But you represent what wakeboarding is all about. The poster boy (man)/ambassador for the sport. Heal up bro!! You have a camp to run, and people lining up from everywhere waiting for their chance. Hope to see you out there soon.

nautiair 07-26-2004 5:54 AM

shaun- <BR>keep your head up- if your dad says you haven't laughed in 2 weeks I know you have been hurting! I don't think that I've seen you go for 5 minutes without laughing!!!!!!- You are an inspiration to us all- You definetly have a great attitude about everything you do so I hope that will carry over and you will make a speedy recovery- take care and we'll shout at you soon- you are in our thoughts and prayers- <BR> <BR>Alex

wakeguru 07-26-2004 7:39 AM

Shaun's name came up in a conversation I had with a couple friends, that don't even participate in our sport, when we were out at New Smyrna Saturday night. They hung out with Shaun at a monster truck event last year in Orlando. In case you're reading this Shaun...his name is Mike and his wife is Laura and he was manager at Logan's steakhouse at the time and one of his co-workers was good friends with your then fiancee (or something to that effect). <BR>Bla bla bla - anyways, they didn't even know who Shaun was and he welcomed them on his bus that night and they thought he was just as down to earth as they come.

lmtwa 07-28-2004 3:29 AM

This is Shaun and I'm using my dads email cuz I can never remember my username...sorry dave. Anyhoo, thank you all so much for your prayers and support. I just got back from my doctor and he says that I'm healing great for being one and a half weeks into it. I start rehab today, but only basic since I can only bend my knee about 15 degrees. Once again, thanks so much or all the prayers...they are working. <BR>The only problem I have now is sleeping through the night. Its 6:30 am and im usually not up this early. If you want the details of how I did my knee in, go to shaunmurray.net and click on his words. Thanks again and I wish you all the best

lmtwa 07-28-2004 3:32 AM

This is Shaun and I'm using my dads email cuz I can never remember my username...sorry dave. Anyhoo, thank you all so much for your prayers and support. I just got back from my doctor and he says that I'm healing great for being one and a half weeks into it. I start rehab today, but only basic since I can only bend my knee about 15 degrees. Once again, thanks so much or all the prayers...they are working. <BR>The only problem I have now is sleeping through the night. Its 6:30 am and im usually not up this early. If you want the details of how I did my knee in, go to shaunmurray.net and click on his words. Thanks again and I wish you all the best. <BR>Yes, i am super anxious to get out on the water and it doesn't help that Lyman, Adkison, Nunn and friends are always going back and forth in front of my house bustin huge, but Im not afraid to take the time to get this fixed right. <BR>p.s. since I have some time on my hands lately, anyone have some basic questions? Post something and my dad and i will keep an eye out for something that I think I can have some info for ya. <BR>Later shaun

lmtwa 07-28-2004 3:37 AM

One more thing. <BR>Dave, thanks for providing somewhere that I can come and feel pumped up in a time where there has not been much pumpedness going around. Thanks Dave shaun

soak_up_the_sun 07-28-2004 3:51 AM

Shaun, <BR>You are doing the right thing, taking your time...you will be back out there in time. You have been an inspiration to my son, who started wakeboarding just a year ago. He's doing great, but could use some pointers on getting air off the wake. He's a big kid, 5'8", around 200#. Like I said, he is doing great, but getting frustrated. He almost goes w2w, but doesn't seem to get more that about 6-8" off the water. Any pointers? He would love to hear from you! <BR>Keep resting up...it will get better! <BR>Thanks, <BR>Lauri

boofhead 07-28-2004 7:00 AM

Shaun - your needed the world over. Recently here in the UK been trying to explain to this girl what wakeboarding is and how she should come and try it - no luck till I showed her a vid of you riding. <BR> <BR>Then she got the idea and wants to come and give it a go. Point is this; useless riders like me need to have examples of how impressive wakeboarding is so they can get dates, and that amoungst everything else you do is really important. <BR> <BR>So good luck with everything and get well soon.

shanday 07-28-2004 7:44 AM

Shaun, <BR>You came to Boise last year and I was able to sneak a peak at your riding. I loved watching you do the batwing. You take it soooo big!!! You had just come off an injury then as well and if I hadn't been told that there would have been no way of knowing. You are very talented!!! Bummed that you aren't going to be in the West this year, but marriage is worth protecting. So are your knees!!! <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/wink.gif" border=0> I've been married for just over 3 years. <BR>Have a quick recovery and enjoy being "newlywed"!!! <BR>Shanda

teamvaldez 07-28-2004 8:29 AM

Hey Shaun, I have GOT to tell you. You have set the bar so high with your BYT. YOU and the people that you surround yourself with. The youth of today needs to see how it is done right, cuz I am sure not seeing it without you. The way that you interact with everybody that shows up to see you and your tour riders. You ALL have the right and the motivation to ride and then shut yourself up in your RV's. (and believe me, it is well deserved to a point)It is the way you deal with those that come to see you all when you are NOT in the boat that impresses me. (Bearing in mind, seeing you do a huge raley over my kid is awesome) But I am so blessed to see you with those that admire you OFF the boat. It is truly inspirational and something I urge my kids to emulate.(not just Eddie and Jacob, but all my kids!) <BR>We have been praying for you daily and want you to do everything you can do to come back stronger. But much like your previous injury, you came back to the tour when you wern't riding. You came back to be in touch with a huge support group for you. <BR>Please say hello to Carrie and Travis for us, look forward to seeing you soon! hugs, robyn

canaday 07-28-2004 10:22 AM

Hey Shaun, good luck with you PT and your knee, I'm about halfway through mine right now and it definitely sucks in the middle of summer.

jack_cheese 07-28-2004 12:18 PM

Dear Shaun, Sorry to hear about your bum knee. So what did you have for lunch today? I had a ham and cheese sandwich with some Lays honey bbq chips. Then I washed it down with some Dr. Pepper. <BR>Thanks for any info, <BR>Matt

wakehype 07-28-2004 12:23 PM

Shaun. Keep it up. Full recovery is always the best. Again my prayers are with you. When I ruptured my ear drum I was so tempted just to jump in the water, but I held it out. It sucked. Have a good one Shaun!

guitartguy 07-28-2004 3:06 PM

Good Luck with the healing. Be patient and get well quick. Do your PT, get rest, and be sure to eat your "Wheaties". This way you'll be strong like bull. I'm counting on you to be in top form when I come to your school next year.

gdillyfunk69 07-30-2004 9:13 PM

I know Shaun that you are sponsored by Reef and probably hang out with the Reef chicks all the time but since all the Reef girls were at my house tonight, I figured I would say get well and let tehm say get well too! <BR> <BR>From me: GET WELL SOON SHAUN... cant wait to see you ride again!! <BR> <BR>Reef Girls: Get well Shaun maybe you could come party at Chris's house too because were sure having fun over here!! ;) <BR> <BR><font size="-2"><b>Ok there might not be any Reef girls but I </b></font>can dream!

stanfield 07-30-2004 11:31 PM

I'm currently laid up rockin the broken tibia and ACL 5 weeks post surgery. <BR> <BR>Here's to a speedy recovery bro. <BR> <BR>(Message edited by Stanfield on July 30, 2004)

stanfield 07-30-2004 11:32 PM

PS. Sounds like your view is a little better than mine. <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0>

ssippiriverrat 07-31-2004 12:01 AM

Hey Godfather--get well soon, our sport needs more guys like you.

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