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-   Archive through June 07, 2004 (http://www.wakeworld.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=173943)
-   -   I need to lube 'er up!! (http://www.wakeworld.com/forum/showthread.php?t=173212)

boogiebobbie 06-04-2004 4:32 PM

So, I am perplexed!! What binding lube is lubiest? I tend to use hand soap sometimes but that doesn't seem to come off the bindings and I don't feel that secure in my bindings on my 360's and stuff. Do you guys like Newt Juice? Is there another type I should get?? <BR> <BR>Thanks!!

thane_dogg 06-04-2004 4:43 PM

newt juice is good.

walt 06-04-2004 6:41 PM

try shaving cream.

oldirish 06-05-2004 1:58 AM


boarditup 06-05-2004 5:15 AM

Moose Juice - it is a surfactant, not a glycerin. It disappates faster, but makes the water that much wetter. Best of all, it sprays, so the bottle goes much further and costs less over time.

the_friend 06-05-2004 12:01 PM

I just dunk my board in the water so the bindings get wet and then shuve my foot in there its a lot cheaper than using soap. But if you need lube i would use shampoo, shaving cream, or watered downt dish soap.

upupnaway 06-05-2004 2:05 PM

I use a spray bottle with 1/10th soap, 9/10ths water. <BR>It is super slippery right off the bat, and washes out by the time you get up.

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