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-   -   Dry/Wetsuit recomendation please? (http://www.wakeworld.com/forum/showthread.php?t=100207)

ldurnal 02-23-2004 11:33 AM

Water temp is about 66 degrees here. Do I need a full or spring or dry suit? What thickness would you recommend? Thanks for any info.

ldurnal 02-23-2004 11:35 AM

sorry, 56 degrees not 66. thanks.

aka Brad Beach 02-23-2004 11:49 AM

I was about ready to say, geez 66 degrees you shouldn't need any suit... trunk it dude!

ridn9high 02-23-2004 11:50 AM

Go wet suit, It will save you a few hundred and 56 ain't that bad. I went out last weekend and the water was about 50. I had a full wet suit and my buddy had a rash guard and board shorts.

salmon_tacos 02-23-2004 11:52 AM

The water where I ride is between 54-56 lately. <BR> <BR>I'd say that the required attire depends on the air temperature. I know people who go in a spring suit as long as the air is warm enough (greater than 60-65). They whine a little when they jump in though. I go in a 4/3 full suit down to around 40 degrees air temp with no problem whatsoever. My suit is fully glued and taped though and is a zipperless design so it doesn't really leak much. If it did, I might whine a little too as the ice cold water gushed in. I'd still be fine though. <BR> <BR>If you're going to make a habit of riding in cold water and you don't already have a wetsuit, just pony up for the dry suit. Just the convenience of not having to dry off in the cold makes it worth it, IMO. I think that I probably would have spent the extra $150 or so if I had thought about it more.

salmon_tacos 02-23-2004 11:56 AM

Haha. "The water where I ride," I said. I just looked at your profile and saw that you ride on Lake Travis as well.

klk 02-23-2004 11:58 AM

the BF 2000 available at overtons or barts, is less costly than most and will hold up well. IMO as long as it keeps you dry it doesn't matter how much it costs.

aka Brad Beach 02-23-2004 1:18 PM

Hey Salmon Tacos: <BR> <BR>I'm thinking of relocating to Houston or Austin. What are the lakes like down there? Can I ski all year around? Are there some nice houses on the lake?

salmon_tacos 02-23-2004 2:29 PM

KStateAlumni, <BR> <BR>You can definitely ski all year with either a wetsuit or drysuit from maybe...December though March. <BR> <BR>Lake Austin is great because it's right by the city. There are some fabulous houses on there and it's a constant level lake so the boat houses are basically in your back yard. <BR> <BR>Farther out, you have Lake Travis and the Pedernales River. Much of the property there is more toward the suburban or rural side. <BR> <BR>There are also a few smaller lakes around and others that are farther upstream (Austin, Travis, LBJ, Marble Falls, Inks, and Buchanan are all from dams on the Colorado River). Austin is I think about 30 miles long and Travis is 65 miles long with various arms. <BR> <BR>I think there's also at least one man-made ski lake around here somewhere. <BR> <BR>I don't know about Houston. <BR> <BR>BTW, what is an Interactive Designer? Is that the same thing as an Interaction Designer? If it is and you are talking about the Cooper methodology, I have to give you a hard time about using the wrong terminology because it's one of my pet peeves as it usually (but not always) signifies a lack of understanding about the nature of the discipline. If not, nevermind!

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