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sactoshreder 03-11-2010 3:04 PM

Caught up in the flex hype
I have been riding an 08 faction board with 08 faction boots since 2008 and want to change it up this year. All these flex boards have really caught my eye and it just makes sense to me.
I was thinking about the CWB Vibe with Answers, but am now thinking otherwise.
I like how smooth off the wake the faction is but I am wanting somthing faster on the water. Also the boots were ok. I want a boot with support, but at the same time plenty of flex for poking out grabs.

What would you guys recommend in a flex board for a board like that?


sidekicknicholas 03-11-2010 3:14 PM

I haven't been on the Vibe but I feel you would like the slingshot reponse... and for boots check out the PB FLOYDS.... they have the inner ankle harness that gives you a ton of ankle support but the shell of the boot is fairly soft... you get good support as well as flex in the boot.

benjaminp 03-11-2010 4:29 PM

I haven't ridden any CWB, but coming from an 08 Ibex, I had a blast on my buddy's Company Severance with 09 LF Shanes. The boots were really soft, I popped super high (higher than my Ibex possibly), and it felt pretty swift on the water. So without any reference to what you are on right now, I say give flex a shot for sure, and if you dont like it, sell it on ebay for a little less than retail and try again.

thedoubleupkid 03-11-2010 4:59 PM

Doug - if you are out of Sac, I'd recommend going down to the Cal Expo Boat Show. There will be a bunch of riders that can give you a first person perspective on the Vibe. If you are looking for a board that can really "do it all" wake AND rail - I think you will be stoked on the Vibe.

<embed src="http://www.cwb-tv.com/tv/player.swf" width="788" height="290" bgcolor="000000" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" flashvars="&file=http://www.cwb-tv.com/uploads/videos/2010 CLINIC_VIBE.mp4&backcolor=000000&frontcolor=CCCCCC &lightcolor=AAAAAA&screencolor=333333&playlist=rig ht&controlbar=over&playlistsize=250&controlbarsiz e =50"></embed>

See for yourself first hand. Thanks - Casey

supernatural 03-11-2010 5:01 PM

I agree with Nick, Slingshot Response is a fast flex board and the PB Floyds would be the boot you described. Can you demo? It took me one set to be completely hooked on flex but I have heard a few people say that it wasnt for them so its always wise to demo if possible.

jondextan 03-11-2010 7:47 PM

I too have been caught up in the Flex hype, thanks to everybody else here! LOL!

my 2010 Response 145 is on it's way (w/ D2 bindings).

jeff_mn 03-12-2010 7:41 AM

Nick are you sponsored by Slingshot? You push them as hard as Nintzel pushes O Brien.

+1 for Slingshot. Dope boards it seems. I want to rides yours this year Nick.

sidekicknicholas 03-12-2010 8:05 AM

Haha, I wish....I just love their product and company as a whole. It honestly changed how much fun I have riding by like 10x, just want to share the love.

sidekicknicholas 03-12-2010 12:01 PM

....but if slingshot is looking for an under-skilled rider... I'm your guy. wink wink.

sactoshreder 03-12-2010 3:54 PM

Yeah, I have been think about the Response. I just havent heard much about the 2010 Slingshot boots.

supernatural 03-12-2010 10:36 PM

hope to see the 2010 boots soon. I keep hearing spring but no set date.

jondextan 03-12-2010 10:44 PM

could they be anything close to the Co. Vandall boots? i kinda liked how it's shaped.

elbastardo 03-13-2010 9:03 AM

Anyone have experience with Company vs Slingshot boots? I assume the Company boots will fit on Slingshot boards. The rivets that hold the laces on my SS Driver boots have rusted out and busted off--looking for a new pair of boots without metal rivets.

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