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grant_west 12-30-2016 9:50 AM

Mr Tyrone Griffin
So on Christmas Eve Mr Tyrone Griffin and his 3 year old are shopping @ Target in Hayward CA. They are going down the toy Isle at target and Tyrone and his son come across a guy playing "rap music" on his cell phone.

Well we all know how festive Rap Music is so I have no Idea why Tyrone got upset and tells the guy to turn down his music. I'm pretty sure he was not playing "RUN DMC's- Christmas in Hollis"

Well I guess the guy did not appreciate Tyrones tone in his request to turn it down. Words betweeen the 2 party's are exchanged & Tyrone decides The best course of action is to to break a Champagne bottle across the guys head who was playing music. A scuffle ensues and the brother of the guy playing music breaks out a knife and stabs Tyrone to death right there in the isle of target while his three year old looks on.

Merry Christmas


psudy 12-30-2016 11:39 AM

Thats why its always best to start fights when your kids are not around.

fly135 12-30-2016 12:55 PM

And never take Champagne to a knife fight.

psudy 12-30-2016 1:37 PM

Especially in the toy isle! lol

grant_west 12-30-2016 5:16 PM

In a effort to expand discussion.
how come certain groups of people are so quick to resort to Violance? It's my assumption that with education comes the ability to either keep your mouth shut or settle arguments with out Violance? A few weeks ago I saw a story where an guy got in a fight with his girlfriend at a Christmas party and went out to his car and shot randomly into the front door of the party as a way venting his frustration?

markj 12-30-2016 7:36 PM

It's simple. No fathers + the current culture of moral relativism + the glorification of thug behavior = problems like these. There is no right and wrong any more. It's only about how you "feel."

grant_west 12-30-2016 10:59 PM

It's to bad we don't hear about community's teaching its members about "conflict resolution" with out violence. I always looked up to people that had the balls to say what needed to be said and when it was over the 2 were not enemy's. Verbal Judo! The smarts and know how to de escalate and correct a wrong and find common ground and move on, I understand some people are unreasonable but think about how many conflicts can be avoided with simple skills.

markj 12-30-2016 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by grant_west (Post 1950832)
It's to bad we don't hear about community's teaching its members about "conflict resolution" with out violence. I always looked up to people that had the balls to say what needed to be said and when it was over the 2 were not enemy's. Verbal Judo! The smarts and know how to de escalate and correct a wrong and find common ground and move on, I understand some people are unreasonable but think about how many conflicts can be avoided with simple skills.

Sounds like you've been watching Leave it to Beaver. Those days are over. The effluent of 50 years of liberal influence is what we get to "enjoy" now. Don't you feel enlightened?

buffalow 01-02-2017 8:59 AM

Enlightened or entitled? :)

grant_west 01-02-2017 11:35 AM

Kind of off subject, but still on topic. And to touch on the Libral Values and policy's. 60mins did a story on the 763 murders in Chicago in 2016. ( that's 2 a day) The Chicago police force had been under threat of law suits by the ACLU of "racial profiling" The police now have to write a two page report for every time they stop and question someone. That has resulted in a 80% drop in them questioning random people. And now the murder rate is at a all time high. Chicago has a Higher murder rate then NY and LA combined. I agree 100% that the liberal values like "sanctuary cities" and police under attack, from groups like BLM have created the current state in Chicago. I hope the Libs are happy. Enjoy your city's

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