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-   -   Wife in pain???- Learning to wakeboard (http://www.wakeworld.com/forum/showthread.php?t=77461)

gvanorde 08-05-2003 10:35 PM

Everytime my wife wakeboards she gets a pain in her hip. The hip that hurts is on her back-foot side. After 5 minutes she is DONE. <BR>Can the bindings be rotated or moved or is she doing something wrong?

switch22 08-05-2003 11:29 PM

I've been driving with and without PP on a friend's Supra Launch (the PP has been on the fritz), and when the boat is heavily weighted, I find it hard to hold a speed without it. I want it for my next boat (see my post for suggestions) cuz I go with a lot of rookie drivers.

switch22 08-05-2003 11:32 PM

oops wrong window sorry <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/uhoh.gif" border=0> please disregard my last post <BR>

mb_girl 08-06-2003 9:09 AM

Gary, <BR>Try playing around with her stance. Experiment with different angles for her feet, &amp; different widths between her feet. You should be able to find a comfortable position for her. Obviously, without seeing her ride, none here can tell if she's doing something wrong. If she's riding bent over at all, that would certainly contribute - she needs to ride in more of a stand tall position, with knees slightly bent. It really sounds like adjusting her equipment will do the job though, so play with that a bit until you find what works.

rock_n_boardin 08-06-2003 9:44 AM

If the back foot is pigeoned toed out like it should be, that might be a factor. You might try putting her back foot binding straight across the board. Then when her upper body turns it won't be such a wound up feeling, it won't help her switch riding, but it sounds like she is not at that level anyway. <BR> <BR>I know when I first started riding, I had a little bit of the same problem. I think because you are using muscles you normally don't use, so it might take care of it by itself, just by riding and building up the muscles around her hip.

ladyboarder 08-06-2003 10:00 AM

Hi there, like Tracie said its hard to diagnose the problem without seeing her ride. But from the pain you are describing it soulds like a combination of binding position and weight distribution. I agree with both Tracie and Johnathan that you should play around with her stance a bit, it takes a while to get it where you feel comfortable. Also, it sounds like she is riding back foot heavy, as most beginners tend to do. Something about leaning forward makes them feel like they are going to nose dive, so they put 90% of their weight on their back foot, and that puts a lot of strain on your back quad muscle, hip and knee. Have her try leaning more on her front foot, about 50-50 or 60 back, 40 front. <BR>One good way to find out natural foot position is to jump off a chair or something and make not of how your feet are pointed when you land. Or if you are standing casually, see if you are duck toed or straight foot. <BR>Hope that gives you a place to start. <BR>Later <BR>Tiffany

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