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roskow 08-22-2003 2:49 PM

I can touch my hands behind my back with no problem sitting at my computor, so why does it feel like they are a million miles away when I try to grab the handle?

eas 08-22-2003 2:51 PM


lehmur 08-22-2003 3:05 PM

I saw an article in the new Wakeboard Magazine that has an exercise to help. I didn't read it yet but from the pics it looked like they fill a milk jug with sand and tie a handle to it then practice swinging it and handle passing with the added tension from the jug.

aaronlee13 08-22-2003 3:12 PM

i have that same problem... last weekend I tried a 360 and rode away no problem with out the handle... uggg... i'm gonig to try that.. see if it works..

tantrum999 08-22-2003 3:34 PM

dont take an aggresive or wide cut. dont think about going wake to wake but just think about going straight up with both hands, pull in then point the handle down, turning it over to your other hand. hope this helps. i cant remember the last time i missed the handle, i practiced on land to turn the handle tied to a post and span again and again till i was ready, ok so i crashed and burned a few times but got my first off the double up and the rest is history. good double ups make you go straight up. <BR> <BR>hope this helps

norcal_99 08-22-2003 5:17 PM

Pass it low <BR>

blackandblue 08-22-2003 10:51 PM

I'm still trying to get the pass too... <BR>I was told to ride "with the boat". Don't cut so sharply as to aim for the other side of the wake but rather aim for the far corner of the boat. I get more slack now but have trouble keeping my balance ('cause I now have nothing to balance against). W2W is still no prob. <BR> <BR>The other thing I was told was not to think of it as pulling the handle around to meet the free hand. Rather think of reaching with the free hand around to find the handle. <BR> <BR>Passing it low seems to look easier but I can't seem to that either... <BR> <BR>I can do it on a trampoline (with a rope and board) all the do-dah day.

hyperlitenrd 08-23-2003 12:04 AM

On our trampoline we have the front side tilted up a lil, which makes my parents nervous, but it gives us a sense of being pulled behind a boat, we have our rope anchored to our roof <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/proud.gif" border=0> i can 7 easliy now, but when i go for a backflip with a bs 180 i get that hard to pass sensation. Or u might wanna do a wraped 3?

ridehyco 08-23-2003 12:03 PM

Wait wait wait... <BR> <BR>I used to have the same problem. Wait b4 you throw the 3. Literally get to the peak of your jump b4 you pull the handle to your hip to initiate the spin. <BR> <BR>It's all in waitin for it... <BR> <BR>Hunt <BR>

roskow 08-23-2003 7:52 PM

Waiting is a mind bender. I'll take the advice and give it a throw tomorrow.

harryhog 08-24-2003 2:27 AM

i just landed my first 3 and many after a few weeks ago, <BR> <BR>all i did was take a slow approach, if the boat turns away slightly the wake gets more poppy, and it also gives you a bit more slack. Then just after you leave the water pull the handle to your hip and reach round for it with the other hand. i try not to think of the actual spin just getting the handle into the other hand, it seems to sort itself from there. <BR> <BR>good luck

windnwake 08-24-2003 2:44 PM

If you have a trampoline then tie your handle to something and just do spins, it helps your handle-passes a ton. If you cant do that then just do it w/o the trampoline, it still works. But with a tramp you can do 720's etc. which require multiple handle-passes. I've been doing that for about a month now and just started trying backside 180's and didnt even have to think about passing the handle. <BR> <BR>hope it helps

phantom5815 08-24-2003 4:44 PM

Riding the cable a lot helped me understand my problems with handle passes. <BR>I was having the same mental problem you're having. Tension on the line !!!!!! <BR>BUT FINALLY TODAY.....working on the backslide, turning my hand up for handle for the pass, keeping it low and hips/knees bent...made my brain work for a change. I did it!!! made a ( not a 360) 540 spin. Not 1x , 5x's to prove to myself I could do it. <BR>Yeah i know it's only surface....not too bad for an old lady<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/proud.gif" border=0>

08-24-2003 5:12 PM

here's what really helped me when i was teaching myself to do these.. <BR> <BR>I would always pop, try and pass and then if i didn't get it right away would throw the handle.. I found that if I thought about spinning 'into the rope' i had better luck passing the rope.. Because with a frontside 3 you don't even need to pass the rope, you can land wrapped.. you have way more time than you think you do.. just something to think about

upupnaway 08-24-2003 9:18 PM

My problem was during the rotation, I was swinging my right arm wide with the rotation, and I would not have the prescence of mind to tuck it back in. My solution was to focus on keeping my bicep touching my vest when I was rotating, extending my arm straight downwards to my thigh, and back up without my bicep breaking contact with my vest. I hit the 360 2 times in a row with that process. <BR> <BR>If you feel the handle or your passing arm touching your back, then I would bet this is your problem as well. <BR>If you do not feel the arm on your lower back, then focus on the initial pull on the rope at the peak of your jump as stated by the other posts.

lakesideluver 08-25-2003 8:15 AM

mike your gay

wes_the_gimp 08-25-2003 10:28 PM

Did my first three TS FS 3's this weekend! The one thing I changed when I finally got it was, I pulled the handle to my back hip WITH BOTH HANDS! Untill then no luck. But I remembered what all the tapes said and the first time I made an effort to follow that advice it worked! Good luck! <BR>

rootc 08-27-2003 10:25 AM

Not really a fan of WBM but there is a good article about passing the handle in the latest issue. <BR> <BR>Pass the handle low so you don't get pulled off axis and keep the handle close to your body. If you do this and don't make the spin then the problem isn't physical it is mental.

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