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nj_alex 04-28-2008 8:04 PM

Congratulations to both Scotty and Yohan! It's always exciting to get a new board. <BR> <BR>Cool pictures on the blog Doug. Are you telling your new international friends about your goofy riding crew <BR>back in The Garden State? <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/crazy.gif" border=0> <BR> <BR>Joe: You have email.

wakecis 04-29-2008 6:09 AM

johan, <BR> <BR>what's up man. 15 days and counting...sounds great! keep up the good work and we'll be shredding the delaware in no time! see if you can sneak us home some oil, it's probably a bit cheaper over there...

eustace 04-29-2008 12:29 PM

Jim, the boat looks great – nice work guys! <BR> <BR>Where’s Woody?? Did you get those Wetsounds piped in yet. <BR> <BR>See you soon Johan.

bwood 04-29-2008 3:13 PM

What's up everybody. Brian, the speakers are all hooked up and ready to rock and roll.If you have any questions or you want a demo ride that can be arranged. They're pretty loud and it didn't take long for Teresa to come out of the house and tell me the neighbors were gonna get pissed off.<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/574654.jpg" alt="Upload"> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/574655.jpg" alt="Upload">

njskier 04-29-2008 3:29 PM

Kinda small, aren't they? <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0>

njskier 04-29-2008 3:29 PM

J/K <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0>

jim_b 04-29-2008 7:10 PM

Woody,Nice looking speakers. I took your advice that day we talked at Chickee and Petes and bought a slightly used 07 CWB Marius 140 to try out this summer. See you on the water soon. Tell EJ I said what up.

chrisnj 04-29-2008 7:32 PM

Woody, speakers are looking great dude! (whats powering them?) <BR> <BR>KG, sounds good bro. Just give my cell a call whenever you're free.

njladydriver 04-29-2008 7:34 PM

Chris, do you have anything that will make our vinyl seats look white again, instead of dirty grey? No matter how hard I scrub, I mean Alex <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/wink.gif" border=0>, they are just not as clean as I wish they could be. We have tried a few boat products that have been recommended and have not gotten any results. As most on this thread can tell you how clean Alex keeps the boat, and practically scrubs it down with a fine tooth comb after we get home from riding, still can't get the grime out. I'm sure there must be something that will make them white again without using a bleach compound. <BR>Tis the season alright....everyone is starting to come out of hiding to post! Gotta love it. <BR> <BR>Thanks Kev...47 more days till Wakefest 2008, 15 more days for Johan to get back! YES! <BR> <BR>Doug, keep posting on the blog, we love it! Big Kiss and hug to you from the crew...well, from the ladies anyway! <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0>

jflo453 04-29-2008 7:48 PM

In my experience nothing cleans vinyl better than a product called purple power. You can get it online or at most marine stores I believe. I use it during the summer to clean the boats at work and in spite of how much we beat up the seats on those x-stars it always gets just about everything out. It is very impressive stuff. <BR> <BR>I am probably going to be back on the river this Friday afternoon if anyone wants to come take some sets. I am probably going to be riding without any weight to make sure that I just take it easy and don't knock my head, so It'd be a good day to come work on riding switch and stuff like that.

nj_alex 04-29-2008 7:51 PM

Good looking rig Woody. Teresa's hating it already? Welcome to <i>my</i> world brother. <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/uhoh.gif" border=0> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/kiss.gif" border=0>(love ya' Doreen...kiss-kiss hug-hug)<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/kiss.gif" border=0> <BR> <BR>Eustace: I see on the blog that you have the Moomba all ready go. That's great. It won't be long now and <BR>we'll be boarding in the morning, rafting-up for lunch, wakesurfing in the afternoon then barbecuing and <BR>smoking cigars at the boat ramp. Oh man. I can't wait. <BR> <BR>Speaking of cigars...hey Johan! Any luck with your Cuban cigar search?

njladydriver 04-29-2008 8:08 PM

Woody, nothing makes those new speakers sound better then when the woman gets to choose the music! <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> <BR> <BR>Boarding in the morning, rafting-up for lunch, wakesurfing in the afternoon then barbecuing and <BR>smoking cigars at the boat ramp??? Oh man. I can't wait either. <BR> <BR>Alex, is JB back from the Wake Games? <BR>I was looking at the pictures and saw that blue 2008 SAN that Travis was driving. Oh what a beautiful boat!!

jckamp00 04-30-2008 4:59 AM

hey alex ya i got 5, one just for you its a lil bigger than the other 4, i could only get 5 cause the place only took cash and its hard to get cash out here! half the time they never give cash back when we use cards!! but i got what i could ill try to get more though if i can! <BR> <BR>hey everyone cant wait to get home!!!

wakescene 04-30-2008 8:08 AM

Woody, Very nice setup, can't wait to hear them. I think your the first person I know that has gotten those type speakers. Keep posting on how you like them. <BR> <BR>Doreen, <BR>I personally use Castrol Super Clean(similar to Joe's Purple Power). It can be abrasive, and is a STRONG degreaser, but diluted works well and safe for vinyl. Just remember to treat the vinyl liberally after using it. <BR> <BR>Johan, only a few days to go brutha!

njskier 04-30-2008 3:23 PM

Doreen........try a damp Magic Eraser (be cautious around the stitching)......you'll be amazed. <BR>Follow-up with 303 protectant.

bwood 04-30-2008 4:47 PM

Thanks everybody, i cant wait to get the boat on the water for a sound test. Maybe this weekend weather permitting. <BR> <BR>Dave, dont hate. LOL <BR> <BR>Jim, I just got off the phone with EJ and let him know you said " what's up". With out all his help it would never been possible. <BR> <BR>Chris, I picked up a Kicker 700 watt amp to power the speakers and it seems to do a good job. <BR> <BR>Alex, I foresee a battle over the volume knob all summer long. Although the speakers project the sound well and it's not too bad in the boat. <BR> <BR>Kg, your more than welcome to test them out yourself. Just make sure you bring your Ipod and setup your play list. <BR> <BR>(Message edited by bwood on April 30, 2008)

njskier 04-30-2008 5:20 PM

Woody, no hatin' over here.........lovin' those speakers! <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> Can't wait to hear them from 70' behind the X-1. <BR> <BR>Oh yeah, everyone's gonna have their towers blastin' this year!

nj_alex 04-30-2008 9:31 PM

Alright Yohan! Score! Those Cuban cigars might make a really excelllent addition to Wakefest after party. <BR> <BR>Speaking of Wakefest, I've updated <a href="http://www.njwakefest.com" target="_blank">www.njwakefest.com</a> a bit. It's not much, but things are <BR>coming along. <BR> <BR>Woody: It's usually not as much of a battle over the volume knob as it is a battle over what CD should be <BR>played. For some reason Doreen just hasn't developed the same appreciation for gangster rap as I have. <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/proud.gif" border=0> <BR> <BR>Eustace, is JB back from the Wake Games?

wakeme2q 05-01-2008 1:48 AM

woody - nice rack! <BR> <BR>getting the boat out Friday...anyone want to ride this weekend?

njladydriver 05-01-2008 3:47 AM

Magic Eraser is the only think that works but I went through ALOT of them last year and it's alot of hard scrubbing. <BR> <BR>Kev, I haven't been able to find the Castrol Super Clean you recommended last year. I'll look again this year.

njladydriver 05-01-2008 3:56 AM

Forgot to mention the website <a href="http://www.njwakefest.com" target="_blank">www.njwakefest.com</a>. Updates are coming along great Alex. It's very exciting to have ANOTHER Sidewayz premier at Wakefest. Hmmm, Red Bull riders at the Wakefest perhaps?? <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0>

jim_b 05-01-2008 4:48 AM

SWEET! Another movie from SIDEWAYZ. I might have to get a room and get my drink on.

lazypiper 05-01-2008 5:33 AM

Doreen <BR> <BR> That Castrol Super Clean in the purple bottle is sold at Auto Barn. Be careful with that stuff. I clean my boat with it. My shop use to give it to us to clean oil off the tops of elevators. Until someone noticed it said not for sale in New York state. After looking at the chemicals it was made of we stopped carrying it. The instructions say if used concentrated it can be used as a drain cleaner. I ride in salt water on Long Island and nothing cleans the salt and algae better. I use a bucket and deck brush like it's a fishing boat every time the boat is out and the purple stuff has been the best cleaner yet. It's great for cleaning the siding on your house too. <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" border=0> If you want I can give you a Gallon of it at wakefest.

eustace 05-01-2008 8:05 AM

Woody, the speakers look great and I will defiantly take you up on that offer this season! <BR> <BR>Alex, I'm not so sure; KG do you know anything about JB being back from the Wake Games? <BR> <BR>Doreen, last weekend while cleaning out the boat, I ran out of Spray Nine (which is my cleaner of choice). After looking around the garage for a bit and finding nothing I was willing to spray on the interior. I decided to mix up a little Aveda hair shampoo and water into a spray bottle. The concoction seemed to work well with a little elbow grease, smells nice too!

yamaha917 05-01-2008 8:49 AM

Woody, nice job with the speakers. Lookin slick. Gonna be a sweet year. <BR> <BR>PS. LETS GO FLYERS!!!!!

wakescene 05-01-2008 9:44 AM

Eustace, <BR>Not really sure on JB. Hey Doug, Any chance you know if JB is back from Wake Games?

jckamp00 05-01-2008 10:00 AM

alex, nice on another video premier!! even more excitment for coming home!! so were the video premier gonna be at the same place as last year, just might have to get a room so i can get my drink on after a great day of wakeboarding!

jim_b 05-01-2008 11:08 AM

I'm with ya Scotty,LETS GO FLYERS!!!!! Wrap it up Saturday Night. Bring on that Homo Crosby and his gay Pittsburgh Penguin.

chrisnj 05-01-2008 5:47 PM

Doreen, What have you tried so far? I have a few suggestions for you, and Dave mentioning the magic eraser is certainly one option as well. Let me know what you've tried so far then I can recommend what to try next. I think I failed on calling Alex when he was going to swing by one day for the 303 stuff. So Alex, if you see this, call my cell Friday. I'll be around the whole day, just running errands. <BR> <BR>Thats awesome about another premier! I'm stoked that I got off that Sunday and the whole week after!!! <BR> <BR>Jim, get the seat back yet bro? <BR> <BR>Johan, definitely a good call on the room for wf. I think I'll probably wind up doing the same.

jim_b 05-01-2008 6:23 PM

Chris, No seat yet.

njladydriver 05-01-2008 7:50 PM

If I was all of you...I'd call tonight and get a room! They are only holding so many. I'm going to call tomorrow to see if I can have her block some more for us. <BR> <BR>Kevin M - Sounds like serious stuff. KG swears by it...I'll check it out, and I'll be careful! <BR> <BR>Eustace - Does Annette know of your new found mixture? LOL <BR> <BR>Chris - Wait until Friday and I'll check the shed for what ever full bottles of vinyl cleaner are in there and I'll let you know what I tried so far! <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> If only I didn't go through so many magic erasers at one time (and the cost), the extra scrubbing and the little elbow grease would be worth it. <BR> <BR>This RedBull premier is going to be crazy! <BR>Wakefest count down?

scilost 05-02-2008 4:02 AM

Blackout that is awesome, <BR> <BR>Hi Brian <BR> <BR>(Message edited by scilost on May 02, 2008)

scilost 05-02-2008 4:05 AM

Kev i don't know- <BR>Justin probably will know if JB is back yet, you here anything Justin? <BR> <BR>Oh i think i may have f'd up my foot thing again. Darn it.

wakescene 05-02-2008 8:49 AM

Does this mean Doug can start wearing slippers again in the office? <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/rofl.gif" border=0>

wakeme2q 05-02-2008 9:01 AM

Going Saturday at 10 AM...hoping weather holds out <BR> <BR>JB - nice article in wakeboard mag

eustace 05-02-2008 10:38 AM

What’s up Doug ! Sorry to hear about your foot,,, it’s my goal to stay out of the BOOT this season. If it makes you feel better I’ll send you my club shirt. <BR> <BR>Yes Dor she knows, although I did get that that “just go with it, he is special needs” head nod.

wakescene 05-02-2008 10:45 AM

<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1><b>quote:</b></font><p>Yes Dor she knows, although I did get that that �just go with it, he is special needs� head nod.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote> <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/rofl.gif" border=0><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/rofl.gif" border=0><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/rofl.gif" border=0><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/rofl.gif" border=0><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/rofl.gif" border=0><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/rofl.gif" border=0>

jckamp00 05-02-2008 10:49 AM

JB told me he had to go to San diego after wake games i think for 7 days not to sure though just know he was going after the games

wakescene 05-02-2008 11:11 AM

Huh, that's funny, I thought I heard JB was going to Seattle.

eustace 05-02-2008 12:14 PM

Wait! Seattle? I thought JB said that he was headed to LV to pickup Kato for Wakefest.

nj_alex 05-02-2008 2:54 PM

Tentative plans are in place to hit the river tomorrow. It's not supposed to be particularly sunny, but it's <BR>supposed to stay dry until at least 6:00pm. We're still piecing-together our crew, but look for us out there <BR>around mid-day. <BR> <BR>I thought JB was going to be heading to Green Bay for the NFL draft. But I guess that's contingent upon JB being <BR>back from The Wake Games.

njladydriver 05-02-2008 6:14 PM

JB is back from Wake Games....I have inside connections on his whereabouts! <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/wink.gif" border=0>

njladydriver 05-02-2008 6:15 PM

Who's riding tomorrow? Sorry forgot to add that to my last post!

nj_alex 05-03-2008 4:50 AM

It's Saturday, 7:45am, cloudy, kind of cold, and a little breezy. I'm really having troule staying focused and <BR>getting the boat ready for a tow to the river. I <i>really</i> want to do this, but these weather conditions just <BR>don't have me feeling like getting in the water. I still have an hour-and-a-half before I have to begin the tow. <BR>Who knows....

njskier 05-03-2008 5:11 AM

Here's some JB Wakegames footage <BR> <BR><a href="http://videos.wakeboardingmag.com/members/viewVideo.php?video_id=976&amp;title=Wake_Games_20 08_Masters_showdown_" target="_blank">http://videos.wakeboardingmag.com/members/viewVideo.php?video_id=976&amp;title=Wake_Games_20 08_Masters_showdown_</a>

nj_alex 05-03-2008 6:04 AM

Ok, it's an hour later, and today's tow to Bordentown has been officially cancelled. I really want to <BR>take the boat for a tow, I really want to be back on the river and I really want to wakeboard, but <BR>it's just not a good day. Oh well. Maybe next week. I have some wakefest leg work I need to get done anyway. <BR> <BR>I guess by now every knows about the Blackout premiere. There's an important meeting on Monday with a local <BR>business owner, and if things go well I'll be able to announce the location.

newmy79 05-03-2008 6:33 PM

JB? Oooh we're playing "Where in the world is Jeff Barton?" (doesn't have as catchy of a tune as Carmen SanDiego does it?) JB's back from Wake Games but I heard he jetsetted off again to another location, perhaps Michele knows? <BR> <BR>Doug, dude stop hurting yourself!! No need to get injured so early, you still have a lot of time left down under. <BR> <BR>On another note, Michele and I have been brainstorming a lot of home improvement projects so we're excited about getting started. <BR> <BR>ChrisNJ, I have some car detailing questions for you if you have any ideas. What do you think will work well for wax and something to cover up some knicks/scrathes? I need to give my car some much needed TLC. Any ideas you can give me?

njskier 05-03-2008 6:48 PM

Hey Jimbo, the Flyers are movin' on!!!

jim_b 05-04-2008 1:20 AM

WoW,what a game last night.

jim_b 05-04-2008 1:33 AM

Nice Ink Alex.

brett_l 05-04-2008 8:19 AM

Hey everyone, I made a similar post on WakeboardNJ.com but since that site is pretty new I wanted to see if I could get some replies on here as well. I'm looking for some dams/spillways to hit with my winch.. if anyone knows of any in their area please shoot me a post. Here's a nice one I found by me.. this is exactly what I'm looking for, just something a little more secluded <BR> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/575963.jpg" alt="Upload"> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/575964.jpg" alt="Upload"> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/575965.jpg" alt="Upload">

nj_alex 05-04-2008 10:14 AM

Hey Brett: I must admit, dams and spillways have never been on my radar screen. Good luck with your search. <BR>And if you find something cool and you and your crew decide to session it, perhaps let us know here and maybe <BR>we'll come-out and watch/video. <BR> <BR>Jim: Thanks man. Doreen and I have been talking about me getting a crazy back tattoo for years but it <BR>just never seemed to happen. And last night's tattoo was <i>totally</i> unplanned. I was going to be happy spending <BR>my Saturday night suffling around Home Depot! But a spontaneous string of events put us in a local tattoo <BR>place and the next thing I knew I was in the chair. Pretty crazy. If any one cares, there's a small series <BR>of pictures on the blog. <a href="http://wakeboardnj.com/ridersblog.htm" target="_blank">http://wakeboardnj.com/ridersblog.htm</a> <BR> <BR>Hey! It's Sunday and it's sunny and warm! I thought it was supposed to be rainy and cruddy like yesterday. <BR>Seriously, if I had even <i>thought</i> today was going to be nice, I would have planned to take the boat out, <BR>and with that in mind, I wouldn't have gotten the tattoo! It's crazy how things work out. <BR> <BR>Any word on JB Michele?

jim_b 05-04-2008 10:52 AM

If you guys are looking for JB,he is right here next to me in Deepwater NJ @ work. Our senior control room op. mans name is JB.<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/biggrin.gif" border=0> A different JB, but he's still JB.

newmy79 05-04-2008 6:07 PM

Jim aren't you supposed to be working? <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/wink.gif" border=0>

jim_b 05-04-2008 6:25 PM

Justin, I was on a safety pause.<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/wink.gif" border=0> Today was my 6th straight Sat. and Sunday at work. Talk about sucking.

kickasskel 05-04-2008 8:09 PM

Hi everyone! <BR> <BR>I haven't been able to post in a while and I'm glad to see everyone starting to get back in the water! I've been trying to survive the last days of school and looking forward to a little warmer weather for sure. It was still in the 40s all day in Boston. Hopwfully, we'll see some sun soon. <BR> <BR>OMG I am starting to get antsy again. Happens every May...<IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> Can't wait to jump in the water!

zuka666 05-05-2008 6:29 AM

39 and counting... <BR> <BR>Alex, nice piece!

njskier 05-05-2008 9:59 AM

Kelly Lee, good to hear from you again. Hopefully we'll see you a few times down here this summer! <BR> <BR>Zuka, you riding up there yet?

eustace 05-05-2008 10:37 AM

Kelly Lee checking in! Hope all is well with you. <BR> <BR>Very cool Alex, I like the detail and I can’t believe they got all that done in 3 hours. <BR> <BR>What’s up J2…. <BR> <BR>PS – Time for someone to step up and get that Grover tattoo…<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/biggrin.gif" border=0> <BR> <BR>(Message edited by eustace on May 05, 2008)

michelelef 05-05-2008 6:37 PM

Awesome Alex! and Eustace, when you get your Tasmanian Devil buddy...lol Seriously though, I do want to get my tat soon (AND NOT GROVER) <BR> <BR>JB...hmmm...Last I heard JB was visiting Amber and Doug down under...Doug, you meet up with him yet?? And take care of that ankle mister!! <BR> <BR>J2 and Kelly Lee...it will be great to see you both down again for Wakefest 08. <BR> <BR>Brett, welcome to the thread...Good luck in your search! <BR> <BR>39 DAYS Yay!! <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/proud.gif" border=0>

njladydriver 05-05-2008 6:38 PM

I think I'm next...I have the Tattoo fever now. <BR>Of course due to my job, it would have to be a covered one. But I would like to get rosary beards wrapped around my ankle with a small cross resting on the top of my foot. Alex's tattoo will again be added to at the end of the season. Not done yet. <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0>

jim_b 05-05-2008 6:44 PM

Any news on where the movie is gonna be shown for wakefest? I guess that will then let us know where to book our hotel rooms.

nj_alex 05-05-2008 7:49 PM

Alright! It's kickasskel! Good to have you checkin' in Kel. Hope to see you at Wakefest. <BR> <BR>Jim, the premiere's venue is being worked-on, but there are no confirmations yet. As soon as I know I'll surely <BR>post all the info right here. But one thing that <i>is</i> sure is that I've gotten ten rooms reserved at the <BR>Bordentown Ramada just for Wakefest. I know at least 4 four or five of them are already taken, so you may <BR>want to ask fast. Be sure to say you want one of the rooms reserved for the New Jersey Wakefest. <BR> <BR>Doreen wants a tattoo, Eustace wants a tattoo, Michele wants an Elmo tattoo and I've heard Justin talking <BR>about tattoos lately too. Hmmm. Maybe this calls for a Manahawkin tattoo party! That'd be crazy. <BR> <BR>Michele...I think Doug already passed the JB torch to Justin, then Justin passed it to you. No tag backs! <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/lol.gif" border=0> <BR> <BR>Jeff Z: Are you and your crew coming down to Wakefest again this year?

chrisnj 05-05-2008 8:32 PM

Justin, what color vehicle are you working with? How bad are the scratches? Minor imperfections (light swirls, etc) can be slightly masked w/ the use of a glaze first, followed by a wax. I have a few great combos. Lemme know what color vehicle your working w/ though b/c it'll influence what I recommend. <BR> <BR>Brett, that looks sweet. Definitely post up when you're planning to session that.. if I'm off, I'd be down to tag along.

zuka666 05-06-2008 12:12 PM

David, Not yet, Doug's been super busy w/ work, docks are in though...Hopefully this weekend we'll hit the lake. <BR> <BR>Eustace, all is good baby! <BR> <BR>Michele, miss ya dahlin' <BR> <BR>Alex, most definitely!

jim_b 05-06-2008 12:20 PM

I just booked my room for wakefest.

newmy79 05-06-2008 4:22 PM

Chris, <BR> <BR>My maxima is charcoal gray. Some of the scratches are light, some are nicks. I'm looking to sell it soon so I'm trying to find the best way to cover up all of the blemishes and dress her up without actually taking it to a detail/repair shop. <BR> <BR>Thanks for any suggestions you have.

summerryder 05-06-2008 7:16 PM

Damn! <BR> <BR>Once again I am reminded that I have been a bad Jersey Wakefester! For the record, I was in Orlando, then in San Diego, and I didn't use my time well! At least not keeping in touch with my peeps back east. If drinking beer and eating carne asada burritos is thought of as time well spent, then it wasn't a waste after all. <BR> <BR>And while normally I am somewhat dissappointed in myself for letting down my Jersey crew members, I am a little emotionally distracted to day. <BR> <BR>And this is why: My ship has come in! <BR>I just picked my dreamboat up! <BR> <BR>Aw yeah! <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/577276.jpg" alt="Upload">

jim_b 05-06-2008 7:29 PM

JB that is a beautiful boat. If you ever need a third let me know. I would love to see that boat up close.

chrisnj 05-06-2008 8:10 PM

JB, awesome boat bro. Love the color! Saw the ad for the wake academy in wakeboarding mag today... freakin sweet! <BR> <BR>Justin, your best bet for swirls/real light scratches is probably to try a combo of one of these. Either red moose machine glaze or black hole, (both at bottom of page) then follow w/ a quality carnauba like carnauba moose wax, 476 or nattys blue. All are found here: <a href="http://www.glimmerglassdetailing.com/cawaandgl.html" target="_blank">http://www.glimmerglassdetailing.com/cawaandgl.html</a> <BR>The correct way would be to obviously polish them out by essentially removing minor amounts of clear until its leveled off to the base of the scratch. This will stop the light from reflecting off the edges, causing the scratches/swirls etc to be seen. The glazes, which are really just oil/filler heavy products attempt to, well, fill in, the light imperfections, making them less noticeable. You then top the glaze w/ a carnauba for the added protection and looks. <BR>If you want a chip repair product, langka chip repair makes a product that you mix to fill in chips. It works ok. <BR>Its tough for me to tell you whats best for your situation w/o seeing it. IF you want to email me pics, then I can try to offer more specific advice.

nj_alex 05-06-2008 8:26 PM

Conragtulations JB! She's a beauty for sure. Just like Jim B (and probably everyone else), I look forward <BR>to checking it out up close. Cool dual axle painted trailer too. Mine is single axle and galvanized. <BR>Well, I guess now we finally all know that JB is indeed back from The Wake Games! <BR> <BR>Alright Jim (and everyone else), here it is. Wakefest's Blackout premiere is going to happen at <BR>Chickie's &amp; Pete's! The post-wakefest party begins at 5:00pm and the premiere rolls at 8:00. Pretty cool, huh? <BR>The next time you see Red Bull Keith be sure to genuflect and kiss his ring! <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/kiss.gif" border=0> Actually, he might <BR>be on the river with us this Saturday.

wakescene 05-06-2008 8:38 PM

JB, <BR>Great news on the new ride! Looks real sharp. <BR> <BR>Blackout premiere! AWESOME, this will be killer and within walking distance to the hotel...or perhaps another Astro van sing-along. <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/rofl.gif" border=0> <BR> <BR>oh yea... <BR>Genuflect = S.A.T. word of the day!

njskier 05-07-2008 3:29 AM

JB, nice ride! I bet you can't wait to splash her soon. (I see you have your reg. #'s on there already, aw yeah!)

bwood 05-07-2008 3:43 AM

Jeff, that boat is sweet! Even though I'm not a Flyers fan, I really like the colors. If you ever need a third I promise to show up with ice cold beer and no Giants paraphernalia.

jckamp00 05-07-2008 5:56 AM

i know everyone already said it but how can you not DAMN!!!!!!! nice boat JB!! <BR> <BR>hey alex, think you can get ahold of some gator stickers?? <BR> <BR>countdown for me is 6d then 8 till im back in the states!!!!!!!BEER!!!!!!!!!!

nj_alex 05-07-2008 7:53 PM

Sheesh Johan...you're going to mule me back a Cuban cigar from the other side of the world somewhere. How <BR>lame would it be if I couldn't come-up with some Gator Board stickers for your new rig? I'm on it brother, <BR>I'm on it.

njladydriver 05-08-2008 4:14 AM

JB!!! Welcome Back from the Wake Games!(Kiss and a long hug!). Holy Cow! I love it! Although I couldn't hear the splashing of her on the water yesterday, the maiden voyage was too exciting to put into words I'm sure. <BR>We have just about every different kind of wakeboard boat on this thread. Nautique, Master Craft, Moomba, Malibu....anyone have a centurion? <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> <BR>Johan, you'll be back next week! I'm sure your calendar has a bunch of X's all over it. <BR>36 more days until Wakefest! It's almost a month away! Yikes....

wakescene 05-08-2008 10:40 AM

Jim B has a Tige!

jim_b 05-08-2008 11:21 AM

Thanks Kevin for making sure I wasn't left out<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/sad.gif" border=0>

jflo453 05-08-2008 1:45 PM

Jeff that boat is sick, let me know when you are going out. <BR> <BR>If anyone is looking for a pull I am trying to get out tomorrow, but it looks like the weather has other plans. If it breaks I'll still go out but that does not seem very likely. I will definitely be out saturday and sunday though so long as it doesn't rain. Wind forecast looks a little foreboding but I am just going to bring a surfboard and surf if that is what it comes to, I have been off the water for 2 weeks now and it is making me crazy!

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