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johnsvt 10-26-2008 4:05 PM

Dave mine doesn't get winterized and the Marsh is still 60-61. I am also thinking of heading to the heated pond to ride this winter yet.

bwood 10-26-2008 4:51 PM

John, do you need a third? LOL <BR> <BR>Dave, thanks again man. I really appreciate all the help and the winter spot.

zuka666 10-26-2008 6:01 PM

Dubbz, NICE PICS! Still holding it down! My buddy douglas tucked it away this weekend. Still riding the stand up model though. <BR> <BR>got purple feet in my house<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/sad.gif" border=0> No sympathy from me... <BR>Love the last pic the most though! <BR>Death Star &amp; ?........

zuka666 10-26-2008 6:03 PM

Ohhh. . . .; ; <BR>"Hows about them PATS<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/talker.gif" border=0>" <BR>-THE TALKER

njskier 10-26-2008 6:25 PM

Ewing, you're the one everyone will call when that 75 degree December day comes around. <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> <BR> <BR>Zuka, how's the arm and hammer(I mean shoulder) doing? Hope you're mending ok. If you feel like a road trip to NYC December 13th for the boat show in December, give me a shout.

zuka666 10-26-2008 6:36 PM

The hammer got twisted up today playing with the kids.... What else is new. <BR> <BR>Got nervous looking at those wakes though... SCARED<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/smile.gif" border=0>

njskier 10-27-2008 7:58 AM

Zuka, here's a pic of you from last year........enjoy! <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/639845.jpg" alt="Upload">

jflo453 10-27-2008 1:45 PM

holy hell is it cold outside. winter riding is officially here. If anyone here likes cold water as much as I do, I am going out this weekend either friday, saturday, or sunday. Maybe both friday and sunday. Let me know if you want to join. Also, If anyone has any experience with running a wake boat during the cold season could you shoot me an email? I have some questions about draining my heat exchanger after each use and keeping my boat safe while also riding when it is cold out

phat_steve 10-27-2008 5:23 PM

Out of control Joe. Water is gettin cold, I was out last week with Jim and Ken no wet suit for me lol. I finally took my fins off like you have been sayin. Much nicer, landed 180's much easier. Cant wait for the warm water to come back. If you need a driver text me I dont know about gettin in without a suit though.

jflo453 10-27-2008 11:37 PM

yea I wouldnt recommend anyone getting in without a suit anymore, and a good one at that. Water at the philadelphia bouy is 51 degrees, but that has ocean water coming up with the tide. Up by bordentown will probably be below 50 by the weekend

scilost 10-28-2008 3:15 AM

Joe- <BR>I give you props for the cold water riding, but i think you may be nutz. Anyway have fun with the winter riding, i am sure I will meet you in the spring. <BR> <BR>Dave- <BR>Things are going well, actually great because it is pretty much full on summer now. <BR> <BR>Alex- it took me about three days to get the boat show thing, but i got it now. <BR> <BR>Doug

nj_alex 10-28-2008 7:13 PM

Alright! It's Doug checking-in again from the other side of the planet! Hey Doug...I'm still waiting for you <BR>to post a picture of you rockin' a Wakefest tee-shirt in Australia, like standing next to a kangeroo or <BR>something.

njskier 10-29-2008 7:20 PM


zuka666 10-31-2008 6:44 PM

Fillies, the forgotten Series<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/blush.gif" border=0><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/uhoh.gif" border=0> <BR> <BR>Good and you!?

njskier 11-03-2008 11:44 PM

Anyone have tickets to the Eagles game this sunday?? <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/proud.gif" border=0>

dudeman 11-05-2008 10:58 AM

Looking for a driver to deliver a car to North Carolina if possible from Burlington, NJ. Figured it would be worth a shot if anyone was headed south for any reason. I'm in Winston-Salem, NC but could meet you anywhere in the surrounding area. Flight times doesn't make it feasible for me to pick it up. Hit me up if you know of anyone. Definitely be some beer, pulls and cash involved. Thanks.

wakespider 11-05-2008 11:17 AM

When are you looking for someone? I'm most likely going to be laid off any day now, so I'll have lots of free time and a need for $$

dudeman 11-05-2008 11:34 AM

Probably next week some time if I win the bid. It's an eBay auction.

jflo453 11-05-2008 12:25 PM

I will do it for 200 bucks and a paid flight/train/gas money for a car home

nj_alex 11-05-2008 8:04 PM

A road trip to North Carolina? Sounds like a cool adventure. I'd do it just for the pulls, beers and <BR>the fun of it if I had the free time. Isn't John Keenan from NC? He might be interested in giving this a whirl.

jflo453 11-05-2008 9:34 PM

just looked on google maps and its about 500 miles each way. If you want to work something out I am definately up for the trip. I have a spotless driving record (no crashes no tickets that led to convictions) and nothing better to do. if you pay me and a friend 10 bucks an hour to each drive a car down and then drive car A back, I will absolutely do this. way cheaper than paying to have it shipped or have a professional do it. if you could pay to fly/train me home too that would also work. either way. hit me up if you need. 609 937 9801

dudeman 11-06-2008 8:17 AM

Chris and Joe. Thanks for the offers. I think I have someone. If it falls thru, I'll hit you up.

nj_alex 11-08-2008 8:50 AM

It's Saturday 11/08/08, The Super Air is getting Winterized down at 60 Sylvia, and I'm in north Jersey at <BR>work until 4:00pm. I don't know how your Saturday is going, but mine is d-r-a-g-g-i-n-g. <BR> <BR>Well Randy? Did you win the ebay auction?

dudeman 11-08-2008 2:01 PM

Alex, <BR> <BR>Nope. Didn't win. You can win any auction if you want to pay more than something is worth. eBay is a funny animal. Peeps get crazy and out of control on bidding. It's an ego thing to win. You win, but really loose. There's plenty of other 2001 GLX's out there. Hate that you have to winterize your boat. Move down here, semi-heated lake, ride all year. Actually, my season has just started since most of the wally's have called it quits.

zuka666 11-08-2008 6:10 PM

Too bad dudeman! <BR>NJ livin it up? <BR>Love yalls'

zuka666 11-08-2008 6:12 PM

YEP!<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/smile.gif" border=0>

njskier 11-11-2008 2:22 PM

}<font color="ff0000">A BIG VETERAN'S DAY THANK YOU TO JOHAN K. AND EVERYONE ELSE IN THE MILITARY THAT RISKS EVERYTHING TO PROVIDE US OUR FREEDOM THAT WE ALL ENJOY. <BR> <BR></font><font color="0000ff">HAPPY VETERAN'S DAY!</font> } <BR> <BR>(Message edited by njskier on November 11, 2008)

zuka666 11-11-2008 5:58 PM

I second that! <BR>Just walked a parade in Spencer.<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/smile.gif" border=0>

zuka666 11-11-2008 5:59 PM

<font color="ff0000">Yep!</font>

jflo453 11-12-2008 12:16 PM

went down to the river yesterday with my dad and took a quick set before it got dark. holy balls is it cold, had the place to myself though. I head to florida on friday the 21st and dont get back until december first so my rig might be going under wraps in the next week or so. I might drain some fluids before I go and if we get a warm spell once I am back (on december 1st) try to squeeze one or two more sets in

nj_alex 11-12-2008 5:15 PM

Pretty hardcore Joe F. I like it. <BR>And I totally hope you get out in December. That'd be <i>really</i> cool. <BR>If things go as planned, my boat will be totally buttoned-up for the Winter by the end of this weekend. <BR> <BR>Your clarity of thought regarding ebay auctions is good to see Randy. <BR> <BR>Anyone have a good scissor jack that he/she wants to sell?

scilost 11-13-2008 3:34 PM

Hey Alex- <BR>I will have a think if i have a "scissor jack", but could you possibly tell me wtf a scissor jack is so i know what i am looking for??? Either way maybe Justin has one.

nj_alex 11-13-2008 4:43 PM

<i>"I will have a think if I have a scissor jack"</i> ???? <BR>Wait, wait, wait... <BR>Am I detecting new phrasing patterns in Doug's writing? What do you think crew...is Doug going to come home <BR>with an Australian accent? <BR> <BR>This is a scissor jack Doug. <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/644534.jpg" alt="Upload"> <BR> <BR>I have a pretty heavy duty scissor jack that I've kept in the van in case the boat trailer gets a flat. But it <BR>has a bearing that I think is shot, making the jack pretty much unusable. Either I could fart around trying <BR>to replace the specialty bearing or I could just look for a new jack and heave the old one. Unless some one knows <BR>of a good source for specialty bearings. Anyone?

zuka666 11-16-2008 7:06 PM

I've got specialty bearings <font color="ff0000">;)</font>

zuka666 11-16-2008 7:12 PM

NYC December 13th?

jflo453 11-17-2008 2:30 PM

<a href="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/1/645390.html?1226960326" target="_blank">http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/1/645390.html?1226960326</a> <BR> <BR>dave might be time to dust off that trailer next season and put it to use

phat_steve 11-17-2008 4:50 PM

That looks like a nice spot to hit up one weekend

njskier 11-17-2008 4:51 PM

Nice find Joe, I'll have to give them a call. <BR> <BR>I've seen that lake before several years ago, never thought they allowed powerboats but I guess that's changed.

eustace 11-20-2008 6:08 AM

Bump… <BR> <BR>Is everyone settled in for the winter? We just purchased tickets to Florida in April. I'm already freezing, it cant get here fast enough! <BR> <BR> <BR>JZ, how's that arm Brother?

wakespider 11-20-2008 6:27 AM

Don't forget the boat show guys! A bunch of us are meeting on Saturday, December 20 between 12 and 12:30 at the MasterCraft booth.

nj_alex 11-20-2008 6:29 AM

Settled in for the Winter? Not quite yet. <BR>Last weekend's Atlantic City holiday eclipsed giving The Super Air its final Wintertime touches. <BR>But by the end of this weekend The Super Air should be washed, waxed, vacuumed and in its Winter cocoon.

nj_alex 11-20-2008 6:32 AM

Addendum: The NYC boat show! Yes! Our group boat show trip is planned for Saturday the 20th as well. <BR>And don't forget the SOS Christmas party on Saturday the 13th. It's a guaranteed good time!

lazypiper 11-20-2008 6:51 AM

That's it next year I'm telling Dave we need to meet in front of the Correct Craft booth <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/rofl.gif" border=0>. So far it's a good year I winterized the XStar last weekend and we'll be up at Killington this weekend. I hope it's the same way in the spring going back to wakeboarding. See ya at the Boat show and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

jflo453 11-20-2008 11:10 PM

I went down to finish winterizing the x2 today. it was snowing like crazy for a while and before undertook the process of draining the heat exchanger we decided to drop the boat in one more time and I took a quick set through the snow. I wore a glued 5/4 with a 4 mm hood and some gloves and actually felt pretty good. The boat has been completely drained and is officially away for the season. I wanted to try to push it further but this cold snap was just too intense and the last thing I need to be paying for is a new engine....

zuka666 11-22-2008 6:50 PM

Brian, feels good;) <BR>Yep Alex! weekend looks like fun! Trien' to con the wife<IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> Bachelor.

zuka666 11-22-2008 7:10 PM

$1.75 for NO LEAD... WOOOOP

zuka666 11-22-2008 7:10 PM

2.21 Oil

zuka666 11-22-2008 7:12 PM

<font color="ff0000">REPUBLICAN STATE</font><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/uhoh.gif" border=0>}

zuka666 11-22-2008 7:15 PM

Scary world!

njskier 11-27-2008 6:28 AM

<font color="ff6000"> <BR> <BR>HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE! <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> </font>

pearsonville 11-27-2008 7:20 AM

Hey Alex and JB.... not to rub in our weather.... I got back from 5 days at Pearsonville, 80 to 85 degree air.... water chilled down to 67 degrees, cervesa was around 32 degrees. No wetsuits! Rode my new Ronix 140 VIVA with the Parks Relic bindings - unreal. <BR>Happy Thanksgiving from Huntington Beach. I have a question... what is winterizing a boat mean? Ha Ha.

nj_alex 11-28-2008 9:22 PM

85° weather and 67° water? Oh man. We won't see that pairing here again for at least another seven months. <BR>Sounds like another great time at Pearsonville Joe. Am I envious? Hell yeah! <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/lol.gif" border=0> <BR> <BR>I was hoping to get to Wall Stadium this weekend to see what could very well be the last Turkey Derby, but <BR>it doesn't look like I'm going to make it. <BR> <BR><a href="http://www.wallspeedway.com/" target="_blank">http://www.wallspeedway.com/</a>

pearsonville 11-29-2008 12:02 PM

Fun! We are going to go to lunch and check out the waves at the HB Pier. Shorts, tee shirts, tennis shoes, and of course sun glasses. Have a happy holiday! Aloha - Joe. Lets get next years shirt going early...

nj_alex 12-01-2008 8:39 PM

Well, I spoke to Craig today, and the SOS Christmas party is shaping-up nicely. Instead of just one band <BR>this year, there's probably going to be two! There's going to be a Red Bull bar and maybe even some <BR>Red Bull girls. Coors will be on tap and there will be plenty of hot and cold food. Craig's also planning to <BR>have a couple of 2009 Centurians on display for us boat type people to look-over. Oh yeah...it's going to be <BR>another big Christmas party night in Point Pleasant!

phat_steve 12-02-2008 4:57 PM

Hey Alex where do I get some info on the party. I brought two boards and bindings from Craig this year and might be up for the party.

wakefactory 12-02-2008 5:17 PM

Hey guys, I'm from Alabama but have been working up here for a few months and plan on being up here for a few more. I'm stay near Salem and Pennsville, NJ. <BR> <BR>Just thought I would say hello. I havent met any wakeboards around here.

njskier 12-02-2008 5:38 PM

Hello Dustin, welcome! I just checked out wakefactory.net...........very cool! Love that video too, nice work. (those crashes toward the end looked nasty, esp that one slider crash) <BR> <BR>A bunch of us will be at the NYC boat show saturday Dec 20th if you can make it, around 12:30 at the MC booth. <BR> <BR>If you're still in NJ come spring, your welcome to a few pulls up in Bordentown.

eustace 12-03-2008 3:32 PM

What’s up Dustin! <BR> <BR>You’ve found the right spot for wakeboarding in NJ. As soon as spring hits there are plenty of boats in the water. <BR> <BR>Right now we’re pretty much hunkered down for the winter with the snowboarding season just around the corner. <BR> <BR>And don’t forget about the SOS Christmas party on the 13th. <BR> <BR>Brian

nj_alex 12-03-2008 7:29 PM

Hey Steve: I sent you an email with Christmas party info. If I left anything out, just email me or call me. <BR>See you on the 13th! <BR> <BR>Greetings Dustin: Like Brian said, don't forget the SOS Chritmas party on Saturday the 13th. It's going to be <BR>a good time. If you have any questions, shoot me an email.

wakefactory 12-04-2008 3:42 PM

Thanks for the warm welcome. I've been here a few months but haven't met anyone to hang out with but looking forward to the SOS Christmas Party. <BR> <BR>Alex, I sent you an email requesting some info. <BR> <BR>Eustace, I think I will be here during the spring. It would be cool to catch a pull from someone. <BR> <BR>Dave, The New York Boat Show sounds good. I have never been to NY but people keep telling me not to miss out on going. Plus MasterCraft is one of my (WakeFactory) big sponsors so i would really like to come check out the show. <BR> <BR>Hope everyone has a safe Holiday Season.

michelelef 12-04-2008 5:49 PM

Hi guys!! Wow...I have missed sooooo much. I haven't checked in since the summer. Work and wedding planning have been keeping Justin and I really busy. <BR> <BR>I must say thanks to you all who posted about my new tricks and the comp. You guys are all such an awesome group of friends. Always giving tips and support. I am very excited about next season, considering my final run of the year was the first and only time I landed my new stuff. <BR> <BR>Well done on the late season runs. brrr...I know from experience...30 something degree water, January riding sounds familiar. Ahh, yes. Now the big question is, who is going to be first in '09? I think that may just be a challenge boys and girls <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/wink.gif" border=0> lol <BR> <BR>Can't wait for SOS!! It actually falls on my birthday this year. What a great way to spend it...can't wait for the fun ride there in the mystery machine after some yummy tequila shots and cigars...and then, of course, there's always our crazy after party...yay!! Good times!! <BR> <BR>Welcome Dustin! We have a great crew in Jersey, and we look forward to meeting you at SOS! <BR> <BR>Doug, we miss you like crazy!! Can't wait to see you. Nice to have you checking in!

nj_alex 12-04-2008 8:20 PM

Oh yeah. I got this is the mail today. It's official now! <BR> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/649373.jpg" alt="Upload">

zuka666 12-07-2008 2:28 PM

$1.67... <BR>Alex your cute!

njskier 12-09-2008 10:58 AM

NEW SITE <BR> <BR><a href="http://www.stokemeter.com" target="_blank">www.stokemeter.com</a> <BR> <BR>I got an e-mail from Maurice M. yesterday, he informed me that he has a new site with a discussion forum. Click on the link above and check out some of those awesome pics of Lyman and Amber during the filming of Push Process. <BR>Pretty cool!

wakescene 12-10-2008 10:15 AM

It's been over 2 months since I posted last...I'm weak as far as keeping up the stoke. Sorry people. <BR> <BR>The boat is tucked away, winterized back in Oct. That sucked, but it has to be done. <BR> <BR>I hope everyones Thanksgiving was pleasant. Mine was great and filling, no pun intended. <BR> <BR>I recently became an uncle, it's pretty exciting. <BR> <BR>Lastly, <BR>For those that didn't get the WakeboardNJ.com newsletter a few weeks ago, the Blog on the site had its 1-yr Birfday on Nov 14. It was a proud day and that aspect of the site has really kept a lot of people up to date as to what is happening and the buzz from crew to crew. Of course there are shenanigans that ensue and it's encouraged that you post and post often! And in these months of down-time, nothing is restricted (not that it ever was) but please remember to keep it clean. <BR> <BR>The SOS Holiday party is this weekend, looking forward to it! <BR> <BR>See you all soon, <BR>KG

nj_alex 12-11-2008 6:14 AM

The weather forecast for this Saturday is clear, but it's only going to be in the 30s during the day and the <BR>20s at night! If you're planning to do any outdoor cigar smoking at this year's SOS Christmas party, <BR>you better be wearing your Christmas woolies! <BR> <BR>What does everyone think? Does Jeff Z from up in the north country know how to deal with the Winter cold? <BR> <BR>Alright everyone...see you Saturday in Point Pleasant...and don't forget your Christmas party hats!

zuka666 12-16-2008 2:49 PM

We've got the declaration from the Prez... <BR>8.3 milion is the threshold. I think we've got that much damage in Worcester County alone. <BR>70,166 households still without power (whole towns)since Friday. <BR> <BR>Sorry I missed the party, I was supposed to show up unannounced. Worked all weekend and continue too. Hope you all had a great time. Talk soon!

zuka666 12-16-2008 2:55 PM

<a href="http://www.telegram.com/assets/static/slideshow/2008/afterthestorm/index.html" target="_blank">http://www.telegram.com/assets/static/slideshow/2008/afterthestorm/index.html</a>

yamaha917 12-16-2008 4:56 PM

boat show this weekend?

wakespider 12-16-2008 5:25 PM

YES! Meet us at the MasterCraft booth!

lazypiper 12-17-2008 5:22 AM

Boat show info <BR>I know Dave is taking the train with a few people <BR> <BR><a href="http://wakeboarding.meetup.com/19/calendar/9179703/" target="_blank">http://wakeboarding.meetup.com/19/calendar/9179703/</a>

nj_alex 12-17-2008 6:31 AM

Jeff Z: A surprise entrance at the SOS party would have been awesome! One of these years you'll get there. <BR> <BR>Boat show? Yes! A handful of us will definitely be hitting the boat show. And while we're in NYC we'll probably <BR>bounce around and go check-out the Rockefeller Center tree, maybe take a stroll around my ol' alma mater <BR>Columbia U, and definitely go downtown for a meal in Chinatown followed by some dessert in Little Italy.

njskier 12-17-2008 5:59 PM

Scotty, we're taking the train from Hamilton station @ 9:36am. Call my cell. <BR> <BR>Kevin and Chris, see you there! <BR> <BR>Zuka, looks like the ice storm hit your area hard. Hope all is well. Are you meeting us in NYC saturday?

zuka666 12-20-2008 5:02 AM

No David, I've got to get some Christmas shopping in since I haven't had time to get to the stores. We're expecting another 6"-10" after the foot that just fell yesterday so I'll have to work again tomorrow... <BR> <BR>I finally proposed to Sara last night so she's a happy gal... Talk soon!

eustace 12-20-2008 10:56 PM

NICE!!! <BR> <BR>Contrats JZ,,,,****

njskier 12-21-2008 7:45 AM

Hey congrats Sara and Zuka! <BR> <BR>Sorry you couldn't make it to NYC, catch up to you later.

wakescene 12-22-2008 12:06 PM

Congrats Zuka! She's a keeper!

phat_steve 12-22-2008 5:00 PM

Hit up Blue Mountain yesterday for the first Snowboard trip of the year. Mountain was perfect and full of powder. No crowd at all got to love blue mt. Ass is a little sore but good day. Hey Jim me and the wife might be going next tues i will text you when I know for sure.

nj_alex 12-22-2008 7:25 PM

You know Jeff Z, at Wakefest's 2008's after-party at Chickie's &amp; Pete's, you, Sara and I sat at the bar <BR>for quite a while drinking pints of Guiness and shooting the shiz. Sara was well spoken, personsble, <BR>funny, and it was easy to see that she has nothin' but love for you, ya' nut ya'. Congratulations <BR>brother. Sara's a great girl and I'm sure you've made her really happy <i>and</i> proud. Well done. <BR> <BR>Snowboarding? Nope. Not me. But Connor and I had the ol' Snow Thrasher out the other night! For what it is, <BR>it's a lot of fun! I'll be sure to bring it to the Winter gatherings just in case there's snow on the ground. <BR> <BR><a href="http://cgi.ebay.com.my/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&amp;item=400004201970&amp;i ndexURL=" target="_blank">http://cgi.ebay.com.my/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&amp;item=400004201970&amp;i ndexURL=</a>

njladydriver 12-25-2008 12:34 PM

Merry Christmas Everyone!

All times are GMT -7. The time now is 2:59 AM.