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chrisnj 07-13-2007 6:11 PM

Definitely a good day today Jim! Ray wanted to thank you again, he had an absolute blast. I've watched his crash 100x already, its just as funny each time <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> And we snapped 80 something pics! I need sort through them and upload a few. And I'll definitely edit that video a little and get that hosted as well, lol.

jim_b 07-14-2007 3:22 AM

I'll be on the water starting at 8 looking for a 3rd. If anyone wants some pulls today call my cell 609-280-5195.

paulharenberg 07-14-2007 5:57 PM

looking for a pull <BR> <BR>anybody need a third for sunday. will chip in on whatever is needed. call me 908-500-9725. <BR> <BR>paul h

jim_b 07-14-2007 7:44 PM

What awesome water conditions today. First off thanks a million to Dooreen for being our third and our driver this morning. And thanks to George and Denise for the pulls.The water was flat as a board and we were the only people on the water from 8 til about 11:30. Then we had a mid day raft up with the crew. Brian and Annette nice to see you again. The water was what you hope and dream it would be every time you launch. <BR> <BR>Paul today was the day to jump on board. I don't think anyone is riding tomorrow.

jond 07-15-2007 9:22 PM

Does anyone else launch at the ramp just south of Trenton? I've been using that ramp for 12 years without a problem but a bunch of punks showed up (possibly with a rifle - I didn't see it but my wife did) when we were pulling out a couple Fridays ago so we have not been using that ramp since<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/sad.gif" border=0> <BR> <BR>Just wondering if anyone else has run into any problems there recently (other than the docks being MIA)? I have a season pass to the Croydon ramp because it is only a few blocks from where I work (its really hard to concentrate with the boat sitting in the parking lot<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/proud.gif" border=0>) but from home Trenton saves me some time and gas (mostly in the boat) so I'd like to give Trenton another shot. <BR> <BR>I'm willing to pay a reasonable launch fee but I live in PA and Bordentown's fees for out of state are rediculous (especially since the ramp is not that good). I'm already giving up $100 for one ramp permit because of the bad deal PA made with the guy running the State built Croydon ramp.

eustace 07-16-2007 6:19 AM

Jon, IMO the $250 spent for a season pass at Bordentown is money well spent not to deal with the trash at the Trenton ramp. <BR> <BR>We had used Trenton for several years and invariably things got worse there each season. From the drug dealing OG's to waiting 45 minutes to get my boat on the trailer while some Mandrill has the ramp tied up tuning the dry stacks on his recently dusted off 1972 jet boat. <BR> <BR>WOW! I'm bitter. <BR> <BR> <BR>– Oh! I forgot to mention that yesterday Anthony had a couple long runs behind the boat; he even finished the last set off with the Robot! I'm not sure who is more stoked Ant, or Annette and I.

jim_b 07-16-2007 7:36 AM

Way to go Ant!<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/proud.gif" border=0>

chrisnj 07-16-2007 10:06 AM

What about the next one down from b-town, flanders i think, right? Never been on the dock/land portion, but it looks nice from the water and I believe Jim or Dave said it was a little less expensive than btown?

jim_b 07-16-2007 12:10 PM

I think Chris means Florence. LOL flanders <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/rofl.gif" border=0>

jckamp00 07-16-2007 12:35 PM

what up everyone! im back! just seein when everyone is goin out next?

chrisnj 07-16-2007 3:09 PM

<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/476262.jpg" alt="Upload"> <BR> <BR>Flanders, florence... whatever Jim, lol <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/rofl.gif" border=0>

njskier 07-16-2007 3:11 PM

Jon D, Florence ramp is $500/year for you out-of-staters. You could try Burlington ramp or Curtins Wharf right next to Burlington. I believe Curtins is $75/year no matter what state you're from. I've used both ramps many times when I had my 30' Formula. FYI, you can see those ramps to your left as you come across the Burlington-Bristol bridge. <BR> <BR>Eustace........Mandrill, that's some funny chit! <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/biggrin.gif" border=0>

njladydriver 07-16-2007 5:58 PM

Jim, no problom Saturday. I was happy to drive you guys. You wouldn't have been able to board otherwise, and it was great watching you ride wake to wake getting big air. Your riding has much improved! Besides, Alex had the boat full anyway and Rob, RedBull Keith's friend has a 2006 SAN so he let him drive while I was with you guys. What a rider huh? <BR>It was great mid-day stopping and having lunch all the boats tied up with everyone. I love that! <BR> <BR>JOHAN!! Welcome back...hope Cali was good to you.

wakescene 07-17-2007 8:06 PM

Holy Smokes a Ned needley-ned Flanders pic....NICE! <BR> <BR>Sooooo I haven't posted much lately, just chillin and watchin things happen. Glad to see so much activity on the Deleware...people enjoying the water, warm weather and friendships, that is what this is all about! <BR> <BR><b>Wakefest</b> <BR>Wakefest was killer! Everything about it was amazing. I was glad to see Ronn and Dorthey on a better basis than the last time we met!<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" border=0> I really need to thank Brian(eustace) for the cooking. Justin and Micah for their help and most importantly Karen for all her help. These people really put out the effort to help make the food concession a success and I simply could not have done it without them! We have a little extra for the lake trip too! <BR> <BR>I think Alex did an amazing job putting all the details together to make this event great. You deserve a standing ovation for your efforts. It was great to see Alex mingling and relaxing knowing that all was taken care of and he could schmooze with those that he had brought together. <BR> <BR>JB was on fire on the mic and his style really helped keep the energy up and flowing all day long! The note about announcing thru bridge-abutments was classic, but were all pretty confident Brett landed the trick! LOL <BR> <BR><b>On the wakeboard front...</b> <BR>Karen, Doug and I have for the most part just been riding in Avalon the past few weekends. Sat morning's seem to be best with glass from sun-up to about 10am. Then the natives get restless and we head home, take naps and enjoy Doug's margatita's during the sunset. This past weekend JB, Karen, Doug, Doug's dad and I hit the horseshoe at 7:30am and literally had glass on every run till 10:15...but by 10:30 there were 7 other boats in the channel and we called it a day. Sunday though Justin and Michele joined us and we had a great morning which ended with JB and Justin riding doubles and JB doing raley's over Justin! Was a fun site to see and people in the horseshoe were actually stopping to watch the show. We even did doubles Double-ups which is always a lot of fun to drive in the horseshoe! <BR> <BR>I'm pretty sure I'll see a bunch of you this weekend on the deleware! <BR> <BR>l8r, <BR>KG <BR> <BR>Here is my favorite pic from Wakefest! <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/476933.jpg" alt="Upload"> <BR>Here is a pic from Sunday... <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/476934.jpg" alt="Upload">

jckamp00 07-17-2007 9:31 PM

hey doreen! cali was great! i dont no how it couldnt be, it was so nice just to relax and chill with the fam! oh and do a lil boardin as well. with that said its also nice to come back and hang with my new friends here in jersey! sweet pics KG!

nj_alex 07-17-2007 9:32 PM

Oh yeah. KG with the power post! <BR> <BR>I kind of like that "thumbs up" picture. Too bad I wasn't practicing a little better posture. <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/lol.gif" border=0> <BR> <BR>Speaking of Wakefest, I've finally begun updating <a href="http://www.njwakefest.com" target="_blank">www.njwakefest.com</a> <BR>I still have quite a bit of work to do, but the process has begun. If anyone has pictures they want posted, <BR>get them to me. <BR> <BR>Double-ups in The Horse Shoe?? I can't even imagine how. <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/uhoh.gif" border=0> Justin's body language tells <BR>me he's taking preventive measures not to get clothes lined. <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/lol.gif" border=0> <BR> <BR>It should be a big day at Bordentown this Saturday. We're going to be getting there early, riding hard <BR>all morning, taking it easy around midday, go for final sets in the afternoon (maybe wakesurf if Eustace <BR>get his tow rope reconfigured!), and then pull-out around 5:30/6:00pm for an evening barbecue. This will <BR>be our first post-riding Q &amp; Chew of the year and I'm sure it will be good. Don't forget your cigars!

jckamp00 07-17-2007 9:53 PM

hey alex you got room for sat.?

wakecis 07-18-2007 5:48 AM

Hey everybody. i've been laying low myself, and getting some of the am shore riding. nice to know while i was up at 7:00 am in margate, everybody else was scoring the butter in avalon. here's a pic from last saturday, 3 hrs of sleep, i/o with a skylon, unweighted. <BR> <BR>ps. what are plans for the tournament next weekend. people heading out....i'll be at the shore if anybody wants to ride there.... <BR> <BR> <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/477196.jpg" alt="Upload">

jim_b 07-18-2007 10:22 AM

KG and Charles, Great pictures. <BR> <BR>If the weather will let me I'm thinking about launching at Bordentown late afternoon tomorrow if anyone wants to ride let me know. I will need someone with a boat safety cert. to make this happen so I can get a pull. Or if I have a driver and a crew I could go early morning instead. Anyone want to ride just post up or shoot me an email. I'll keep checking both through out the day.

njskier 07-18-2007 1:13 PM

Nice pics KG and Charles! I knew it was only a matter of time until someone rode doubles with JB, and not on a tube either! <BR> <BR>We'll be out sat. morning as well, so if anyone needs a pull give me a holler. <BR> <BR>Charles, we'll be at the wake contest next saturday with cooler &amp; beach chair in tow. Should be a good time. Who's entering? KG? Charles? Connor?

njskier 07-18-2007 3:34 PM

Alex, nice pics on <a href="http://www.njwakefest.com" target="_blank">www.njwakefest.com</a> <BR> <BR>So far I prefer this one best <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/65919/477495.jpg" alt="Upload">

michelelef 07-18-2007 4:30 PM

Alex, Nice updates on the site!! <BR> <BR>We had such a great weekend of boarding (great referring to hanging with friends, my skills left much to be desired-lol). Saturday on the Moomba with Brian and Annette was fun (as always) and watching Anthony get up and ride was soooo cool. Then hooking up with Alex and Doreen, George and Denise, and Jim was a nice way to spend the afternoon. Thanks again Kevin and Karen for Sunday. Although the drive to Avalon after a bachelorette party Saturday night was rough, it was worth it. It was quite the show to watch Justin and JB do doubles with those crazy tubers circling us. YIKES!! <BR> <BR>Can't wait to see everyone Saturday. Should be an awesome day!!

jond 07-18-2007 7:52 PM

Thanks for the launch suggestions, being from the PA side I'll probably just stick with Croydon for now. <BR> <BR>I'll probably be on the river on Friday afternoon and Saturday. I think I've figured out who a few of the boats belong to from pics on this site.- I finally posted a pic of mine in my profile.

jckamp00 07-19-2007 2:31 AM

hey i forgot when that tournament was? i need the info?!

nj_alex 07-19-2007 4:45 AM

Johan: Click this link for info on next weekend's event <a href="http://www.alliancewake.com/brown_trout_details.php?id=3038" target="_blank">http://www.alliancewake.com/brown_trout_details.php?id=3038</a> <BR>I talked to Craig the other day and asked him if there's anything he needs me to do, but he pretty much <BR>said "Just be there." <BR> <BR>Thanks for positive reviews of the njwakefest.com, but I have a TON more pictures to post, <BR>plus I have spruce-up the home page. I got the Atlantic City press article posted, but it requires <BR>a double click.

lfboarder94 07-19-2007 5:15 AM

Hey guys, i just found a rail/slider right near ocean city, does any body know who owns it, do u think they would mind if i used it

jim_b 07-19-2007 5:59 AM

Jon D, don't be a stranger. If you see us on the water stop by and say hi. <BR> <BR>Alex, can you email me a group picture from this year? The one on the site is to small to see.

wakescene 07-19-2007 6:36 AM

Hey everyone check this out! <BR> <BR><a href="http://www.liquidaction.org/" target="_blank">http://www.liquidaction.org/</a>

gpalovcak 07-19-2007 10:03 AM

No event details yet?? I would like more infor on classes like ages, girls boys.

nj_alex 07-19-2007 10:53 AM

Girls <BR>Wakeskate <BR>Beginner <BR>Intermiadiate <BR>Advanced <BR>Outlaw

njladydriver 07-19-2007 11:52 AM

Is anyone a member of the WWA?

nj_alex 07-19-2007 12:10 PM

The guy at WWA (I forget his name right now)contacted me about sanctioning Wakefest, but being that <BR>Wakefest is a festival gathering and not a competition we were unable to strike a deal.

wakescene 07-19-2007 3:04 PM

I have an email going out tonight about the SOS Invitational!

dmayer84 07-19-2007 7:04 PM

Is anyone goin out sunday?

nj_alex 07-19-2007 9:32 PM

Johan, check your email. The Super Air is going to be pretty full, but we might be able to shoe horn you in. <BR> <BR>I need to replace the tires on my old trailer. They are four-lug and the only markings I can find on them <BR>say 6.50-13 ST and the brand is Armstrong. A brief internet search didn't yield anything that said 6.50-13 <BR>Any ideas anyone?

njskier 07-20-2007 5:39 AM

Alex, your new tire size is B78-13, or also 175/80-13. <BR> <BR>I called my tire supplier (champion tire) and he has Carlisle 6-ply tires in stock for $61 each. <BR> <BR>They're located in Ringoes, just 10 mins. north of my house. Let me know if I can help you out.

liquid_action 07-20-2007 5:49 AM

Hey Jersey Riders, <BR>I have been meaning to get on this page to post some info on the upcoming competition in Lavallette on the 28th of July. I've been mad busy getting everything together but I see Kevin and Alex are doing great job getting the word out. <BR> <BR>I have lived in Jersey my whole life, and have been riding here for the last eight years or so. I go to school down at Virginia Tech and have been active with the wakeboard club there. In light of everything that happened on the 16th of April, I wanted to hold an event to raise money in memory of my fellow Hokies that lost their lives that day. After meeting with Craig at Surf &amp; Offshore we decided to hold this competition. All the net proceeds from the day are going to the Hokie Spirit Memorial Fund. So help me get the word out and bring everyone you know down to the beach to ride. <BR> <BR>We are setting it up so that there is day of rider registration. Registration starts at 8am. Because we are doing all day of registration we do not have a count of how many riders will be there, so please get there early so we can let everyone ride. Registration cost is $35 which gets you riding, an event t-shirt, and free lunch. <BR> <BR>We have tons of sponsors already and just became an official stop on Hyperlite's HyperTour. Jeff Aitken from Hyperlite is coming with his brand new Nautique to tow the comp. The amount of stuff donated to raffle off is just insane, so make sure you buy tickets. <BR> <BR>Here is our Class List <BR>Ladies (any age) <BR>Grom (14 and under) <BR>Novice (any age; no inverts allowed) <BR>Intermediate (1 invert allowed) <BR>Advanced (up to 5 inverts) <BR>Outlaws (no limits) <BR>Wakeskating (any age) <BR>...and if we have some time left over <BR>Wakesurfing (any age) <BR> <BR>This is going to be a real chill, laid back competition. Come, ride, compete, but make sure you have a good time and meet local Jersey riders. <BR> <BR>Rough Timeline <BR>8am Rider Registration <BR>9am Riding Starts <BR>1pm Bikini Contest($350 purse... let girls know!) <BR>Food All Day <BR>Raffles All Day <BR>Music All Day <BR> <BR>If anyone has any questions feel free to shoot me an email at <a href="mailto:liquidaction@gmail.com">liquidaction@ gmail.com</a>. <BR>Our website is <a href="http://www.LiquidAction.org" target="_blank">www.LiquidAction.org</a> <BR>-we are working on getting even more information on it <BR>If you have any other questions you can give me a call at 732-995-8600 <BR> <BR>Hope to see everyone out riding the 28th, <BR> <BR>Jason

michelelef 07-20-2007 6:10 AM

Jason, <BR>Sounds like an awesome day for a great cause. I am sure that you will have a great turn-out from our Jersey crew. I know I can't wait!! <BR> <BR>I wanted to say a big THANK YOU to Jim for last night's riding. It was an amazing night out on the water and then the Chickie and Pete's run that followed was delicious. My girlfriend Candice and I traded happy hour for it and were so glad we did. After the 15 minute hurricane (which poor Candice toughed out), the water was just butter. I don't think I've ever seen the river like that in the 15 years I've been going there. Johan, it was great to see you ride and nice to meet your friends. <BR> <BR>See you all on Saturday!!

eustace 07-20-2007 6:24 AM

Alex, you can give these guys a try: <BR> <BR><a href="http://shop.easternmarine.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=catalog.catalog&amp;categoryI D=163" target="_blank">http://shop.easternmarine.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=catalog.catalog&amp;categoryI D=163</a> <BR> <BR><a href="http://shop.easternmarine.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=catalog.catalog&amp;categoryI D=158" target="_blank">http://shop.easternmarine.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=catalog.catalog&amp;categoryI D=158</a> <BR> <BR> <BR>See you all on Saturday! And I did modify the surf rope <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/proud.gif" border=0>

jim_b 07-20-2007 10:33 AM

Like Michele said last nights riding conditions were awesome. After a quick typhoon which Candice rode out like a champ, the conditions were incredible.After we dropped off Johan and the other 2 girls <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/rofl.gif" border=0> We went back out and had a good time until we ran out of light.Michele , I'm glad you and Candice came out and had fun. And the Chickie and Pete's topped a good night off. <BR> <BR>I went back to SOS on Wed. and Craig traded me out again. This time he gave me a Hyperlite Era 147 with CWB Vapor hinge techs. I rode that setup last night and I am very happy with the new setup.Craig takes very good care of his customers.Thank you Craig for all you help. <BR> <BR>I'm going back to work all of this and next weekend, so I'll be looking for some more mid week riding. See everyone soon. Have a great weekend on the river.

jckamp00 07-20-2007 4:51 PM

jim yesterday was a awesome day to get a pull since i got back! i had the best set of my life! back to back inverts than almost pullin that 3, damn that handle pass! would of been awesome to hit that flat butter but ryan needed to get his rabbis shot! and tom was bein a lil girl! next time im stayin!

chrisnj 07-20-2007 8:40 PM

ah, i'm still jealous from missing out on that session!!! Glad to hear you guys had great conditions though. Jim, I'm totally up for a mid week ride next week. I think my only day I might have stuff going on is Thurs., but gotta double check. And it looks like I have off on the 28th to head down the shore for the comp and hang out for a while. When and where is everyone meetin up? just at the location?

jckamp00 07-22-2007 11:00 PM

im with chris anyone plannin on a mid week ride im down got a new board wana try it out, chris i think everyone is just meeting at the comp. thats what ive heard.

jckamp00 07-23-2007 4:04 AM

thought bout joinin the comp this weekend but i wasnt sure if we had to have a helmet or not? anyone no? and will a comp vest work or do i need a coast gaurd approved one?

njskier 07-23-2007 7:41 AM

Jim, let me know if you're hitting the river one night this week, I should be able to go. <BR> <BR>Johan, I'll have my helmet with me, but I don't think it's required unless you're hitting the slider. I'll have my CGA vest also. <BR> <BR>Roll call.........who's going to the SOS comp this saturday? My family and I will be there.

liquid_action 07-23-2007 8:01 PM

Hey Guys, <BR> <BR>We are not requiring a helmet to ride because there are no sliders. We prefer a coast guard approved vest but it is not required. The set up is 2 passes 2 falls and if you want, a double up. On the second fall the chase boat will come to pick you up. Registration starts at 8am and riding will start at 9am. The website is up at <a href="http://www.liquidaction.org" target="_blank">www.liquidaction.org</a> with all the information. If you have any other questions feel free to email me at <a href="mailto:liquidaction@gmail.com">liquidaction@ gmail.com</a>. <BR> <BR>Jay

jckamp00 07-23-2007 9:39 PM


jckamp00 07-23-2007 10:57 PM

so im sittin here at work filling out the registration form for the comp then i realize you gotta be a WWA member, so no biggy? i got to the WWA website and i find out it takes 14 days to get your membership so that BLOWS!!!! but ill still b there!

michelelef 07-24-2007 6:21 AM

Johan, I don't think anyone realized that you have to be a WWA member. So there may be a lot of us that wanted to compete sitting back and watching. <BR> <BR>Candice and I can't wait to get on the water Thursday night Jim!

wakecis 07-24-2007 6:38 AM

hey jim, you heading out thursday evening? got room for an extra rider? <BR> <BR> <BR>as for the event - anybody who wants to ride should be able to join the wwa (1 day membership) the day of the event. (i believe)

chrisnj 07-24-2007 8:31 AM

I would think that if you register for the wwa you could at least get a membership # or reference # right away that you could use, no? I dunno.... I guess its a good thing Im pretty bad so I dont have to worry about things like this haha <BR><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/biggrin.gif" border=0> <BR> <BR>Definitely looking forward to Thurs too <IMG SRC="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0>

summerryder 07-24-2007 10:51 AM

Yo Jersey riders! <BR>I can't believe in less than a month we're all going to another wake event here in Jersey. Pretty cool. <BR>I'm in for sure and I think the whole family will be in Lavalette as well. <BR>And not to rehash, but riding doubles with Justin last week was sooo much fun! <BR>Looking forward to seeing everyone this weekend. <BR>And Jeff Z, I've got a wager for you this weekend!

wakescene 07-24-2007 10:56 AM

Somehow I didn't realized the WWA membership requirement either...hmmm something ain't quite right here. <BR> <BR>I'll try to get some clarification on this today!

summerryder 07-24-2007 10:56 AM

And I hope everyone still rides this weekend regardless of the WWA membership fees. In the world of contests, Craig and his crew HAVE to have insurance and the WWA insurance is the most reasonable thing going. Don't let an additional $10 steer you away. Have fun riding in the division best for you and come away with a great expereince!

njladydriver 07-24-2007 11:29 AM

I just spoke to Jason. If you are not a WWA member or a member of the USA Waterski Assn., there will be a $10.00 insurance fee for the day. <BR>You will still be able to enter the comp. paying the 1 day fee.

liquid_action 07-24-2007 11:57 AM

Hey guys, just to clarify... If you are either a WWA or USA Waterski Member then your insurance is covered for the day. If not, there is a $10 fee to cover the insurance through USA Waterski. I checked out other competition prices around the on the East Coast and even with the insurance we are less than most. This is looking to be a big event, I hope to see as many Jersey riders out there as possible. <BR> <BR>Also I will have our lodging information updated tonight on our website @ <a href="http://www.Liquidaction.org" target="_blank">www.Liquidaction.org</a> <BR> <BR>Thanks <BR>Jay

michelelef 07-24-2007 12:12 PM

Ah, I see. Thanks for the clarification guys!! <BR> <BR>We had a great time Saturday at the Q and Chew. It was so much fun riding with everyone and then grilling and all afterwards was awesome. Although after Friday's events I was a bit unprepared, like Alex said when you're among family it's no worries. Thanks for your constant hospitality guys!! <BR> <BR> Just an update on Justin's dislocated/bruised ribs for all those concerned. He seems to be doing much better. He went into work and has not been in as much pain. He will be on the boats again this week (driving when needed) and at the competition, just not riding obviously. I know that he's been busy and hasn't had time to post anything. Figured I'd fill you in.

jckamp00 07-24-2007 2:24 PM

sweet then count me in for comp. even if i get whopped at least i tried, right?

njskier 07-24-2007 6:06 PM

Jason, thanks for the clarification. This should be a great event. <BR> <BR>Johan, you're too modest. Yuuz gots mad skills, yo! <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/proud.gif" border=0> <BR> <BR>(Message edited by njskier on July 24, 2007)

wakemarksbro 07-24-2007 7:44 PM

Hello to all of the NJ crew from Mark Johnson's brother. I hope all is well out there. We are riding just about every day up here in Wisconsin. Our chain of lakes was a little slow to warm up to wakeboarding, but now all of a sudden there are towers everywhere and alot of irritated oldsters who never had to tie up the pontoon boats so carefully. Mark and I were really the first to wakeboard around here (and Mark was the first to do it well). It sounds like you have a great bunch of riders out there...I love the fact that you stay connected all year. Well, I am rambling.......Have a great summer! Keep in touch.

jim_b 07-24-2007 8:20 PM

Justin, Feel better bro.

wakescene 07-24-2007 8:36 PM

Hey Lindley, <BR>This is so coincidence, I was thinking about mark on the way home from work today. We had a conversation at Alex's one night about tomato's being a fruit not a vegetable...was hysterical! It's amazing when you realize the impact he had on many of us. He is sorely missed.

jckamp00 07-25-2007 1:04 AM


jckamp00 07-25-2007 5:06 PM

hey dave you gona go out at all b4 the comp? if you do and got a open spot can i join ya?

njskier 07-25-2007 5:31 PM

Johan, unfortunately I have a full boat for friday riding.......sorry about that. <BR> <BR>I may hit the river on sunday though if anyone wants a pull.

wakeme2q 07-25-2007 5:33 PM

My boat finally arrived in NJ. Anyone interested in a pull early Sat and Sun morning...start at 6 AM?

jckamp00 07-25-2007 6:18 PM

thats kewl dave guess i just waited to long this time, guess ill see everyone sat!!!

nj_alex 07-25-2007 7:26 PM

Greetings all: Originally I had to work this Saturday and miss the Lavallette event, but I wiggled things <BR>around a bit and I managed to free this Saturday up. Thus, Doreen, Connor and I WILL be in Lavallette this <BR>Saturday! Connor's definitely entering the event but I'm vacilating. It's not like I have a competition run <BR>ready or anything. I'll probably decided one way or the other once I see the scoring structure. <BR> <BR>Ryan, I was considering towing to Bordentown for a 6:00am pre Lavallette sesh, but I eventually figured I <BR>wouldn't have enough time at Bordentown for the tow to be worth it. Are you going to try to do both? <BR> <BR>It's good to see you posting Lindley. I look at Mark's "New Jersey" wakeboard often, and that always brings <BR>memories of Mark to mind. Doreen and I SO wish he was still with us. We hope you and Jackie are doing well.

nj_alex 07-25-2007 9:24 PM

Oh...one more thing. I uploaded another 40 or 50 pictures onto njwakefest.com. (still just the tip of <BR>the iceburg). There are three different group shots, and I have it set so those three pictures come-up as <BR>fullsize when you click on them so you can view them clearly. You have to scroll around to see the entirety <BR>of each picture, but it's worth it. You'll see. <BR> <BR>(Message edited by nj_alex on July 25, 2007)

gpalovcak 07-26-2007 2:37 PM

We are going out Friday morning for a little. Maybe we will see you out there Dave. As far as Saturday I am going to spectate. Katrina is going to compete.

wakeme2q 07-26-2007 6:00 PM

I want to do both, which means I probably will miss the start of the comp...but a few pulls before would make it all good!

jeffcanary62 07-26-2007 7:09 PM

Anyone looking to ride after the comp? Gonna be down there all day an I guess it should be done around 5, plenty of riding time. I'm gonna be judging, as of now, so i may not even ride so I would be pretty bummed traveling down to NJ and not riding.

wakescene 07-26-2007 7:44 PM

Jeff, <BR>Did you smoke cigars with us out by the pool at the hotel after Wakefest?

nj_alex 07-26-2007 7:53 PM

Hey Jeff G: Most weekends I could probably squeeze you onto the boat and offer you a pull, but right <BR>after the comp this Saturday a group of us are heading-over to a nearby "famous" New Jersey boardwalk <BR>called Sleaze Side, uhhh...I mean Seaside, for some arcade games of chance, cheap beer and giant slices <BR>of pizza at The Sawmill, and possibly onto the pier for some rides that may very well bring the cheap beer <BR>and giant slices of pizza right back up. Sunday morning's a possibility if you're still in town, but at <BR>this point the weekend weather is looking kind of ify. See you Saturday! We'll chat.

jeffcanary62 07-27-2007 10:26 AM

KG- Nope that wasn't me, wish it was. I was still down in VA and had to miss Wakefest. <BR> <BR>Alex-sleaze side, sounds classy.yea i will probably be around Sunday morning, so if you do ride i would defiantly like to get a pull in. <BR> <BR>I may actually be down in Jersey tonight, is anyone riding that can give me a pull? Shoot me an email <a href="mailto:goldblum@vt.edu">goldblum@vt.edu</a> or give me a call 631 662 6260. ill be checking it all day.

wakeme2q 07-27-2007 1:34 PM

Looks like I am going to the comp on Saturday instead of boarding...anyone intersted in a pull on Sunday AM?

jim_b 07-28-2007 12:29 PM

This page is made for POPS LEFS. I know he can win this.<a href="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/1/481720.html?1185631105" target="_blank">http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/messages/1/481720.html?1185631105</a> <BR> <BR>Well Thursday night was another good time on good water with great people until it was dark. Glad to see Justin is feeling a bit better. Chris pulled off a bunch of surface 360's and Candice's hair looked perfect <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/proud.gif" border=0> Michele rode well as always and Ken almost caught some sun chips. Next time I'm bringing marshmellows. We will do it again soon.

njskier 07-28-2007 4:59 PM

Hitting the river sunday morning at 8am with Kyle and Ryan W. Any others want to join us? <BR> <BR>Call my cell <BR> <BR>(Message edited by njskier on July 28, 2007)

chrisnj 07-28-2007 9:34 PM

ahhh, i wish i saw your post sooner dave. Maybe I'll give you a buzz in the am and see how long you'll be out? I need to crash right now though. Too much celebratory drinking going on, lol.... <BR> <BR>Jim, make sure you mount the vanity mirror for candice, lol! You know she'll appreciate it! I'll see what I can do about getting an avon rep setup at the b-town ramp for her as well ;) <BR>And of course... the marshmellows will be in full effect next time :D

chrisnj 07-29-2007 8:17 AM

oh, and any comp. updates from sat??

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